
Hi all ! We hope you all well ! It's a hard time now so we hope you all watch out and stay safe in this crazy times! Leagues have finished and play offs are currently been playing. Some managers will be happy to get promotion while other sad of getting relegated but it all matters as long as you stay healthy.

Enjoy the reading and have a nice day !!

Brian McSnail 

Hello fellow MZ users, we are in extraordinary times. Who knew that from the last issue we would be in a “Lock Down”. Covid-19 has affected all our lives and I suspect it will forever leave its dent! Hopefully Lukasz, Duncan and I can give you a good read as we write up the results of Season 73. I hope you all stay safe and have washed your hands as you turn each page! 


Editors lukaszsz182, brian_mcsnail
RA for Ireland lukaszsz182
RA for Scotland


floodish (guest) 

If you have any comments, questions or have something interesting to add to our TZ please contact us on lukaszsz182@gmail.com

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