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Unlocked players to play :(

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Przez Starszy Członek Klubowy mrcszef 11-08-2013 09:26
Good Morning

I would like to proposition one change. 3 - 5 players in my young team (24,3 average) are still in training camps. By that reason results of my team are note interesting me. The game is dull for me cause i cant play matches in 100% my power in all season .
I propose to unlocked players in training camps to play speed matches and another unoficial matches. They can play in representations so they should can play in matches like unoficial tournaments and speed matches - to test their strong and strong my team. I think its good idea.
The players should remind blocked to league competitions and official cups.
I ask You about it. I Sorry for my english. Obraz odznaki
Obraz odznaki
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Re: Unlocked players to play :( Cytat
Przez Złoty Członek Klubowy aditza22 07-10-2014 15:26
We train own youth but for me is very hard to play without 12 player(TC) in Uxx League or FL Uxx .
Obraz odznaki
Obraz odznaki

Beantwortet: Unlocked players to play :( Cytat
Przez Mistrzowski Członek Klubowy karacho (LA) 12-10-2014 20:23
i play in all uxx in top league even with our small tm
for me is more important to send more players to tc and have possibility to train more players on training field, otherwise there is no chance to beat teams from bigger countries
the only way for me is to train because i can not buy good u23 players, not 1 was on market this season
still the worst rule for me is the one that allows you to buy only 2 players per season from a team, our small market is easy to controll without this rule
Obraz odznaki
Obraz odznaki
[MZ U18]

Odp: Unlocked players to play :( Cytat
Przez Starszy Członek Klubowy mrcszef Dziś 10:30

This topic is still important for me.
8 players are on TC. I dont play any matches seriouslu/for real, for a month.
I Please for unlocked this players for fast matches. Or Friendly leagues. The game is dull for me I can resign ;). I want play anything. I must only wait - and wait.
Please Crew to read suggestions. Somebady is here ?
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Unlocked players to play :

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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Noooooooooo answerrrrrrr

Odp: Unlocked players to play :(

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another time i sent my players to training camps. And once more i cant play any matches in managerzone with my strongest eleven, because I want to make good for my team. Why ? Why I cant play any friendly leagues ? Why I must wait 35 days and do nothing in managerzone. What for to log in ? Better wait 35 days without MZ.
It is unnormal situation. National teams can use players in training camps to play matches, but I cant play ANY match by my own players. No friendly leagues, no friendly matches. OK, league competitions - ok i dont want it. But give me any fun for this game. For this 35 days. Lets allow me to play with my friend. Or friendly league. Dont be stubborn.

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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Odp: Unlocked players to play :(

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Maybe You dont understand me.

I want to pay for this option. I can pay very much tokens for this possible. Give me just option, to play match whenever i want, by my best eleven, in scout matches and in friendly leagues. I can to pay tokens. I dont want to wait no more time to play any match. My players are on training camps 8 times. This is 35 days x 8 - this gives 9 months. This is terrible time around mzet - when I cant play any match for fun, and for tropheas. Simple option. - Use Your best eleven (on training camps) - pay 5 tokens. My choice. Do it. My ideas for this game was good.
Remember - Scout matches to UXX teams - it was my idea. Think !

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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It will create an unfair advantage for the users who pay as opposed to those who don't.

The game already gives an advantage to paying users. That why we lost so many people.

However, you want to play them in friendlies and pay for it, then be my guest. But no to offical games, cups, fls, league.

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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If it was a paid feature I would agree, about it creating an unfair advantage. However if TCs didn't impact friendly league matches then it would be a level playing field as every one would have access to all of their players.

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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I see your point with the friendly games but there is NO WAY they can do that with League games. The point of a Training Camp is to allow a player to focus SOLELY on Training. Think of it as sending a player away to a different country to train under a specialist.

If your players were allowed to play while at camps, everybody would have their players in camps every season and there would be no need for coaches. And rich teams would even still send their 30 year old players to camps. Training camps every year might also cause players to completely max by 24 or 25.

If they were to make it so that Training Camp Players were available for friendly matches, then you would almost HAVE to be a Club Member purely for the extra tactic slots.

Also, part of the skill of being a Manager is finding the balance between training your players and fielding a decent squad. This is never more prominent than in the Uxx League and Tournaments (specifically U18). In Tournaments and Cups you have to make sure you have your strongest team for the playoffs, but you need to make sure you make it to the playoffs too. For Leagues, it can be seriously damaging to lose your best player for 5 weeks when you're battling for first or to avoid relegation. But then you definitely want to send your youngest, brightest talents to TC so that they continue to develop. It's a catch 22, but it's those tough decisions that make the game fun. They can't spoon feed us everything.

And one last thought, the squad sizes would change as you would no longer need players to fill in gaps.

I understand the frustration of losing your players for 5 weeks, but I do feel that allowing them to play would remove one of the most challenging and strategic aspects of the game.

Re: Unlocked players to play :(

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Agree with you smiller29...keep the game challenging.
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