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20-06-2024 19:50
Season 90 · Week 12 · Day 80
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Football » English » Open Discussion

Fancy Dress

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Oh, hello Managerzone. How are you?

Small talk out of the way; anyone have any good ideas for an upcoming fancy dress soiree? All I've got so far is Panthro from Thudercats...

So, any past hits? Want throw out a link to you sporting it? Go right on ahead you helpful bugger.

Ta. Ta very much.
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Re: Fancy Dress

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Lion-O from ThunderCats? At least then you could randomly shout, especially if asked about anything much, "SWORD OF OMENS, GIVE ME SIGHT BEYOND SIGHT!" Although of course Panthro was cooler.

Guy Fawkes would be pretty cool. Elaborate, but quite stylish, and a bit subversive like.

An old-school red/gold Hulk Hogan? Didn't I see that in Donnie Darko... Oh hey or if the costume is out there, go as the rabbit creature from Donnie Darko!

Re: Fancy Dress

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My greatest triumph (quite a long time ago now I must admit) was to dress as a shower.
Pole up my back, Hula-Hoop (not the crisp) fixed to the top, and a shower curtain going all the way round.
It attracted a lot of attention and women were more than happy to come in and close the curtain behind them.
Happy Days :)

Re: Fancy Dress

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If you do that though, are you not in very real danger of being attacked by a bunch of karate bullies in skeleton costumes? :-/

Re: Fancy Dress

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It might be an idea then to arm yourself with a loofah!

Re: Fancy Dress

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As a matter of fact, if a little obscure to some, this might encourage me to go as Martin Kove, in Cobra Kai form, and since I like the idea of being able to shout random things, if any sort of scrap breaks out you could say "NO MERCY!" and "SWEEP THE LEG!"

Re: Fancy Dress

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Is there a theme?

Past halloween outfits for me where Edward Scissorhands, Jack (the wolfs friend in American Werewolf), and Rob Zombie (of White Zombie).

Re: Fancy Dress

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It's halloween, but no theme! I like the sound of The Hulkster, and a shower; well, bravo.

I have seen a Cobra Commander from Action Force (GI Joe, whatever).

Cheers very much for suggestions so far, home skillets.

Re: Fancy Dress

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For all those who care, i ended up going as Super Mario. Though this was not suggested, i value and appreciate all the input, fellas.


Re: Fancy Dress

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the best fancy dress I have ever seen was a girl who had created / made a sleeveless, open fronted dress / dressing gown / coat made out of lots of sellotaped together newspapers with a bikini underneath and when she opened up the newspaper gown she would shout 'news flash'. Very clever.

Re: Fancy Dress

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huh , you obviously didnt see me dressed as wonder woman then..

Re: Fancy Dress

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That looked pretty good, saving the Hulkster for next year eh ;)

Here are a series of the best fancy dress pictures ever, which break no forum rules, for us all to enjoy...

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And the very best, perhaps ever...
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(Oh, what, wait...)
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