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Shout it from the Rooftops

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Shout it from the rooftops - I just found out my boy is going for 10,10,10

Kasper Bengtsson

Age: 54 (Retired)

Views: 405 Posts: 46
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Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Imagine if you decided to put him in the transfer market... the price can be astonishing!

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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maria171 wrote:
Imagine if you decided to put him in the transfer market once he's officially reach the triple 10 balls... the price can be astonishing!

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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maria171 wrote:
Imagine if you decided to put him in the transfer market... the price can be astonishing!

I don't think so, is a nice player but market wise his value is not that great, I'd say around $800K to maybe $1.5M if you're really lucky, that maxing at 8 tackling means he's not good to be a defender and for a midfielder that 7 passing somewhat limits his ability.

He could still be a good winger if maxings help him, but still has a long way to go.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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darkline wrote:
I don't think so, is a nice player but market wise his value is not that great, I'd say around $800K to maybe $1.5M if you're really lucky...

are you serious? he'd go for WAY more than that. I don't really consider myself one of those guys who crazy overvalues his players, but I'm pretty confident I'd get a good 6 mil for him. regardless, I'm not testing my theory so it's a bit of a mute point.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Seriously, if you think you can sell him for good money you should go fot it, he'll never be a top quality defender or midfielder due to maxings, he still can be a top winger or striker but for that, he needs Pi/Air passing or Pi/Shooting, that's a good 12 to 14 balls he'll need to win until he's ready and you need to be very lucky with maxings.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Darkline is right. Once he gets 10 control I'd sell him and be happy with around 1M-1.5M GBP.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Agree with the guys. The player worth's maybe for a Canadian manager something, but i don't see manny fighting for it.
As a plus, the player can retire at the club, due to excellent physicals and has no TC this season.
On the other hand, low number of balls for the age. I have a player with 70 balls at this age. 15 ball is a lot.

$ 1.5 mil is too low for a triple 10, even if has 7 pass and 8 tack.
Also 6 mil is a dream.
Sure, anything's possible in MZ

Απ: Shout it from the Rooftops

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either sell, or invest heavily in one skill TC (I'd go for crossing) and pray for a high@ maxing

if you;re lucky he will get at least +5@ in crossing with one TC this season and one more next season

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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aurelrabei wrote:
The player worth's maybe for a Canadian manager something, but i don't see manny fighting for it.

I take that back. The player is not Canadian

Still, it has low number of balls

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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ahh, you guys suck! way to rain on my parade.

still, he's going to be replacing guys who were 30'ish who had averages more like 8 SP, 7 ST, 7 BC and 10 TK. I have to think he's a significant upgrade even without the 10 TK.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
ahh, you guys suck! way to rain on my parade.

still, he's going to be replacing guys who were 30'ish who had averages more like 8 SP, 7 ST, 7 BC and 10 TK. I have to think he's a significant upgrade even without the 10 TK.

I dunno dude, don't forget that defenders don't need amazing stamina (yeah its handy, but not mandatory). I personally would put him in as a holding midfielder/CDM in front of two centre-halves who are old and slower but better tackling and experience.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Oh, and this was my first thought:


Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
I dunno dude, don't forget that defenders don't need amazing stamina (yeah its handy, but not mandatory). I personally would put him in as a holding midfielder/CDM in front of two centre-halves who are old and slower but better tackling and experience.

he will be playing a holding midfield role. I had a back 6 all with 10 tackling that I played in a 4-2 formation. he'll be playing exactly where you suggested.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
I dunno dude, don't forget that defenders don't need amazing stamina (yeah its handy, but not mandatory).

Where did you get that from?

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
Shout it from the rooftops - I just found out my boy is going for 10,10,10

Kasper Bengtsson

Age: 54 (Retired)

Contrary to the popular belief, if he was Canadian, he would have 10 balls everywhere.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
Where did you get that from?

I'm not saying that defenders don't need stamina - I don't run with anyone less than 7 if everything else good as a base, and prefer 8 - it's just that strikers will always run out of stamina faster than the defender. True, they will be playing the entire match, but general consensus is that 7 stamina safely sees any player on the field through the match, and normally 5-6 is enough for a keeper, and that strikers typically need more. So 8-9 is great, but when you are considering dropping a 30 year old with (assuming) 9 exp, but 7 stamina and 10 tackling for a player with 10 stamina and 8 tackling, and far less experience, I would leave the 30 year old as the starter.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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I wouldn't feel comfortable with a 5-6 stamina keeper either. I rank that as the 2nd most important category followed closely by Player Intel.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
I'm not saying that defenders don't need stamina - I don't run with anyone less than 7 if everything else good as a base, and prefer 8 - it's just that strikers will always run out of stamina faster than the defender. True, they will be playing the entire match, but general consensus is that 7 stamina safely sees any player on the field through the match, and normally 5-6 is enough for a keeper, and that strikers typically need more. So 8-9 is great, but when you are considering dropping a 30 year old with (assuming) 9 exp, but 7 stamina and 10 tackling for a player with 10 stamina and 8 tackling, and far less experience, I would leave the 30 year old as the starter.

Minimal skill ball requirements is a myth. There are 3-5 defenders on your team which is why they have lower standards meanwhile whether you like it or not, the sim only allows 1 central striker, therefore managers have higher standards for their goal poacher.

There has been no research nor word from the crew on the different ways stamina is depleted based on playing position. My view on stamina is 1 ball = 10 minutes of play.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
There has been no research nor word from the crew on the different ways stamina is depleted based on playing position.

And yet you say:

bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
My view on stamina is 1 ball = 10 minutes of play.

Everyone has their opinions. I am telling him my opinion, up to him if he wants to believe it or not, I don't mind. Pot calling the kettle black though if I can't suggest an idea yet you go ahead and say that 1 stamina ball = 10 minutes.

**FA can delete my previous post**

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Everyone has their opinions. I am telling him my opinion, up to him if he wants to believe it or not, I don't mind. Pot calling the kettle black though if I can't suggest an idea yet you go ahead and say that 1 stamina ball = 10 minutes.

But you're suggesting an entirely new theory that different positions have different stamina needs while I'm just giving a general rule of thumb based on the skill ball system where 0 = lowest and 10 = highest.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
Shout it from the rooftops - I just found out my boy is going for 10,10,10

Kasper Bengtsson

Age: 54 (Retired)

Contrary to the consensus of many of the previous posts. I would love to have this player on my team. Just train him up on PI and AP...then he will be a mint.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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He's going to camp tomorrow night for exactly those two attributes.

When was the last time you saw a 23 year old with 10 SP, 10 ST and 10 BC on the transfer market. I'm telling you (collective you not you personally), this guy gets AT LEAST $6 mil on the transfer market.

Regardless, I have NO intention of selling him and I wasn't the one who brought up transfer prices. I was just astonished when darkline said a max of $1.5 mil.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
I'm telling you (collective you not you personally), this guy gets AT LEAST $6 mil on the transfer market.

There is only one way to find out, but I am afraid you don't have what it takes to do it.

In other words, I need him!

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
But you're suggesting an entirely new theory that different positions have different stamina needs while I'm just giving a general rule of thumb based on the skill ball system where 0 = lowest and 10 = highest.

Hardly new, its sporadically bought up in the Q&A forum by varies postees (I say sporadically because of how dead the forum is).

My theory is based on the fact that players running with the ball at top speed (typically attackers) will use more stamina than players who run at top speed without the ball (typically defenders). Now I am not saying that I am totally correct but to quote many a person (even in this thread), the crew is very non-specific or unavailable when it comes to releasing information.

Your general rule of thumb is therefore nothing different to what I proposed: it's a theory which links the amount of a stamina a player has to a timeframe by which it depletes. Mine is a theory which links the amount of stamina a player has to a position.

By your theory anyway, why isn't it 1 ball = 9 minutes? There are 90 minutes in a game. Should be 9. Why have the extra ball then? And does that mean that a keeper with 8 stamina is going to be tired by 80 minutes whereas an outfield player with 9 balls is tired by 90 minutes? No. An outfield player is obviously going to be more tired than a keeper. And guess what? That is evidence that amount of stamina used is linked to position played rather than time.

Mic drop.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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I'm quite positive that the SIM is not advanced enough to take into consideration whether or not the player is running with or without the ball.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Maybe over the ocean, AT LEAST and AT MOST means something else.
Underestimating or overestimating, are not good for any manager.
And what's the point to estimate the price if the player is not for sale ?
Relax and enjoy your player, smiller. Try to make a winger. That's the most you can do.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
I'm quite positive that the SIM is not advanced enough to take into consideration whether or not the player is running with or without the ball.

Can you prove it though? I don't mind if I'm wrong it is just so contradictory for someone to criticise my theory for it being an theory, and then go and provide a theory themselves.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Can you prove it though?

Nobody can prove anything, but anyone is entitled to have an opinion. :D

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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aurelrabei wrote:
Try to make a winger. That's the most you can do.

Got my winger but am actually trying to get away from the wing tactic. so boring to watch the 3d games when playing wings.

Patryk Swoboda

Age: 57 (Retired)

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
I'm quite positive that the SIM is not advanced enough to take into consideration whether or not the player is running with or without the ball.

My entire view is based on this. It is undisputed that the sim is very basic and somewhere in Sweden someone has a cheat sheet of all the Sim rules.

I'm glad the crew isn't releasing any info on these kind of topics, it allows us all to speculate and makes it seem like MZ is very complex.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
By your theory anyway, why isn't it 1 ball = 9 minutes? There are 90 minutes in a game. Should be 9. Why have the extra ball then? And does that mean that a keeper with 8 stamina is going to be tired by 80 minutes whereas an outfield player with 9 balls is tired by 90 minutes? No. An outfield player is obviously going to be more tired than a keeper. And guess what? That is evidence that amount of stamina used is linked to position played rather than time.

Mic drop.

Because extra time. Most top players have 7-9 stamina. So they get tired after 70-90 minutes, pretty standard in real life too.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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smiller29 wrote:
I'm quite positive that the SIM is not advanced enough to take into consideration whether or not the player is running with or without the ball.

It actually does, the running I mean, I don't think if the player runs with or without the ball makes any difference. Two things I know that point on that direction, there was a bug a long while ago that the player that would take the freekicks would get extremely tired due to having to run extra to pick up the ball all around the place to take the freekick and also, Patrick mentioned that keepers do fine with 6 stamina because while they consume stamina, they don't consume as much as a field player.

smiller29 wrote:
When was the last time you saw a 23 year old with 10 SP, 10 ST and 10 BC on the transfer market. I'm telling you (collective you not you personally), this guy gets AT LEAST $6 mil on the transfer market.

If he gets at least to 9 in air passing and at least 5 ummaxed PI, then someone might take a chance and buy him for 6 million gambling that Pi will not max at 6, I just don't see anyone taking that much of a gigantic gamble on a player with 3 in air passing and 3 Pi. Did you send him to YTC? What did he got? That might give you a clue to determine potential early maxings.

Anyway, the player has potential but needs a lot of work & luck, I'd say 3 more seasons depending on training speed, I just don't think he has the market value you think he does, if you receive a high offer I'd take it in an instant if I where you.
Edited: 19-09-2016 11:34
Total edits: 1

Απ: Shout it from the Rooftops

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in the end, all that matters is your players having more @s than your opponent's players and not rolling snake eyes on the MZ dice

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
Because extra time. Most top players have 7-9 stamina. So they get tired after 70-90 minutes, pretty standard in real life too.

Cool, and how often do you see forward substituted in real life, rather than defenders? I feel like no matter what argument you put forward I will be able to relate it to my theory.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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A Canadian enters into a MZ Bar and shouts from the abyss: I'll have a triple tenner!!! The bartender doesn't get the chance to serve him... all the guys in the bar start throwing their mugs and glasses at the poor maple-leaf-bearer...

Sad day for MZ! To have such a potential in a Sweede player and have him transferred to Canada!!! ;(

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Cool, and how often do you see forward substituted in real life, rather than defenders? I feel like no matter what argument you put forward I will be able to relate it to my theory.

Yes, your theory makes sense because its based on real life football. Which is why it's not the case in MZ.

bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
Because extra time. Most top players have 7-9 stamina. So they get tired after 70-90 minutes, pretty standard in real life too.

Kinda contradicted myself there by using real life football as evidence but whatever.

Here is why I think there is no 'coding' distinction between a striker and a defender, there is however a difference between keepers and outfield players.

The tactics page in MZ allows you to freely place players wherever you want on the pitch, and not on preset positions. Out of the dozen football manager games I've played, this is the only game that allows you to do that. Therefore, the 'striker', 'midfielder' and 'defender' tag is nothing but a label, unlike in some other games where there would be an actual sim coding distinction between the positions. So every player on the field plays by the exact same 'rules' (rules as in, if player does x then y etc.). So a striker and a defender or a winger is practically the same player in the sim's eyes.

This game has been running for 15 years and currently we're only at version two of the sim. The sim is obviously very basic compared to the Football Manager series and I think it's the 3D that gives the illusion of complexity.

But obviously it's all just a theory, MZ could actually be really complex and realistic and I'm a billionaire and I'm currently in a secret relationship with Scarlett Johansson.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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civilu wrote:
Sad day for MZ! To have such a potential in a Sweede player and have him transferred to Canada!!! ;(

don't worry - apparently he's not very good anyway!

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
The tactics page in MZ allows you to freely place players wherever you want on the pitch, and not on preset positions. Out of the dozen football manager games I've played, this is the only game that allows you to do that. Therefore, the 'striker', 'midfielder' and 'defender' tag is nothing but a label, unlike in some other games where there would be an actual sim coding distinction between the positions. So every player on the field plays by the exact same 'rules' (rules as in, if player does x then y etc.). So a striker and a defender or a winger is practically the same player in the sim's eyes.

The sim has a set of very straight and simple set of rules. This allows tactical exploits like wing-play and the weird shorting passing formation that everyone uses.

Give a man some fish, he'll eat the fish. Give a man a fishing rod, he'll go out fishing for compliments.

I hope you see the connection.


Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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civilu wrote:
A Canadian enters into a MZ Bar and shouts from the abyss: I'll have a triple tenner!!! The bartender doesn't get the chance to serve him... all the guys in the bar start throwing their mugs and glasses at the poor maple-leaf-bearer...

Sad day for MZ! To have such a potential in a Sweede player and have him transferred to Canada!!! ;(

Hahaha, he just wanted to watch a hockey game really.

@smiller, if I was you I would make them Swedish pay for it, they own MZ and probably the bar, so look what they did to our Canadian. Sell the player, you get a good 4 to 6 millions, and let's see who's laughing then. Let them sell IKEA to make up for the shortfall.

I do believe that player is worth at least 4 millions. You can get 6 if it's a good day and a bidding war. I'm watching the transfer daily I've seen players like these go for huge amount of money.

The truth be told, it's unbelievable you were able to get that much potential out of a Swedish. You are a great Canadian with an awesome heart, for not letting this Swedish go homeless. He should name his first three children after you.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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aemi wrote:
He should name his first three children after you.

it's written into his contract

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
The sim has a set of very straight and simple set of rules. This allows tactical exploits like wing-play and the weird shorting passing formation that everyone uses.

Give a man some fish, he'll eat the fish. Give a man a fishing rod, he'll go out fishing for compliments.

I hope you see the connection.


Bro. I don't care that you have a theory that's different to mine. Just don't try and shoot someone down for having a theory and then produce one of your own in the next sentence.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Bla, bla, bla ...

bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
Bla, bla, bla ...

Get a room you two or stay on topic.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Bro. I don't care that you have a theory that's different to mine. Just don't try and shoot someone down for having a theory and then produce one of your own in the next sentence.

Not shooting anyone, just rebutting.

aurelrabei wrote:
Get a room you two or stay on topic.

No. We're kinky and we will do it in public.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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Looks like a weak version of one of my ex players, and that was before training 2.0.

As others have pointed out, you need to be lucky with maxings in order to turn him into a world class player. Preferably atleast 9 in CB or 10 shooting, and avoid early maxing in PI. He is a very long way off that. Basically, by the time you have gotten him where he needs to be, he is in the risk of losing balls in speed and stamina.

That said, some people will go crazy when they see a player with triple ten, so on a very good day you could get perhaps 3-4 million euro for him. On a normal day you will get maximum half of that. He is too old for Uxx competitions, and too young and unfinished for top senior level.

Magne Rong

Age: 78 (Retired)

Speed: 10
Stamina: 10
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 8
Passing: 8
Shooting: 6
Heading: 2
Keeping: 2
Ball ControlBC
Ball Control: 10
Tackling: 9
Aerial PassingAP
Aerial Passing: 6
Set PlaysSP
Set Plays: 2
Experience: 10
Form: 9
Total Skill Balls    73

This guy did ok as a central midfielder, but was more or less a curse for me, as his 6 CB made him very limited in a wing tactic, forcing me to try to beat wing teams with short passing tactic. Again, this was prior to training 2.0, and shows what is expected at the top tier. It doesn't help if a guy has 30 balls in sp-st-bc, if he can't back it up elsewhere also.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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With a player like this it might be better floating him for 6-8 million on the transfers (or more) hoping that you find someone willing to pay big instead of hoping for a bid war. That way you can keep fielding him until he nets you a HUGE payday.

Re: Shout it from the Rooftops

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unfortunately i can only be listed for about 2.7 million. he's at camp right now for BC, PI & AP. but regardless, he still fits in my team so i'm not going to sell him.

although i must admit i'm dying to try to see what i could get for him.
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