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13-06-2024 10:12
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 73
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Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

Looking for a new GA to International Support.

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ManagerZone is searching for a new Gameassistant to international support. (GA)

As GA you gett the chanse to work behind the scenes of the game to help or invistigate other users in the game. It will give you some tools for to do the work with the users. As rewards for the work you gets some Power Tokens every week.

This is what competense you needs for being a GA:
*You should be at least 18 years old.
*you schould have been playing the game at least one year and have good knowledge about how the game works.
*It's important that you speak and write good english.
*You schould be interested of the developing the game forward and have a good communisation with other persons. If you will be a GA of other reasons you are NOT the right person.
*you schould be a mature and calm person. If you easy gets angry or upset you are probebly NOT a good GA.
*You schould be ready to work i team with other GA and not only work alone.
*You schould not have been banned in MZ and if you has been cheated or banned in any way the nearest years it would give wrong signals to other users if we put you as GA.
*You must have at least a half hour a day for working as GA.
*You must have accounts in both fotball and hockey.

If you are interested you will contact me, BlackCats (MA) by mail or write in my guestbook/chatt then I contact you.

//BlackCats (MA)
Swedish, Polish & international Support.
Edited: 10-12-2022 14:53
Total edits: 4
Views: 293 Posts: 2
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Sv: Looking for a new GA to International Support.

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Looking for a new GA to International Support.

Re: Looking for a new GA to International Support.

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I would like to apply, i was in the past FA and RA.
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