From Trinidad to Linköping in a year!

22-02-2019 14:00

Have you ever seen the brilliant wildflowers and unique wildlife in the deserts of Alice Springs, Australia? Or perhaps strolled through the beautiful parks and beaches of Mar del Plata, Argentina? Well, now you have the chance!

We will stumble on fantastic locations on our worldwide tour, and of course, cups will be played on all lines of latitude. Committed globetrotters will be awarded with both milestone badge and prizes, making this yearly journey worth its while. Join us from the beginning, or unite with us along the way.

From beginning to end: Trinidad to Linköping during 2019

Join us on the worldwide journey starting in February, 2019 at our first destination in Trinidad - where the waves are green. Become a true globetrotter and travel all over the world until we finally end our journey in December, at our Headquarters in Linköping, Sweden. Each city we visit will host two cups, a senior cup and a U21 cup, making it 24 cups in total.

Season 69/61
Green Wave Tour, Trinidad 2019
U21 Green Wave Tour, Trinidad 2019

Registration opens: Day 46
Deadline to join: Day 55

Silver Crown Cup, Mar del Plata 2019
U21 Silver Crown Cup, Mar del Plata 2019

Registration opens: Day 53
Deadline to join: Day 62
Carioca Cup, Rio de Janeiro 2019
U21 Carioca Cup, Rio de Janeiro 2019

Registration opens: Day 60
Deadline to join: Day 69

Season 70/62
City Cup, London 2019
U21 City Cup, London 2019

Registration opens: Day 46
Deadline to join: Day 55
Saints Trophy, Paris 2019
U21 Saints Trophy, Paris 2019

Registration opens: Day 53
Deadline to join: Day 62
Legia Cup, Warsaw 2019
U21 Legia Cup, Warsaw 2019

Registration opens: Day 60
Deadline to join: Day 69

Season 71/63
Outback Rumble, Alice Springs 2019
U21 Outback Rumble, Alice Springs 2019

Registration opens: Day 46
Deadline to join: Day 55
Crescent Star Trophy, Ankara 2019
U21 Crescent Star Trophy, Ankara 2019

Registration opens: Day 53
Deadline to join: Day 62
Three Peaks Tour, Yushan 2019
U21 Three Peaks Tour, Yushan 2019

Registration opens: Day 60
Deadline to join: Day 69

Season 72/64
Northern Lights Tour, Lofoten 2019
U21 Northern Lights Tour, Lofoten 2019

Registration opens: Day 46
Deadline to join: Day 55
Angels Cup, Gothenburg 2019
U21 Angels Cup, Gothenburg 2019

Registration opens: Day 53
Deadline to join: Day 62
Headquarters Cup, Linköping 2019
U21 Headquarters Cup, Linköping 2019

Registration opens: Day 60
Deadline to join: Day 69

Become a globetrotter: Join the city cups and earn milestone badge and prizes

Being a globetrotter should be rewarded. How committed you will be is up to you, and will be reflected in your reward.

Tier 1

Join at least 4 city cups during the year to earn yourself the emerald globetrotter badge.

Award when reaching this tier: World League pass

Tier 2

Join at least 10 city cups during the year to earn yourself the purple globetrotter badge.

Award when reaching this tier: World League pass

Tier 3

Join at least 16 city cups during the year to earn yourself the black globetrotter badge.

Award when reaching this tier: World League pass

*Awards will be earned for each tier reached, which means that if you reach tier 3 you will earn a total of 3 World League passes during the year.

Milestone badges will be updated and awards delivered on Day 70 each season for all managers who have reached a higher tier.

The Ultimate Globetrotter
If you join all 24 city cups in 2019 you will not only become the ultimate globetrotter, but you will also be awarded 25 Instant Match Credits* for your commitment.

*Instant Match Credits are used to pay for Instant Matches (Challenges, Scout Matches)