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Donald J. Trump president

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As is customary, here is a joke:

Why is Donald Trump always seen with Melania? Because all his other wives support Hillary.
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Re: Donald J. Trump president

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aemi wrote:
You are right from a technical point, however I feel that to the Quebecois it's Montreal Canadiens, but to the rest of Canada it's Montreal Canadians.

or is it "Les Habitants" aka "The Habs" - one of life's great mysteries for sure

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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now back on topic - Trump won the election by saying that he's going to look out for the middle class. it will be very interesting to see if he does this or supports corporation

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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I must say that I was totally 100% Bernie Sanders until he lost, and then I went for Trump - that being said, my vote doesn't count as I am an amazing Australia so yolo.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
amazing Australia... yolo.

Didn't you guys change like 5 prime ministers in like 4-5 years? 'Amazing' my kangaroo.

I liked how Tony eats the onions like them apples.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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Just looked at it, He eat a freaking onion with skin, lol dumb move

I'm guessing that's why Trump sticks to fast food. And maybe Dow too.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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I think I'm enjoying this more than Trump....

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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Spent half an hour laughing at Australian politics is highly entertaining...

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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aemi wrote:
Just looked at it, He eat a freaking onion with skin, lol dumb move

I'm guessing that's why Trump sticks to fast food. And maybe Dow too.

Really!!! you put me on the same line with Trump.haha


Re: Donald J. Trump president

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We had a rural MP who was a convicted criminal. His crime - belting an Abo (Aboriginal Australian) with an ironbar when he owned a pub. Wilson "Ironbar" Tuckey also holds the record for getting kicked out of parliamentary sessions. haha.

Watch this. So Australian

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
We had a rural MP who was a convicted criminal. His crime - belting an Abo (Aboriginal Australian) with an ironbar when he owned a pub. Wilson "Ironbar" Tuckey also holds the record for getting kicked out of parliamentary sessions. haha.

Watch this. So Australian

The guy is so pro.

"I'm there to say hallelujah. Tomorrow there'll be no petrol sniffing, tomorrow little girls can sleep in their beds without any concern — it's all fixed. The Rudd spin will fix it all. I've read it, I'm convinced. I think it's wonderful."

I think him and Trump are bbf.

you don't catch AIDS, you let somebody give it to you".


Why are Canadian politics so boring.... I want more of this...

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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dowopado wrote:
Really!!! you put me on the same line with Trump.haha


Sorry, I really did not mean to put Dow and Trump on the same line.

Oh no #beaverdam...

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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@Darkline there was massive voter fraud during the elections and Trump still won. Yes Illegals voted. In some states you dont even need a drivers license to vote. And dead people also voted, someone else using their names. Youre clue less thats your problem watching CNN all day.

get educated darkline

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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albeagle wrote:
@Darkline there was massive voter fraud during the elections and Trump still won. Yes Illegals voted. In some states you dont even need a drivers license to vote. And dead people also voted, someone else using their names. Youre clue less thats your problem watching CNN all day.

get educated darkline

Wow, really fraud? And I'm sure you have the proof for that, well that's serious, I'll give you a very educated opinion, if the possibility of fraud really existed and it could be proven that fraud actually occurred, it means the electoral process has been compromised and we can't possibly have any type of certainty of who actually won the elections, so they should be declared void and null.

Now that new guy that Trump appointed for the national security adviser, Michael Flynn, that's a big wow.... a guy that was fired for being a conspiracy theorist crackpot and that among other things, twitted that Clinton is involved with child sex trafficking and has "secretly waged war" on the Catholic Church, as well as charges that Obama is a "jihadi" who "laundered" money for Muslim terrorists....... the funniest one is a claim that Clinton and Podesta were involved in a Satanic cult and were running a child sex slavery ring out of a Washington pizza parlour... which would be funny if not for the fact that some of his followers actually believed him and one guy actually went into the pizza parlor with an assault riffle to rescue the children from the basement.... sounds far fetched and unbelievable, but here's the story...

And that crackpot that spreads false news that some people believe regardless of how ridiculous they're, is going to be the national security advisor.... btw, I think is the same guy that claimed that there was fraud in the elections and the walking dead where voting for Clinton.....

Unfortunately, if I'm correct it'll all go to hell really quick, Trump acts like an inmature child twitting about how tv shows mock him, he doesn't act like a President, he seems incompetent and he's building a cabinet full of right wing extremists, people with no experience and then some right down crazy... all I hope is that Trump doesn't start a war on China, North Korea or something insane like that and start dropping nukes left and right.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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Darkline watch this to the end if you can

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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The fake news that is being censored its actually the truth. They are censoring the truth. That is the sick world we live in. Just think about it what if what I'm saying is right. The world is waking up more so than ever the Trump election proved that so the establishment are starting to censor the truth labeling it as fake so people don't learn the truth.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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How the heck albeagle missed all of us and went right to darkline is a mystery.

Re: Donald J. Trump president

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I can see this thread has reach a point of being offensive and in violation of our Community Rule:
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1.Politics, religion and sensitive topics Political discussions have very often led to offensive behaviour and ill-feelings. Therefore we ask you not to discuss politics, religion or any other sensitive topic which can hurt others feelings or infringe someone's privacy.

Therefore, it is closed.

Edited: 07-12-2016 04:30
Total edits: 1
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