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Hi, Can someone tell me where I can find more information about what affects a players form and how to improve it?

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Re: Form

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Link to the manual.

However, it's not greatly detailed so I'll explain it here.

Firstly, I'd argue form is poorly named, it's not effected by the amount of goals a striker scores in a run of games or how well or poor he's playing, such as what you'd expect in real life form. Form would, in my opinion, be better named match fitness, as it's essentially how it's effected. If he plays too many games he becomes tired, if he doesn't play enough he hasn't got the match fitness, it's all about balancing.

So what matches effect form? Well the vast majority of them do, however there's only one match type you really need to worry about and that's friendlies. League you need to take into consideration but slightly less. Both can effect a players form both positively and negatively. Other match types, such as friendly league, cups, etc. only effect a players form positively and therefore your players can never over play them match types, but the player will maintain 9 form by doing so provided they get enough. Seeing as you have club membership I assume you play cup matches so these will effect a players form positively only.

Friendlies and league matches effect a player both positively and negatively, that being that you can play too many. Here's how the effect works...

League (Senior, Uxx) only the first 2 matches count. So say you have an 18 year old who's good enough to play U18, U21, U23 and the world leagues, he may end up playing over 8+ league games each week. However only the first two, regardless of type will effect form so you need to take this into consideration.

Friendly. All friendly matches effect form, there's no limit. You can play up to 10 friendly matches each week, over playing them means negative effect.

So if we ignore all the other match types for a minute and just focus on league and friendlies, this is how to maintain perfect stamina.

The first team - Should play 2 league matches and 4 friendlies each week.

The reserve team - should play 6 friendlies each week.

In following the above simple rule you should maintain 9 form no problem. Now if your players have less than 9 form you can play more friendlies to boost it up towards 9 quicker as simply following the above with 0 form players who need match time will take a few weeks. You can play the 2 leagues and 10 friendlies on a 0 form under played player. With a 0 form over played you should play no league or friendlies in that week, but if the player is vital then play him in the league only.

So it's really as simple as that, 2 league (Remember only the first 2 league games effect that player anyway, more than 2 won't effect him, it'll only count as 2 matches) and 4 friendlies or 6 friendlies only.

What about the other match types? Well, they only effect form positively, so you can play the friendlies and league games for that player with no negative impact. You can also play those match types instead of the friendlies, so it's really up to you. Ideally you need 4 friendlies a week to get the extra income anyway, it maybe only a small amount, but if you stick around for 5 or 10 years, 2 weekly friendly income adds up to a massive amount, that's 104 matches of income you're throwing away, it may only be $10,000 - $20,000 a week, but that's $1,000,000 to $2,000,000+ a year you'd throw away.

Also, be aware substitutes also get the form effect, even if they don't actually get on the field! So one match can effect up to 16 players!

So in summary.

Play 2 league games and 4 friendlies a week to maintain 9 form.
Play 6 friendlies a week to maintain 9 form for non 1st team players.
Substitutes gain and lose form the same as the starting 11 regardless if they play or not.
Only 2 league matches, regardless of type, count each week for a player.
Friendly league, Cups, challenges, and all other match types only effect form positively.
You can play the other match types along side friendlies and leagues - or instead of if you choose to.

So it's as simple as that really. I know there's a bit of detail there so if there's anything I haven't explained well enough, you're not sure of or you need to ask any further questions I'll be happy to answer =)


Re: Form

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thank you matttombstone

Re: Form

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Good job Matt, your post should be a sticky.

Nothing funny here to say, so move along.

Re: Form

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Thank you Matt again for all your help...

I boosted my 1st team and some reserves to 7 balls with the package, but all y other players are in 0.... What can I do? I believe I have to seat them for a couple of weeks with out playing? don't know... if you can help


Re: Form

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another question is when the week starts? please let me know if im wrong, every tuesday form gets updated? so I should count the friendly matches starting on a tuesday so it gets updated for the next tuesdat?


Re: Form

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correct - for North America is Tuesday-Monday

Re: Form

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tetejuly wrote:
Thank you Matt again for all your help...

I boosted my 1st team and some reserves to 7 balls with the package, but all y other players are in 0.... What can I do? I believe I have to seat them for a couple of weeks with out playing? don't know... if you can help


It depends on their current condition. On their player profile they will have a status, it'll be a picture of a dumbbell or a person sleeping in a bed. When you hover over them it'll also say "underplayed" or "overplayed". Depending which status these 0 form players have you do one of two things.

Underplayed you play them in 10 friendlies and put them on the bench for the league matches for the week, that should see them gain a considerable amount of form.

Over played you remove them from any form of friendly or league match, including removing them from the bench. The best bet would be to just simply remove them from any tactic to prevent them being played accidentally.

Of course, your first team should be your most important consideration, so always focus on their form first, after all they are your league players. The next priority should be those that are very close to breaking into the match day team. Reserves and youths take the least importance unless you're more interested or equally as interested in the Uxx league and cups.

Re: Form

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I played 6 friendlies as there is no league matches. I don't play in world league, so why some of my players went down to form 8? Doesn't make sense, is friendly league counting as league matches?

Uuesti: Form

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Hey all,

What is better: player fit 7,(pleased) or player fit 6 (want to play)?

Re: Form

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
is friendly league counting as league matches?

No. It's only apply to friendly matches and your domestic league only.

peal66k wrote:
Hey all,
What is better: player fit 7,(pleased) or player fit 6 (want to play)?

The higher the form, the better the player will perform in a match.

Re: Form

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I play 4 friendlies and 2 league games for my first team (plus world) and 4 friendlies for my u18. I have no u18 players in my first team. But my form drops to 7 and 8s and some even to 6s (tired)
I have no 9s in my team anymore as it seems to get worse each Tuesday..
could the game be counting my u18 games against my first time in a glitch?? Anyone else stay quite strict to the game numbers but see a decrease in form??
Thanks a lot

Re: Form

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Your bench players are accredited with having played regardless whether they take the field or not. You don't have any players on the bench in both U18 and Seniors leading them to drop balls?

Re: Form

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If the players are tired you should avoid playing in any friendlies, until form restores to match fit.
Just the minimum required.

Re: Form

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Nope no u18 players on the bench for main team. Or visa Versa. And yes I remove tired players from the squad.
It's my 9s going to 8s and 8s to 7s when playing the correct amount of games
So it's strange.

Re: Form

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When you say 4 you mean 4 matches...or 4 doubles?

For the week of 9/19 thru 9/25 it shows you played a total of 10 friendly matches...if you divide it between senior and U18...that is 5 friendly matches for each team.
Edited: 28-09-2017 01:03
Total edits: 1

Re: Form

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A form week runs from Tues-Mon. Not Monday- Sunday.

This may also be contributing to that.

Example of how I play my friendlies each week to maintain form.

Tuesday: (2 Friendlies 1 senior 1 youth)
Wednesday: League game
Thursday: (2 Friendlies 1 senior 1 youth)
Friday: (2 Friendlies 1 senior 1 youth)
Saturday: (2 Friendlies 1 senior 1 youth)
Sunday: League game
Monday: Rest day, no friendlies.

2 League games + 4 senior team friendlies and 4 youth team friendlies

Re: Form

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I don't have an issue with my teams form 9.4 I was trying to explain how form works/answer his question, lol.

Re: Form

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your youth are missing 2 friendlies

are you sure they're not playing any more games (ie FL/CUP/world etc)?

a player needs 6 games per form cycle to stay up to 9@ form

Re: Form

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apologies for the spelling error

Re: Form

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Yeh I play in World League and Cups as a CM too. Sorry I didn't state them.

I'll clarify again though, my side doesn't have a problem with form, I was only trying to suggest things why the original poster (ajh090984) was dropping form.

Re: Form

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Oops! I screwed up on that I deleted my worthless post.

Re: Form

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Thanks all I'll take another look but I always look to play tue and thu (senior doubles) and fri, sat (u18 doubles) I am aware Tue is the new week but I'll check if dowo is correct (ie 5 per team)
My u18s are all at 9 and have been for ages so clearly there matches r correct... I don't suppose age makes a difference with form? I do have lots of old deteroiting players....

Re: Form

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matttombstone wrote:

The first team - Should play 2 league matches and 4 friendlies each week.

The reserve team - should play 6 friendlies each week.

Friendlies and league matches effect a player both positively and negatively

So in summary.

Play 2 league games and 4 friendlies a week to maintain 9 form.
Play 6 friendlies a week to maintain 9 form for non 1st team players.

Substitutes gain and lose form the same as the starting 11 regardless if they play or not.
also, every other match type that you pay for (ie. world league/FLs/CUPs) and season playoffs, only affect form in a positive way

and that's all you need to have in mind in order to get a permanent 9@form for your players
Edited: 30-09-2017 10:48
Total edits: 1

Re: Form

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quote got screwed up...waiting for FA to fix it (or not) :P

Re: Form

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If the player is tired with 0 form, what is the recommended number of games to go to the state to needs to play with some form?

Re: Form

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aldebaran wrote:
Play 6 friendlies a week to maintain 9 form for non 1st team players.

also, every other match type that you pay for (ie. world league/FLs/CUPs) and season playoffs, only affect form in a positive way

About world leagues I must correct you.

Manual wrote:

Form increases with the number of matches a player takes part in, whether on the pitch or on the bench. However, if a player plays too many League and Friendly matches, it will start to decrease as a result of exhaustion (other games can only positively affect Form). For more information on how to track your players’ Form, see “Icons and Buttons” in Squad.

Match typeForm influence
Senior League (including play-off matches)Yes*
Youth League (U18/U21/U23)Yes*
World LeagueYes*
Prize or Friendly CupOnly positive**
Friendly LeagueOnly positive**
Official CupOnly positive**
Challenge (National Teams, Top Team, Crew Team)Only positive**

* = The two first league matches (regardless of type) will influence the players' form.

** = A player that have the status tired will not loose form, but a player that needs to play will improve his form.

Re: Form

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when CREW gave a freebie ticket for world leagues way back, I played 2 world league seasons in a row

didn't notice any problem with my form

so.... I dunno :P

Re: Form

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that means players of main squad kept playing 2 league games + 4 friendlies + X amount of world league matches (can't remember how many of them were)

Re: Form

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aldebaran wrote:
that means players of main squad kept playing 2 league games + 4 friendlies + X amount of world league matches (can't remember how many of them were)

Yes. You are right! 2 league games(world league, U18 world league, U18/U21/U23 league)+ 4 friendlies is enough.

But you wrote that World league has only positive effect! :P

aldebaran wrote:
also, every other match type that you pay for (ie. world league/FLs/CUPs) and season playoffs, only affect form in a positive way

Re: Form

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if it had negative effect, then when my players played 2 league games + 4 friendlies + X world league games, then their form should have dropped and the "I need to watch movies and eat popcorn" icon would have popped up.

Instead they were fine, as it was their form.

what am I missing?

also, money-wise(company) and gameplay-wise, it wouldn't make much sense to pay to participate in a competition that could potentially screw up your form (yes you could forfeit the extra friendlies since they also don't bring any income, but that's not the point)

I remember asking a senior manager about the world league games, if they could mess up my form if I continued playing full friendlies. He said no and as I found out, he was correct :|

Re: Form

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This is what your missing.

* = The two first league matches (regardless of type) will influence the players' form.

Now if during the break from regular league games, you increase the number of friendlies played to compensate for the lost of league games and are playing world league then the form can be affected negatively.

Re: Form

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"Now if during the break from regular league games, you increase the number of friendlies played to compensate for the lost of league games and are playing world league then the form can be affected negatively."

now I get it :)

I played in the free world league matches for their 2 first "seasons", that means I never got affected by them in the season break.

May I suggest to change the world league games to affect form only in a positive way like all other paid competitions?

It's a paid feature and imo, it shouldn't have any negative effects

unless the code for the world league matches is a "copy/paste" situation of the main league structure/process and it simply can't be touched

Re: Form

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Let's say my whole 11 is overplayed and I have no backup. Will their form come back to good levels just playing 2 league games per week? Trying to avoid buying PT and spending money haha

Re: Form

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munts93 wrote:
Let's say my whole 11 is overplayed and I have no backup. Will their form come back to good levels just playing 2 league games per week? Trying to avoid buying PT and spending money haha

from what i know and have experienced, i dont think so. you've gotta give them some rest so that that 'overdose' of extra matches is cancelled out.

i would suggest something. recently the game got a wonderful change. u can now play a tactic with just 7 players too. so, i would recommend that u first rest ur main 4 players in the upcoming friendlies (and make the 7 others play)....when those 4 get match fit, start the same process with the next 4.

P.S. - advice based purely on my own experience. if im wrong, im sure one of the many more experienced users will correct me with their technical data.

Re: Form

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and yeah, it is time-consuming no doubt, but given your Wenger-like economic attitude ( ;) :P ) that's the best option you've got i guess.

Re: Form

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Thank you for the information on this thread,

what happened if Some Player play on 2 league games, 4 friendlies and 3 official cups in one week? Is it ok for the form of the players or it will decrease the form?

Re: Form

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bukankita wrote:
what happened if Some Player play on 2 league games, 4 friendlies and 3 official cups in one week? Is it ok for the form of the players or it will decrease the form?

Match typeForm influence
Senior League (including play-off matches)Yes*
Official CupOnly positive**

* = The two first league matches (regardless of type) will influence the players' form.

** = A player that have the status tired will not loose form, but a player that needs to play will improve his form.

Re: Form

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thank you for the informations!

Re: Form

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Thank you for the informations! [2]

Re: Form

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"The first team - Should play 2 league matches and 4 friendlies each week.

The reserve team - should play 6 friendlies each week."

I've been doing this for the past season, and my B-team is now down to 0 form.
So 6 friendlies seems to be too many.
A-team players' form is from 7 to 9.

Re: Form

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Something is a bit weird on this. My players were on "Underplayed" to "Overplayed" after playing 5 friendlies and 2 match leagues. I don't get it.

Re: Form

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5 Friendlies is too many too maintain form. Only should be playing 4.

Re: Form

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> Only should be playing 4.

But that's to keep form, right? If they were "Underplayed" I assumed you have to play more then if they would be "Match fit".

Re: Form

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What would be the best way to recover now?
Should I still play 4 friendlies+2 leagues or skip a few friendlies?

Re: Form

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Yeh I’d skip a few friendlies, don’t organise all your Friendlies as you only get income from first 2 home friendly games each week anyhow. Only play those two with your A team and it will help or better still only use your A team in league matches for the week plus FL’s and Cups if you can
Edited: 16-09-2020 11:50
Total edits: 1

Re: Form

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Yeah, I`m going with a wild guess here but I don't think the rules we think work for form are true.
I have a few players that in 10 days I`ve played 2 league matches and 2 friendlies and they're still on Overplayed.

Re: Form

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coswin wrote:
Yeah, I`m going with a wild guess here but I don't think the rules we think work for form are true.
I have a few players that in 10 days I`ve played 2 league matches and 2 friendlies and they're still on Overplayed.

If you are saying they still say overplayed when in 10 days only those matches that makes sense to me. That’s too many matches to be playing someone overplayed for them to change.

If your saying you have players that went from satisfied to overplayed after only playing 2 league matches and 2 Friendlies in 10 days that’s impossible. For that to happen you must have played them in more Friendlies

Re: Form

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I`m going to wake up this thread again.
So I'm fully on-board with this now:

The first team - Should play 2 league matches and 4 friendlies each week.
The reserve team - should play 6 friendlies each week.

I couldn't find however when the form is updated, what is a week in mz terms?
Doesn't look like Monday-Sunday. So, perhaps Saturdays since that's when the financial part is settle it?

I have a player on form 8, played the right amount of games, but I`m not sure when his form will improve.

Re: Form

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The forms gets updated on Tuesdays. So you can play friendlies until Monday to count for the week.

Re: Form

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is there a bug currently with form? I have 3 players who get more then enough games who have zero form, they are not tired but needing more games (not sure how). stupid thing is I am in multiple friendly leagues all the cups, u18 leagues yet they can not improve in form and these 3 players have played every game
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