luapardo 29-07-2024 14:04
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Hey guys... it's going to be 10 years. Who cares, right?
Elite Club Member mittekeegi 15-02-2024 14:54
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How many of you are active in MZ?
elpepadetodos 23-11-2023 23:14
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Hello everyone :)

I'd like to bring the attention that the reason to close PS was lack of revenue I think, right now technologies have made it easier to get per use costs, I already sent a message to support to see if we can bring up the idea of redesigning PS to see if we can get it back :) with the technology advance that has gone through in the last decade, I think we can make it.

Please message crews to see if we can make it happen or let's see :)
luapardo 10-08-2022 06:51
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Any of you a nationalist?
luapardo 19-06-2022 04:45
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Oh hi ig.
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