About ManagerZone
Get your tactical hat on with this fantastic online manager game. If you love football and ever wondered if you could make it as a manager, ManagerZone will show you just that. Launched in 2001 we are one of the oldest web based manager MMO's, with a massive audience that covers every corner of the world. This football simulator is as casual or hardcore as you want to make it: play ten minutes a day or ten hours, the choice is yours.

Become a manager
Enter the world of a football team manager. You must make decisions on economy, player drafting and training. Create eye-catching branding that makes your team stand out, build a home stadium with clinics, restaurants, souvenir shops and much more. Always remember: you answer to the staff and the board, but ultimately to the fans of your football club. It is a tough job but the rewards make it all worth it.

Get involved
As a soccer manager in a multiplayer environment, reaching out to other managers could make or break your club. Take part in federations and catch up with the latest gossip in our designated online newspaper The Zone, created in full by other managers. Vote in national coach elections and when you are experienced enough, nominate yourself for the position.
While it is important to know your friends, it is just as important to know your rivals. Watch games to analyze your competition and study their strengths and weaknesses. Plan carefully and never stop learning.
Simply the best football manager game on the web, ManagerZone will challenge you for years. You can play ManagerZone in your desktop browser or on your mobile device. Our friendly community of managers will welcome you with open arms, so join up!