Prized/Friendly Cup

U21 Pool Cup #388

Match date: 17-01-2025 19:00

Match length: 92 Minutes

Talento Futebol clube

Match date: 17-01-2025 19:00

Match length: 92 Minutes

ISPARTASPOR U21 vs. Talento Futebol clube: 0-2


No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk L. Maestro       3.69
4 2 De D. Sanchez       2.85
6 3 De 忠. 黄忠       3.27
5 4 De S. De Toro       3.55
2 5 De S. Şanalp   2.37
3 6 De 77' D. Sanchez       4.75
7 7 Mf A. Çevikcan       4.21
10 8 Mf D. Scord       5.21
11 9 Mf 77' D. Ekenberg       4.82
13 10 St V. Lenin       4.25
9 11 St D. Isac       6.50
14 12 De 77' A. Erdem Tekay       -0.61
22 13 Su A. Vefik İlhanoğlu       0.00
8 14 Mf 77' B. Dzsudzsák       0.50
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts ISP TFC
Goals 0 2
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 1 0
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 1 1
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 2 0
Shots on target 18 8
Possession 53% 47%
No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk C. Espinoza       12.99
3 2 De V. Lindelof       8.79
2 3 De L. Ortiz       9.35
4 4 De A. Pasqualini       9.84
21 5 De R. Magalhães       8.30
6 6 Mf Z. Zhen Ran       8.88
8 7 Mf D. de Azevedo       8.30
15 8 Mf X. Cardeñosa       8.71
11 9 Mf W. Hong Qing     1 11.50
9 10 St J. Augusto Mesquita     1 7.33
7 11 St Z. Bala       5.26
5 12 Su F. Custermans       0.00
20 13 Su R. Reis       0.00
10 14 Su A. Onsoy       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Isparta Atatürk
Spectators: 35 (Terracing: 27, Seating: 8, VIP seats: 0)
José Augusto Mesquita started the match with the kick off in front of an excited audience. Chinto Espinoza showed his good apprehension of the play when he made a fantastic save on a shot from Atahan Çevikcan, who was totally free with the ball in the 8th minute. Chinto Espinoza took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Vladimir Lenin, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. The supporters of ISPARTASPOR U21 booed when Talento Futebol clube was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 18 match minutes in a wonderful position. José Augusto Mesquita didn't get a good kick on the ball. Thanks to some nice foot action and superb ball handling Vladimir Lenin in the 26th minute a chance for a shot on goal. With an extended leg and a bit of luck Chinto Espinoza prevented the ball from getting in the gole. After 29 minutes Talento Futebol clube's defender was forced to head the ball over the line for a corner. It was Di Scord who took care of the corner kick. The audience thought a goal was coming when Davi Isac got free with Chinto Espinoza in the 32nd minute, but the goalkeeper managed to catch the ball with a huge effort. 35 minutes into the match, Talento Futebol clube's goal looked a bit too open when Vladimir Lenin came free, but Chinto Espinoza reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. ISPARTASPOR U21 were awarded a corner in the 36th minute after Talento Futebol clube's defender lost control of the ball, allowing it to roll out over the line. Di Scord took the corner. Di Scord made a great header on ISPARTASPOR U21's corner, it was just that Talento Futebol clube's Chinto Espinoza managed to reach the ball for a save. Luis Maestro took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Xabier Cardeñosa, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. ISPARTASPOR U21's Luis Maestro played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Xabier Cardeñosa in the 38th minute of play. Di Scord came free with the goalkeeper in the 46th minute of the match, and shot straight on target. The shot was a little too simple and Chinto Espinoza could save by the left post. Even after changing tactics the home team jogged off the field with a 0-1 deficit. They would have to work harder if they wanted to turn things around in the second half.

The wind increased when Davi Isac made the kick off in the second half. Chinto Espinoza took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Vladimir Lenin, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. 56 minutes into the match, ISPARTASPOR U21's goalkeeper Luis Maestro had to clear away a ball on his right side after a cunning shot by José Augusto Mesquita. An unexpectedly hard shot by Vladimir Lenin in the 57th minute of play forced Talento Futebol clube's goalkeeper Chinto Espinoza to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. In the 68th minute Davi Isac shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Chinto Espinoza saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. An unexpectedly hard shot by Davi Isac in the 71st minute of play forced Talento Futebol clube's goalkeeper Chinto Espinoza to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. An unexpectedly hard shot by Vladimir Lenin in the 78th minute of play forced Talento Futebol clube's goalkeeper Chinto Espinoza to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. Chinto Espinoza made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Vladimir Lenin in the 78th minute of play. In the 79th minute, Wen Hong Qing ran past the defenders and hit a shot which went straight ahead into goal. Luis Maestro was frozen by the shot and now it was 0-2. Luis Maestro made an important save on a dangerous shot by José Augusto Mesquita in the 84th minute. The audience thought a goal was coming when José Augusto Mesquita got free with Luis Maestro in the 90th minute, but the goalkeeper managed to catch the ball with a huge effort. Seyrani Şanalp hit a great freekick 95 minutes into the match.


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1L. Maestro0000400
4D. Sanchez00001463
6忠. 黄忠00001181
5S. De Toro00001045
2S. Şanalp000017918
3D. Sanchez0000845
7A. Çevikcan00221658
10D. Scord00221042
11D. Ekenberg00001503
13V. Lenin0077310
9D. Isac00771412
14A. Erdem Tekay0000000
22A. Vefik İlhanoğlu0000000
8B. Dzsudzsák0000200

Talento Futebol clube

1C. Espinoza01001500
3V. Lindelof0000639
2L. Ortiz000017119
4A. Pasqualini00001288
21R. Magalhães00009611
6Z. Zhen Ran00001532
8D. de Azevedo00001366
15X. Cardeñosa0022805
11W. Hong Qing11111606
9J. Augusto Mesquita1055414
7Z. Bala0000800
5F. Custermans0000000
20R. Reis0000000
10A. Onsoy0000000