Exciting and frustrating times here in the MZUSA Federation.  Three of the four tiered leagues are running.  The A and B Leagues both have a full slate of 16 teams.  the C League auto started with only 14 teams.  We unfortunately did not fill the last handful of spaces for the D League before the four week time limit and the league was deleted.  We have begun re-issuing invites for this tier and we have 14 of 16 teams signed on, so hopefully we will have a full slate of 16 in this league as well. 

Currently, there is consideration of creating discounted friendly leagues for the tiered leagues in the hopes of generating more interest.  Not sure exactly how to accomplish this but considering setting all levels up as paid by creator and then asking teams to gift back the reduced entry fee.  Has anyone tried to run a friendly league this way?  Does anyone have an opinion either way on trying things this way next season?  If so, please drop a line in the MZUSA Federation forum thread.  We would like to keep these friendly leagues running but may have to drop a tier or run smaller groups.  Tables for this season's leagues are below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8