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pmurT jokes

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Hi guys,

Never say pmurT and
Dow on the same line or the thread gets closed. See what happened to the other thread.

Here are some of my favourite jokes:

Why did Donald Trump want to lose the election?
Because if he won, he would have to move in a smaller house in a black neighbourhood.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a boat and it capsizes. Who survives?

Why is Donald Trump taking $1 salary for his role as president?
He will do anything to avoid taxes.
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Re: pmurT jokes

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Last joke is *paying taxes.

One of you admins if you don't mind fixing that and then delete this post.

If you feel tempted to close this thread take a deep breath and remember that every party needs a proper... Haha

Re: pmurT jokes

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For pete sake, a pooper...

Re: pmurT jokes

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I got a quote about Trump that I just find it hilarious, better than any joke...

“It’s like an Internet comment troll ran for president.” —Jon Stewart

What's next, aemi for President of Canada?

Re: pmurT jokes

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Oh well..... I have another one....

“If Donald Trump wins, my guess is America will look a lot like it did in 'Back to the Future 2,' when Biff was in charge.”–Jimmy Kimmel

Now c'mon, you gotta admit the resemblance is just striking :D

Btw, let's just have some fun, Hillary jokes are also accepted....

Re: pmurT jokes

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Come on guys!! I am all in favor of jokes about politicians, and Trump and Hillary certainly opened the door for all kinds of satire and ridicule, as evident in all the media.

However, albeagle seemed to be taking it all too seriously in the other thread.

The Biff resemblance is fantastic...not only in looks...but also as the character he was in the movies. Trump is a joke in politics, and will be crap in the face for the U.S. for 4 years.

How many Trumps does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many Trumps does it take to field a team?
How many Trumps does it take to press 'send'.

Do not be offended Trump supporters. The joke is on us for 4 years.

Re: pmurT jokes

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We should start talking about religion to, I wonder what albeeagle thinks about muslims

Re: pmurT jokes

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OMG! oH mY gOD. Religion not a good topic. Politicians are funnier.

Re: pmurT jokes

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OMG, I just found out that the best source of Trump jokes is the man himself and his twitter account....

Here's what I like to call, "a Trump said" joke....

Edited: 08-12-2016 11:10
Total edits: 1

Re: pmurT jokes

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And here's another Trump joke...... straight from Today's news:

US President-elect Donald Trump will name Pruitt, an outspoken critic of President Obama's climate change policies to head the Environmental Protection Agency. He has been a key player in legal challenges against EPA regulations on greenhouse gas emissions.


Trump news actually read like bad jokes, everyday he acts more and more like Biff from Back to the Future, LOL

Re: pmurT jokes

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darkline wrote:
OMG, I just found out that the best source of Trump jokes is the man himself and his twitter account....

Here's what I like to call, "a Trump said" joke....

LOL. Classic for Hall of Fame...wait, or, is it Wall of Fame.

Re: pmurT jokes

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You guys killing me all I try to do is open your eyes to the truth.

Ok here are a few trump jokes for you, not original just found them in the net.

"El Chapo only escaped from prison to have a "talk" with Trump."

"Why is Donald Trump always seen with Melania? Because all his other wives support Hillary."

"What did the Donald tell an illegal immigrant who was trying to put out a fire at Trump Tower? No way Hose A."


Re: pmurT jokes

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Morning: Hillary: "Dear, you can sleep with the next president at night, excited?

Evening: Bill: "Let Donald come to our house or I go to his house?

Re: pmurT jokes

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albeagle wrote:
You guys killing me all I try to do is open your eyes to the truth.

It's all good, it's not like anything said here is going to shape the future of America and no one is going to change their opinions anyway... let's just wait and see, we can talk in a year and see if America is great again or is closer to Biff's America :D

Re: pmurT jokes

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darkline wrote:
It's all good, it's not like anything said here is going to shape the future of America and no one is going to change their opinions anyway... let's just wait and see, we can talk in a year and see if America is great again or is closer to Biff's America :D

agreed brother

Re: pmurT jokes

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darkline wrote:
What's next, aemi for President of Canada?

Mind you I'll be the best premier Canada has ever had, I'll get stuff done, I'll make MZ great again, I'll tweet at 3am, I'll have my friends and family in the cabinet, it's going to be the golden era. I'll also call Trump at 4am, and we will get stuff done.

Re: pmurT jokes

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aemi wrote:
Mind you I'll be the best premier Canada has ever had, I'll get stuff done, I'll make MZ great again, I'll tweet at 3am, I'll have my friends and family in the cabinet, it's going to be the golden era. I'll also call Trump at 4am, and we will get stuff done.

Lol, you reminded me of this joke...

Re: pmurT jokes

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aemi wrote:
Mind you I'll be the best premier Canada has ever had

Prime Minister - it's pronounced (and spelled) Prime Minister. Nobody would have cared if Trump was a Mayor or a Governor.

Re: pmurT jokes

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smiller29 wrote:
Prime Minister - it's pronounced (and spelled) Prime Minister

Yeah right, lol, I was just reading an article about Kathleen and hydro, so I mixed it up. Plus I wouldn't want to be the premier only, why make only one province great again, when you can make the whole country

smiller29 wrote:
Nobody would have cared if Trump was a Mayor or a Governor.

Stop discriminating against orange hair, orange is the new black, Trump will get stuff done

Re: pmurT jokes

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Dowopado and Trump!

ops... thread will be closed in 3...2...

Re: pmurT jokes

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aemi wrote:
Dowopado and Trump!

ops... thread will be closed in 3...2...

LOL...temptation from a beaver's dam is a sign of chaos.

Re: pmurT jokes

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And yet what may look like chaos it's a carefully executed plan that creates a new ecosystem so awesome, so precise, so diverse.

Bald eagles and kangaroos can only dream (if drunk enough) of such achievements.

Re: pmurT jokes

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It's all a conspiracy of the kangaroos to dominate the world with subliminal messages.

Re: pmurT jokes

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darkline wrote:
It's all a conspiracy of the kangaroos to dominate the world with subliminal messages.

I guess it's your turn on the wall of shame... fame, I mean Fame!

Re: pmurT jokes

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The biggest Hillary joke comes from the Election Board...

4 electors decided, after so much turmoil in the country, to change their vote. They changed it... in favor of Trump! They were democrats... :D:D:D:D:D

Re: pmurT jokes

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civilu wrote:
The biggest Hillary joke comes from the Election Board...

4 electors decided, after so much turmoil in the country, to change their vote. They changed it... in favor of Trump! They were democrats... :D:D:D:D:D

They didn't change in favor of Trump, 3 voted for Colin Powell and the remaining Faith Spotted Eagle (not a joke, it's the name of a Sioux)

They all belonged to the "Hamilton Electors movement", in this movement, some Democrats pledged to go faithless and give their electoral vote to a compromise candidate. They had hoped this would convince Republican electors to do the same, and possibly prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from winning the Electoral College.

Time to change the electoral system to just plain ol' popular vote wins.

Re: pmurT jokes

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The electoral system works just fine when there is a land slide victory for the most popular votes but in a close election they can make a mockery of the election...and the strange thing is I don't even know who the electors are. Are they elected officials, or just some one jerked off the street. It is a part of the election I could never understand.

I know based on the population of each state the number of electors are determined for each state but who in the hell are those people...who selects the electors?? That makes it a farce, imo.

Re: pmurT jokes

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dowopado wrote:
but who in the hell are those people...who selects the electors?? That makes it a farce, imo.

That's pretty much how elections work - you vote and you never know who actually rules! And US is just another perfect example of how that works.

Anyway, I'm glad you managed to surpass even the Brits! But then again, you were always one step ahead of everyone, even if that everyone was on the edge of the cliff... :D
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