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29-04-2024 03:52
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 28
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Hockey » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Manager who buys CM should be CM in both sports

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I was really disappointed when I found out that when I bought CM, I thought that I would become CM in both sports, I´m ONE person, ONE manager, hence if I become Club Member, I should me a Member no matter which sport.
I believe this is one of the reasons why there are so few Managers in Hockey.

I bet that if this was different many more of the people who are CM in football but who would be willing to play hockey but not "commit to paying again" would end up playing hockey too.

You know, hey, "I´m a Club Member, I payed because of Football, but so I acquired the rights to Hockey CM too, so why the heck will I not enjoy it also!!" this thought would cross many people´s heads.

For instance I bought 115 PT, and thoght, ok, I buy 3 months CM (at the end of the 3 months I intend to buy a year) thats 65 and then I enter the youth qualification Cups in Football and Hockey... 25PT each

Total: 115PT and a REALLY HAPPY and sattisfied custommer!!

but then, surprise, surprise, I do that in football and when I switch to my hockey page: NOT CM... and national Youth cup for 40PT

Very disappointed!!!
and sort of discouraged, gave up on the hockey youth cup...
and will be dedicating myself much more to the football team where I´m CM.

I disagree to pay CM twice and if I have to choose, its Football...
Hence one less hockey manager (I will still play, but not as dedicated as I would otherwise)
I believe many people think like this,

just a thought, this could be one of those things that makes a big difference in the game, specially because, Hockey really does need a "pick me up"
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Sv: Manager who buys CM should be CM in both sports

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Maybe they should do a like %off if you buy membership like 1 year at a time, the hockey is included for a 10% extra fee or so, why not encourage members as you say. But for me its different, i only play hockey, and just maintain the soccer team once in a while, i Love the Hockey side of MZ, its sux to bad all development are put in the football.

There are 100 other football manager games online but maybe a few hockey, and MZ is so awesome for it, but could be better though.
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