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13-06-2024 11:58
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 73
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

SImulate players skills please!!

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This is a MANAGER game... that´s why the name is managerzone.

The simulator should simulate the players skills. I put my goalkeeper instead of my best attacking and it is almost the same. Also a player with 2 in goalkeeping is great!! A player with 3 in passes is the same as it has 5 balls there.... There are not good or bad players.... Here Barcelona FC of Messi can loose agaist the worst team.... Where are the skills of the players??? What is the point of training the players as best as we can? What is the point of buying the best players? Any team can debeat any team... No sence... That´s not football... is lotery....


Hope you can u7nderstand what almost everybody think. This problem is the one that makes so much people abandon the game, because you make an effort and it is for nothing.... Even new team laught when they defeat a Div1 team.... No sence....
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Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Well said, bien dicho!

Ri: SImulate players skills please!!

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HI,Well said.........

the first quality of a SIM, it must be to reflect the quality of players, which is absolutely not the case with this version, I have such a team of young, in which the skill cross is very little , on average 2 @, well, my young, not wrong a cross, 90% of the cases are clear on the foot of the companion....skill stamina also seems completely disappeared, almost indifferent, or have a 1 @ or 10@, not to mention ball Control , I have eleven Zidane on the pitch regardless of the number of @.

Thanks to the precision regardless of the cross, the monstrous ball control and total lack of any idea of ​​playing in the short passing tactic, now with my team of 19 year old can easily compete with a team of 2 ^ category (if this tactical short-steps), this is ridiculous, what's the time to spend hours to track and optimize the training of the players if their improvements are not visible in the field?
(with respect to goals, I personally prefer there to be a bit more than normal ... let us enjoy a game)

Ps:however there is something of good in this SIM, and I think will be good developed, but the crew have shown great disorganization proposing the SIM in this sorry state .... The first rule of a SIM , must be seen in the field of skills and no skill of the players, otherwise the whole system of training-coaching-youth-campus-etc-etc... makes no reason ....

Excuse my bad english.!.!.!

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Hope crew can understand this is a manager game, not a simulator game. We play here not for the simulator, but yes for the manage part. Hope they can simulate the skills of the player so we can have a fair game, that do not make you want to abandom.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Well said:

This new Sim is total unreal, it is a lottery or Pinball machine game but never Soccer Sim.
A lot of one toch passes like Pinball
More than 250 passes in average in each match
More than 90 % long distance shots.
Goalkeepers; all of them look like with more than 10 balls goalkeeping capability.

The question here is; Someone will fix the Sim or we need to leave MZ?

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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@ chorrion, all goal keepers are casillas now except for the pathetic goals that they concede, i liked the old sim they just needed to update the use wing tactics, and stop all this CF making back passes crap wen he has a open shot on goal

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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sounds like a manager game should be

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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The simulator should simulate the players skills. I don't think you can be more clear. This sim has no sense, is garbage.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Please Patrick, fix all these problems but, Right Now !!!

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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If no one pays for a club membership maybe they start listening to managers, they might dont care about what we have to say, but im sure they care about money.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Good idea, I will do it !!!

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Many people play this game and abandom it for that reason... That´s even worst that stop paying a club membership. If you make a good game, that people want to stay because it is fear, the game grows and more and more people stay playing and more will putt money on it.... I play here since 2003, and know why so much people abandon the game...This is a manager game, that´s why it is intereseting.... For watching simulator i prefer to watch real football... Simulator should simulate players skill, if not, nothing has sence... Players with 2 on passes are as good as players with 5... and that for all the skills.... It seems that the people who create the game forgot why it was so interest at the begining...

When the game was fair more people was conected here....

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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I dont get it, 250 passes, long distances shots, strikers passing....Aint that what the top teams do...?

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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I'm thinking about leaving too. In a match today i had lots of striker vs goalkeeper oportunities and none was won. This sim is crap and i don't understand why they didn't work on just improving the old sim. They're having a laugh!!

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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It's total BS, 2 goalkeeper errors caused me the match today when I clearly had a better match and team. It's expected with how unrealistic MZ has made the sim now. I'll be gone shortly.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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We are going to begin with some actions, since nobody fix the new Sim:
We are a group of good friends that we are living in different contries like: México, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia and Guatemala.
The first thing that we are going to do is to stop pay for Club Membership.
The secund one will be, to stop pay and participate in Friendly Leagues and Cups.

If you want to do the same, you are going to be welcome with us and, please, talk with your friends about this possibility.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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i hope they´ll fix the sim. Nobody like it. Too ramdon, no sence of the hole game.... the simulator is a pinball... and the worst thing, the simulador do not simulate player skills... It is the same to put my gaolkeeper than my best attacking in a forwarsd position... all the players are the same... too dissapointing... this is a manager game...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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bestplaymaker2134 Please refresh me on just 1 occasion when have you ever seen a striker not once but 7 times in one half of football pass the ball backwards when running into open goal ???? its just ridiculous . Todays game 1st half 3-5-2 offensive long ball pressing 0 goals 2nd half 3-5-2 defensive long ball normal score 2 goals but extremely lucky not to concede 5 (thanks to my super human goalkeeper ) How many times did my players find space only to have a pass misplaced or pass backwadrs to the opposition ???. How many times did my defenders pass accross field to a team mate surrounded by 3 offensive opposition players ??? again RIDICULOUS . So my opinion is this the scoring side of things yes is better no more 15 -0 games but PLEASE PLEASE EEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFIIIINNNN stop the rediculous back passing it doesnt happen in reality so why have it happen in here I could not imagine a Messi or a Renaldo backpassing .

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Yes... that is unbeleivable.... backpassing...

Teams of 7th division challange the National team and they defeat it.... Please... Simulate players skill, do not kill the game.. please...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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But you guys got to remember this is a simulator not a real match...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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ok, the best way for now to stay with the game is DO NOT WATCHING REPLAY until someone fix it up.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Ikr, if its so bad then just dont watch it...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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It's not about not watching it, that's not the answer. This is an open forum to discuss about the simulator meaning you can type your complaints on here and compare with others. So "not watching the sim because you don't like it" is not what you say to people.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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ahhhh i get it now what we have to do is sign into MZ check out the score then sign out no need to train the players because their skills dont mean anything
no need for the tranfer market because attributes and values mean zip (right now you can have a youth team play as efficiently as a national team )no need to check out your league standings because today you can beat the best team in the world but tomorows league game against the bottom team which has with ten men and you have 26 shots on goal for no goals and watch how many times your main striker passes the the ball back to the midfield or cant get around the super keeper from inside the penalty area with 3 teammates around him and no defenders in sight :) its a lottery .TIZ AMAZING HOW HE CANT PASS NOW

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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please, do not kill the game...

simulate players skill... it is ridiculous... People is laught that the worst team can defeat the best team.... no sence of the hole game...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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New SIM is: BORING !!! UNREAL !!! it is just a Pinball Machine Game.
But, Patrick & MZ Crew I think that theay are very happy and they are not doing nothing in order to fix their terrible job !!!
Congratulations gentlemen, you destroyed the game...... good for you !!!!

And Patrick & his Crew, total silence, no comments, no news ..... nice, very nice.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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If the simulador do not simulate the player skills, all the hole game has no sence... hope crew can understant what almost everyone think...

Ri: SImulate players skills please!!

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I hope that this break with no news and updates serve to revolutionize this ridiculous addition to the 3D sim ... not at all reflect the skills of the players (this is the worst) ... does not have an idea to develop the action is no pattern in 3 possible tactics ..... there is only one game plan, the game always goes on the wings the ball to the wings .... this is the unique pattern in 3 tactics ..... I think that each of the 3 tactics should have patterns characteristic to be developed to make the goal, then if you have players with the right skills, the pattern develops .... more specifically the skills of the players are imperfect, the game will be less accurate it is .... how it should be .... but in our case there are patterns do not reflect the skills and players .... you realize that you do something .... .... in the old sim, play short passes, was not bad ....

Ps.: .... There is another scheme when an attacker is only at the door ... pass the ball back !!!!!

Ri: SImulate players skills please!!

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No emotions in the 3D...all is boring, no tackle of the lead ball of the striker.....zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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I seem to have found a tactic that works with the weird SIM but it's hilarious because it would never work in real football. I agree with gatto13, in the last sim the 3 different tactics actually performed differently and there was an actual science to the game. Most of us have formed our teams and players around this. Now it seems that there is only one tactic style that works to get some sort of positive result. Before players actually passed and received balls por realistically (3D) suited to their attributes, now it seems like a form of basketball style passing where it's always in the air. It's almost like they're are playing to try to keep the ball off the ground. I'm really fed up trying to get an answer out of the programmers so it's simple. Until they do voice everyone's concerns I will play the free game and just try to get by in the "basketsoccer" sim.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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the worst thing is that the sim do not use the players skill... all the players are the same... a player with 2 on passes can make passes as effective as one with 7 balls there.. no sence

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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This simulator is horrible, it wasn't good before but this one is disastrous. Players with no gaming idea, useless passes backwards, constant "gifts" to goalkeepers from strikers in a Hand to hand...
I hope they fix this soon

PD: Sry for my english :P

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Well 8 years ago we were talking about the same things...but Crew did not learn since so do not be optimistic. Play the game as it is or play lotto which is almost the same :)
This SIM is sooooo booooring....since 2003 never saw a worst one...

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Well said (Bien Dicho (?))

Very Dificult To My

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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New Sim is too bad.
All players with same skills, no tactics, no soccer, no nothing, too boring.
It is just pinball game or lottery.
And the MZ crew?......... good, thank you, maybe they are the only guys happies with the result of their terrible job

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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i think they are working a lot. They can see the simulator, and they can see real football. They can notice that the simulator a a pinball, too random and that it is the same to put my best attaking for keeping, and my goalkeeper on an attaking position.... I guess they are workin hearing what we all see... and they´ll tried to fix the simulator, that now a days is ridiculous, but i hope they wille fix it.
We all think that this is the worst sim ever... We have to give some time crew to fix the sim and make it seem to be a football match, not a pinball.
Despite the pinball thing, the worst is that a player with 2 on passes is a good as a one with 8.... That makes all the game has no sence....

Ri: SImulate players skills please!!

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Hi, in addiction to the well said from a game there is exaggerated head shot from the line of the area....never....never, a player try the head shot from the line of big like to have in team maradona or messi that try 10 times the head shot from big area....only one word ridiculus....well said from hendyx........ My strikers make me laugh.

I hope that the crew finally open the eyes.......

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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sounds like some ppl needs to get with the times, change your tactics might help.

Sv: SImulate players skills please!!

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Change tactics ...are you for real
Changed it about 8 times since the start of s40.

I win when i play shit, i lose when i dominate.

This is by far the worst simulator ever.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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I just signed up, played a lot of these kind of games before, Sokker, UM etc...

The first game I watched today was a joke, I had about 10 breakaways with the keeper, shot from point blank range and he saved it each time with no rebound. Peter Schmeichel vs a 4yr old would at least give up 1 rebound.

Also the way players react to passes and the way defenders react to attacking threats is just funny. Half the time they just stand around.

This is the worst 3d simulator I've ever seen. My defenders with 0 passing can deliver pinpoint 40 yard passes to the wing every time, but my center mid with 5 passing can't deliver a ground pass to a wide open teammate right next to him to save his life.

I had high hopes for this game but probably won't play now, and I will be telling my mates not to waste their time either.

btw, bestplaymaker is trolling, ignore him.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Do you recommend any other manager or online football games? I've had enough of this one and their Nazi crew.

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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why do my strikers not try to chip shot. the keepers are coming miles out their goals now so why?

Re: SImulate players skills please!!

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nice game and very complete.
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