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21-09-2024 02:57
Season 91 · Week 12 · Day 82
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Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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With these two games coming closer to release, which one will you be getting? I've seen reveal trailers for both, and finally COD have some destructible buildings and the knifing system has been hugely improved. Though in comparison, whilst I've seen kids creaming at the fact a petrol stations roof can be collapsed, in BF4 you can bring down an entire sky scraper, couple that in with changing weather, which includes massive waves for the boats and even a ship come crashing onto an island, it's quite clear which one will be more realistic and far more fun.

I'll probably get both, but I'll most likely be playing battlefield 4 as their improvements are far better than CODs, which are done a few years too late in comparison to Battlefield who have been doing most of CODs current improvements for the past few games.
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Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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I'll also get both, but likely to play COD a lot more. Although it's pretty much a template each year, with nothing but, fresh maps, streaks, and some guns, I cant help myself but rack up 10-20 days in each one, mainly due to the fact its the go to game amongst mates, and party chat whilst picking a few heads is good times. Battlefield I haven't played thorough since bf2142 on PC... years back, tbh I dont think its a game suited to the consoles, not to mention the sluggish movement of the character and annoying hit detection, (for me anyway.) But like you say, the trailers are sick, and that has earned my purchase. Will also be getting GTA on release - end of next month I think.

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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XBL - Tonner7 if anyones interested btw :)

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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Ghosts! Eff battlefield!!!

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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I've played Battlefield for the past year and a half and never experienced player movement problems (Apart from the odd lag or broken connection, my end though). Hit detection also seems fine, perhaps it's the bullet drop and travel time you're having difficulties with? You can't just point and shoot at a long range target, you have to aim a little higher to counter drop and a little further ahead to counter flight time, that's why being a sniper on the game is a real skill rather than just an annoyance with an over powered weapon and quick scope. My best headshot distance is 1,191m (Just over a kilometre) and I had to aim the equivalent of a 2 storey building above the guys head to kill the sniper.

I won't argue, the game probably is better on PC, although on PS4 it will support 64 player game play, what will COD achieve considering the most I've seen is an 18 player game. I love Operation Metro on BF3 as it's an infantry only close quarter battle and 12 man teams on conquest, had some absolutely epic matches on it.

What I like about Battlefield is the lack of perks and the increased realism. COD really makes me laugh when a soldier stops sprinting after 4 seconds, especially the SAS faction. In real life you have to be able to run 4 miles in 30 mins to join the SAS whilst carrying all your equipment, so for them to stop sprinting is a laugh. Doesn't happen in Battlefield, although you hear your character get out of breath and slow a little and is a little sluggish after a long run.

The best thing about it though is the dedicated servers, there's no break in play because a host leaves and the game has to move to a different one, you never have to get a break in the match for host migration, even if the server host is offline as they're only renting a server.

It really is a choice between the two games really, either a very arcade like game in COD or more realism in Battlefield. I don't mind COD, but there's a lot of annoyance in it once you've converted. To use the powerful weapons in battlefield you have to learn to control it, you get to call in a computer controlled apache in COD to help you, in Battlefield you can spawn in one and have it customised to your play and even then only the better pilots can stay in the air longer and effectively rack up the points and kills.

Like I say, I'll get both, Ghosts seems a massive improvement, hopefully they will have bigger maps and more players, though I won't be getting Elite as Battlefield Premium is FAR better value for money for what you get (4 new maps, 10 new weapons, new assignments for dog tags, camo's etc, new vehicles and so on compared to just 4 or 5 new maps, for the same price). Bandar Desert map on BF3 would have fitted every single BO2 maps and more, and that was one map, there were another 3 huge maps released, plus new vehicles, game modes, assignments, dog tags, etc, all for the price of a BO2 map pack. So EA certainly offer better value for money.

I expect COD to outsell BF4, but I expect BF4 to be superior in every department, everything in BF4 seems far superior, the knifing animations, the ability to counter knife take downs, destruction (A garage roof collapsing Vs an entire sky scraper being taken down?) and the huge selection of weapons compared to COD, including more weapon classes.

Anyhow, buy both but anticipate BF4 to be more superior and more fun =P

PSN: Matttombstone.

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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tombstone, all you needed to type was the last mini paragraph

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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True. I have a habit of typing far more than I need to. My friends refer my comments as an essay or a novel, they hate me commenting on facebook posts =P

Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4

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Get GTA 5 instead. =)

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