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27-07-2024 06:48
Season 91 · Week 4 · Day 26
Online: 4 103


Football » English » Open Discussion

Tucker Carlson

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Do you think he is a good journalist?
Views: 168 Posts: 5
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Re: Tucker Carlson

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Neither good nor a journalist. Slava Ukraini.

На: Tucker Carlson

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"free" MZ-World is silent because it is afraid to tell the truth

Re: Tucker Carlson

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This is the kind of men who help us, and wake up sleeping occident people to stop deep state. So yes it is a good journalist who I follow since 4 years.
He as my respect as he take high risks.

Re: Tucker Carlson

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"Deep state" :DDD at this point I simply ask a forum assistant to lock the thread, thanks in advance.

На: Tucker Carlson

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and I ask you to block the troll under the Lithuanian flag and continue to receive independent opinions from normal people
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