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14-05-2024 06:54
Season 90 · Week 7 · Day 43
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Football » English » Open Discussion

Ricky Gervais controversy

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As a disabled person (very mild mind you), I don't really feel offended by what Ricky Gervais has said about people with down syndrome on Twitterhave been called by that name (you know what it means). I think Ricky is a brilliant comedian (apart from Chubby Brown for obvious reasons). It's all about common sense really but like I said, I ani't offended and he has apologised about the whole thing. I also think Poltical Correctness is gone out of hand now

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Re: Ricky Gervais controversy

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I think it's rare anyone is actually offended by a particular joke/subject so much as thinking they *should be* because they're so often told/taught they should be.

I saw an excellent bit of TV once where this guy and his cameraman went down a high street and they'd pick people out and tell them a "classical offensive joke", whether racist, sexist, whatever and catch their immediate reactions. Very consistently all manner of people would laugh at all manner of jokes, even ones they might be considered to be the butt of, and subsequently many would then strive to compose themselves and state they actually thought it was unacceptable or offensive...

We also have a culture where we see people acting as if moral watchdogs, who pre-suppose this or that demographic will be offended by something and so fight against it.

An amusing example of this contradiction, not that I'm a fan of the man, was an occasion where Bernard Manning went to perform his stand-up at a club pretty much exclusively frequented by Indian patrons. It may have even been in India. He told his usual kind of jokes, including many mocking Indians, and the crowd lapped it up, with much laughter and good-natured exchanges.

Some people take things too serious. And of course the old cliche, if people don't want to be offended, they simply should choose not to listen to the likes of Gervais, Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle where you know what sort of stuff you're likely to get. They're not so ubiquitous that you can't change channels or skip to the next story.

Personally I do dislike Frankie Boyle, find him too crude in delivery of crude material where the desire to be crude and offensive is... it's like he's trying too hard, there's no finesse and he seeks the offensiveness sometimes ahead of the comedy. Pah, but you see what I do then is I don't watch Frankie Boyle or take any notice of anything he says. Simple.

Re: Ricky Gervais controversy

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i had never heard of frankie boyle until he got in the news for making a joke about the blind son of katie price. and she wanted to sue him i think, i quickly forgotten about him as i couldnt remember his name till kj mentioned it. but really. if you need to stoop so low to find material, then he should give the game up,

Re: Ricky Gervais controversy

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There is so many worse comedians then Ricky like kj explained like Frankie Boyle, Jimmy Carr,Chubby Brown (went to see him at the Plaza near where I live). I Think the "n" worf or "p" Word is worse then mong isn't there?
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