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03-06-2024 05:31
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

sim dislikes

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There is almost no offside events, even if I put my players very high in defence
Almost all the corners finish with the the ball in arms of the keeper
The cross balls are not even close and what is annoying is that a lot of them are targeting the opposite player
The difference of skills are not so obvious, I can put a striker as a defender and a difender as a striker and there is not so much difference

There is no way to use cross balls, very hard to use wings.
It is a disaster to play defensive style and passive style.

Too many one to one chances for a striker that ends with the kipper win
Too many save in a game by a keeper, having over 12-15 saves as average is too much
If the defenders are too high they are going up too much and if they are pull down too close to the keeper they are not going forward to attack to strikers
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Re: sim dislikes

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and the list can go on and on :) ..
maybe the biggest one so far is that the whole game takes place in the center.
if you force tactically the game towards the sides you will get a clepsidre sistem[at most]where,with short passing,you will have some passing to the secondary strikers nearest to corners..but rare cases.
if we are still here i'll try to give a short advice to beginners:)
make the axe of your team strong and leave the rest for later..
adn by axe i mean ..central defender[if a system with 3],central middlefielders,central pushed striker.
most of the time the striker will just take the ball from the centre and go towards victory by himslef:P

Re: sim dislikes

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so a adding to what i said few second ago . .
the crew should work on the issue of passing and team mentality.
crosses for wingers -none
smart passing with wingers going into space with speed towards the gate-none what so ever.

Re: sim dislikes

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Wings works just fine. Well relatively fine, relative to the overall sim of course. I use a wing tactic quite often and win plenty with said tactic.

Re: sim dislikes

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excluding the 3 rd striker who's almost a winger :P

Re: sim dislikes

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Give yourself time and get a decent squad then you will be able to get better results on the field. Maybe not the final score, but on the field you will see a huge difference.

Re: sim dislikes

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Wings works just fine

Odp: sim dislikes

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Spot on that cross balls are targeting the opponents.

It is really annoying. I know majority of players play short passes because they seem to be the most efficient with current sim. I wanted to try something different. Decided to make some experiments with playing wings.

My defensive players tend to play many cross balls to my forward players. I can understand very little of them are accurate. Skills of my players are very low now. But the thing that is really annoying is that many of those balls went straight to the opposite players. They didn't even need to make a little movement to get the ball crossed from my player! And it's not rare thing, it happens many times each match!
As I said, I can understand why my players can't play the accurate cross ball to my another player, but why can they cross right to the opponent so many times then? Something is fundamentally flawed. Not like those passes are random. They are targetting the opposite!

Re: sim dislikes

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Anderis, you don't have the talent for wing play, especially as a new club. Stay with short passing until you can develop/buy better wingers. I play wings quite frequently and it is usually my best tactic.

Odp: sim dislikes

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Don't worry. I'm aware with my players it's hard to make some tactics work.

But the fact that my players are so accurate with crossing the ball right to the opposite player is really annoying and this fact shouldn't take place no matter how poor my players are.
Another fact that I forgot to mention is when my midfielder was holding the ball and he had two forward players from my team right in front of him, one of them was free and one of them had the opposite defender next to him, my midfielder was passing the ball to the forward player who had the opposite defender next to him 100% of times.
It looks like the sim causes that player with low skill automatically chose wrong way to play the ball 100% times. It shouldn't take place, really.

Re: sim dislikes

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I'm coming back to this thread after 2 months in a bit better mood. Believe me or not, but I was able to make long passing work in my team. I sometimes use this tactic and results are quite promissing.

I like it because I think there are multiple of tactic choices than can actually work now. Once I got my short passing tactic to the level I was not able to improve, I thought there was not anything more to find. But I used tactics test, set my counter-tactic and won against my standard tactic 6-1. Now I use both of those tactics, depending on what tactic my next opponent usually use.

I'm still not able to make wings work though. But some players claim that they can and this is fine. Everybody can find his own way (if has enough time to do some tests and watch many matches, of course :)).
Sim is still far from being perfect:
- Set plays makes no sense.
- Striker has too many 1-on-1 chances against goalkeeper and wastes too many of them.

But at least there is no super-tactic now that works for everybody against everybody and this is good.

Re: sim dislikes

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anderis wrote:

I'm still not able to make wings work though. But some players claim that they can and this is fine.

Actually, wings might work too well if you have the right players.... though wing tactics are a bit unreliable for my taste, but then again, I don't have the players for it.

Re: sim dislikes

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Seems everyone is playing on wings...I wonder what is the reason wings is better than short passing??? What's so special with the aerial play that you can't beat if you play with short passing...

I really can't understand this game anymore...

Odp: sim dislikes

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I play the mix of short and long passing and I'm satisfied with my results so far, I'm not regularly trashed by teams with a bit better players and I regularly beat teams with simillar quality of players.

That may change when I will be to challenge stronger teams than now, but that's a long way.

The strong point of wing tactic is that your players often play long balls from one wing to another. It makes it really hard for defenders to keep discipline and cover all attacking players of opponent.
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