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27-07-2024 07:49
Season 91 · Week 4 · Day 26
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Stamina jauge visualisation

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Hi everyone, It has been a while that we are still waiting for some new improvements to be implemented in the SIM.
I do know that improving the simulator requires a lot of programming (money and time and programmers=Staff+skills) etc..
But as a suggestion ,It would be interesting if we had stamina jauge visualisation during a 3D match.
What do you think guys?
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Ri: Stamina jauge visualisation

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Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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something like this ..

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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that would be awesome to have =)

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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would be really cool

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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It will help us know which player to substitute in a realistic way and play as a manager not like a spectator and here 2 it can be done by 2 different ways:
1st to show directely the jauge on the players using a button for display
2nd in the tactics of each team add jauge stamina of all players
I Whis that people will like the idea and that it will be available in next updates of the SIM eventually if there is an update..

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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2nd option is like this

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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this would be really nice

Re: Stamina jauge visualisation

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seems i am the only one coment here
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