Training 2.0 and Training Camps

15-07-2013 18:00
Training Camps are a key component ensuring your Players can reach their potential and develop into the best in ManagerZone.

Training 2.0 builds on the great foundation that already exists and offers more opportunities for the best Managers to develop their Players in the way they wish. Training 2.0 represents the best advances in Sports Science, Psychology and Nutrition that have been seen in the last 10 years!

Training Camps will therefore play a key role in the transition for all Players to Training 2.0.

Intensive Training Camp
A new kind of Training Camp will be available throughout Season 48/40 and at the end of that season it will be removed. Players who participate in an Intensive Training Camp (ITC) will benefit from all of the advances in science and technology and will develop their skills at an increased rate. The speed of their training will be the equivalent of a Player who has benefited from Training 2.0 throughout their career.

Players of different ages respond in different ways to changes and that is reflected in how much time they must spend at ITCs. Younger Players have the advantage of their youth and older Players have their extensive knowledge to draw upon in learning new training methods.

Youths who arrive in Season 48/40 will not benefit from Intensive Training Camps as they are designed to bridge the gap between training 1.0 and training 2.0.

All Players will be divided into three different groups, which shows the number of weeks they will be on the ITCs:

Group 1: Birth season 25 or later (Football) / 17 or later (Hockey) - 1 week
Group 2: Birth season 16-24 (Football) / 8-16 (Hockey) - 2 weeks
Group 3: Birth season 15 or earlier (Football) / 7 or earlier (Hockey) - 1 week

Your Club Chairman and Boards have been reading about the new training methods and technology and are fully committed to supporting the transition to Training 2.0. They have agreed to invest in the new training ground facilities and staff to allow your Players to enjoy the best chances in their careers.

The cost for the ITC is based on the Players' salaries when they are sent to the ITC.

Your Chairman will pay for the cost to send any Player in Group 1 to their Intensive Training Camp.

Your Chairman will contribute to the ITC cost for Players in Groups 2 and 3 as part of their support for Managers who participate in the Season Break Tour.

The Intense Training Camps are fully customisable. You can choose up to three attributes the Players should train whilst on the Camp. If a Player reaches their maximum potential in the chosen attributes whilst on an ITC, then your training staff will choose a random skill for them to train. They will not be assigned to train Keeping if that happens.

Players can attend 1 ITC and 1 regular Training Camp in Season 48/40.

You will be able to send 9 Football Players and 13 Hockey Players per week to the Intensive Training Camps. In addition to that you cannot send more than 44 (Football) and 64 (Hockey) to the ITC during season 48. Your Chairman will also offer additional support to any Manager and team who participate in the next Season Break Tour. All active Managers will have the same opportunities to benefit from the support of their Chairman.

Training Camps 2.0
Training Camps 2.0 will be available at the start of Season 48/40 and any Player may be sent to them.

A Player may only attend 1 Training Camp per season.
Training Camp packages will update twice per week, on Mondays and on Fridays. The Friday packages will be previewed on Monday when the weekly packages are updated.

All the Training Camp packages are being reviewed and all duplicates removed.
A new Keeping package will be added.

Players who reach their maximum potential in all the Training Camp skills whilst on their chosen package will be automatically returned to their Club the next training day.

Youth Conditioning Camp
New and existing teams who recruit Youths later in the season lose out on valuable training days. This is particularly unfair for new Managers who are unfamiliar with ManagerZone.

The Youth Conditioning Camp (YCC) offers intensive training that allows Youth Players to accelerate their training and catch up with training they have missed within that season. YCCs require 1 week of attendance.

Newly registered teams may send up to 15 Youth Players on YCCs in Football and 21 Youth Players in Hockey, provided they do so within 14 days of starting their team. This will give enough YCC places for active Managers to train a starting Youth team without missing out on a full season of training.

Existing teams may send up to 5 Youth Players on YCCs in Football and 7 Youth Players in Hockey, per season. The YCC will appear for existing teams on day 41 to 91 of each season.

ITC and YCC can start in one season and end in another. Note well that new ITC places will not be available in Season 49/41.