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27-04-2024 02:00
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 26
Online: 7 571


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Manager/club notes

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It would be nice to have a place for writing club-related private notes. There are currently player-wise notes, but it would also be good to have general club-wise private area for notes. The word of owner is ok, but it is public.

For example, when I need to rest few of my players in order to get them to better form, I do that, and then I have to remember to put them back to play once they are in good form. I could put the comment in the player notes, but it is not easy to browse player notes - I need to open notes for each single player to find which players need attention. I would prefer to have those notes in one place and refer to each player by his name. Or, at least a way to browse through all player notes without having to click on each player (and wait few seconds until the window opens).

I could write notes elsewhere on the web, where they would be accessible from my home, work or mobile phone, but the most natural way would be to have them in the game.
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Re: Manager/club notes

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How about the calendar. Would that work?

Odg: Manager/club notes

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Yes, it would! Sorry, but I didn't know about that feature - I always thought the calendar is there just to look at it (as a regular wall calendar). Now I see it can be used to write memos.

Thanks a lot!
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