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13-06-2024 15:15
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 73
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Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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Hey Guys (and Gals),

I was hoping to get some discussion going here on everyone's preferances on how to maintain the youth squad. There's four options I can think of, feel free to add others if you can think of them.

1) 8-8-7 Balanced Youths

This build would keep a balanced youth team, you'd be able to field mostly 18 yo's with 3-4 17yo's. I'm thinking the pros of this option would be having a full season to exchange for the best 7-8 16yo's which should have a stronger average amount of balls. This would be able to maintain a consistent u18 squad which should allow a competitive year over year squad for u18 leagues. This will also balance the flow of youths into the u21/23 and senior squads. This would favour success in the u18 leagues where success season to season would be needed to keep moving up divisions.

2) 12-11-0 - Two On One Off

This build would offer a balance between having only one 'weak' season without 18yo's while allowing you to field a full 18yo squad for u18 competitions. This build would balance league success (with only one weak season) while stacking the lineup with a full 18yo squad for cups.

3) 23-0-0 - Stacked Deck

This build would focus on cycling through for a stacked roster every 3 seasons. It would lead to a weak roster for two seasons before having a stacked roster with 23 18yo's to choose from ensuring early maxes shouldn't set the team back too much. This would also translate to a top notch u21 and u23 team every few seasons.

4) 23-23-23 - Hybrid Stacked Deck

This would require 'power coins' to set a 'custom youth squad' to recruit 23 18yo youths each season. The benefit would be having access to 23 upper age players who have all been given max training and tc's (per the custom youth definition). However this training would be somewhat random, not having control of training before the 18yo season. Having 23 players to choose from should balance this out, especially if u18 success is your goal as a balanced player may perform better than a speed stamina beast who doesn't have other skills. This could also help with u21-23 success as after the u18 season the top 11 players for each year could be maintained to be able to have a max age u21 and u23 squad each season. As well it would triple the number of youths graduating, and although the early maxes might not be traded in as early, there will still be quite a few who will come through with high speed and stamina with senior squad potential.

IMO, I would say 23-0-0 would give the best chance of cup success at the u18 level having full control of moulding the 18 year old players. 23-23-23 hybrid and 8-8-7 would be the best for leagues as you'll have a consistent squad without having to risk demotion with weaker/younger squads in off years. And 23-23-23 would be best for maximizing youths for the senior squad as the lack of training control would just mean you start with more balanced players and would have to wait a few extra seasons to see the unlucky maxings.

Personally I've gone with 8-8-7, but I'm tempted to go for 23-23-23 hybrid in the future. Hopefully we can get some discussions going here ;)
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Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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Winning an U18 cup every 3 seasons would be pretty impressive and you'd be hard pressed not to win with a team full of 18 year olds. The other good thing with playing 23-0-0 is that you could still effectively send your guys to camp as you'd only really need 14 of them playing at any given time.

I'd suggest you could probably even do the 12-11-0 and be VERY competitive for those 2 years while still being able to send your guys to Training Camps.

I personally use more of an 8-8-7 (or probably even 5-8-10 as I'm quick to pull the trigger on exchanges)and it has just now occurred to me that you are talking to the reigning U18 Champion. It appears as though I did it with a 6-7-10 line-up although it's possible I have traded in some players since the tournament ended.

Our goals may be different though as I use the youth system to try and generate top caliber performers for my Senior squad. If you want to fill your trophy case I'd probably use your 23-0-0 or 12-11-0 idea. Good Luck!

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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You missed one, it's called 'every second season'. It doesn't have to be 11-0-12, could be more like 12-4-7. Enough to keep the required amount of youths to get the bonus and manage a youth setup designed to generate players in even season to help the national team.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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scruttino, way to think big picture. always putting your nation first. admirable!

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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smiller29 wrote:
Winning an U18 cup every 3 seasons would be pretty impressive and you'd be hard pressed not to win with a team full of 18 year olds. The other good thing with playing 23-0-0 is that you could still effectively send your guys to camp as you'd only really need 14 of them playing at any given time.

I'd suggest you could probably even do the 12-11-0 and be VERY competitive for those 2 years while still being able to send your guys to Training Camps.

I personally use more of an 8-8-7 (or probably even 5-8-10 as I'm quick to pull the trigger on exchanges)and it has just now occurred to me that you are talking to the reigning U18 Champion. It appears as though I did it with a 6-7-10 line-up although it's possible I have traded in some players since the tournament ended.

Our goals may be different though as I use the youth system to try and generate top caliber performers for my Senior squad. If you want to fill your trophy case I'd probably use your 23-0-0 or 12-11-0 idea. Good Luck!

My only issue with 23-0-0 or 12-11-0 is I don't know how I feel about not having a 'competitive' squad every season for the uXX leagues. And the season with 0 youths, I'd be wasting potential superstar exchanges. I guess a 17-3-3 could allow for the top youths exchanges to still make the roster while having depth for the top youths in the prime group to hit the TC each season.

The one I'd really like to hear about is if anyone has used the 23-23-23 hybrid year over year to generate 23 18yo's each season. If you've used this, are there many 'poorly trained' or wasted balls? Have you been able to have success at the u18 level? If not, have you been able to mould the better ones into a solid u21/23 squad 3-5 years down the line?

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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scruttino wrote:
You missed one, it's called 'every second season'. It doesn't have to be 11-0-12, could be more like 12-4-7. Enough to keep the required amount of youths to get the bonus and manage a youth setup designed to generate players in even season to help the national team.

I think the issue here with 12-4-7 is that the season of 7 wouldn't really be stacked enough to be a top squad for cups.

However I guess the season with 4 18yo's and 7 17yo's might be enough to maintain the u18 league position with a mid table finish as with exchanges the top 4 youths should be solid. Then the 7 18 yo's and 12 17yo's would be a pretty strong squad, hopefully being able to earn promotion towards a top league setting up for the prime year with 12 18yo's where you should be able to have a top cup squad and league squad.

The more I think this might be a great balance, on the league side staying competitive enough to hopefully avoid relegation and then once every 3 seasons having a solid squad to push for league and cup titles.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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you cant do the one requiring power tokens every season....

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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you can't purchase the youth customization every season? i think that's a fair rule given the discussion above, but i didn't know that.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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Yeah. Every 2nd season you can do it so you could do a lot of 23 18yo and then a lot of new ones and then the next season scrap them and buy more.

Plus you cant sell them for 3 seasons

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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big_green_shoe wrote:
you cant do the one requiring power tokens every season....

"Cooldown of two Seasons before you can use this feature again." -From the youth customization page (click to order the youth customization).

Would this mean if ordered this year (S1), ir cant be ordered next season (S2), but then can be ordered the next season (S3):

S1 Order 17yo's
S2 Win U18
S3 (two seasons later) Order new 23yo's
S4 Win U18 again?

Or would it be S1 ordered, S2 cooldown 1, S3 cooldown 2, S4 Order Again?

S1 Order 18yo's / Win U18
S2 16yo's
S3 17yo's
S4 Eligible, but not ordering yet as team has 18yo's
S5 Order 18yo's

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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big_green_shoe wrote:
Yeah. Every 2nd season you can do it so you could do a lot of 23 18yo and then a lot of new ones and then the next season scrap them and buy more.

Plus you cant sell them for 3 seasons

Lol, this wasn't here while I was typing (forgot to hit send so my message was delayed). So bringing them as 17yo's every 2 seasons could be a nice balance.

They come in with 'random' training, so this would give a season to train up speed/stamina on the 17yo's so the u18 squad has the skills you'd want. And not being able to sell for 3 seasons would be fine if you're looking to keep them to have u18, u21, and u23 success. Just fire the terrible ones, then build them as much as possible to sell at 20 (maybe get some extra value from the trainers looking to fill up their u21 rosters).

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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i would just set my youth size to 12 and then in 2 seasons up it to 23. then you would get your own customization that would just keep rolling over and you'd get the freedom to sell the players.

truth be told I would do the 12-11-0 model as I think a 12-11 would give you an excellent shot at winning AT LEAST 1 championship and possibly another. having 11 18yr old players in your squad would be pretty good. plus you would still have time to send them all to TC after the U18 National Championship. This formation would give you an excellent chance of winning 2 out of 3 seasons and would cost you no power tokens.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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I normally do 23 youths so that they reach 21 when the u21 internationals are on so they stand the best chance of being selected.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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I never thought about that... Boom, u21 nationals here I come.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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Ok, im dumb, in case any of you needed a confirmation, but what do the numbers stand for?

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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If you're referring to 23-0-0 / 12-11-0 - 8-8-7 then you're definitely dumb ;-)

They refer to how many youths there are per age group. 8-8-7 is 8x16yo, 8x17yo, 7x18yo.

Re: Youth Squad Breakdown Preferances

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aemi wrote:
Ok, im dumb, in case any of you needed a confirmation, but what do the numbers stand for?

if it makes you feel better, it took me a little while to figure it out when i first read the post. i had never seen the notation used (only for your onfield tactic - ie 4-4-2). started to make more sense when i read the paragraphs following the player splits. i had just never considered planning the age of my youths to maximize my chances in a cup (or for playing on the U21 team for that matter)
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