U18 World League

Match date: 12-01-2025 11:45

Match length: 93 Minutes

Airetupal EXC
AC 1986 Vinalito

Match date: 12-01-2025 11:45

Match length: 93 Minutes

Airetupal EXC vs. AC 1986 Vinalito: 0-2

Airetupal EXC

No Po Pl R
102 1 Gk D. Neses       5.44
108 2 De P. Zuri       4.11
100 3 De E. Laurencio       4.95
107 4 De A. Chamorro       1.59
106 5 De I. Beltranilla       4.11
101 6 Mf M. Cavallosa       5.01
109 7 Mf H. Sopuerta       3.75
105 8 Mf C. Valdecañas       3.33
110 9 Mf S. Roig       2.91
104 10 St A. Tostado       3.15
111 11 St A. Calvon       2.71
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts EXC 1986
Goals 0 2
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 0 1
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 4 4
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 1 0
Shots on target 2 13
Possession 51% 49%
No Po Pl R
50 1 Gk M. Tano       7.74
49 2 De R. Eduino       9.98
43 3 De I. Pacho       9.98
46 4 De F. Steven       9.35
65 5 Mf A. Virila       10.61
62 6 Mf F. Nel       11.03
60 7 Mf D. Fonda       7.04
51 8 Mf A. Eutropio       7.46
40 9 St L. Pio   4.81
45 10 St M. Abaunza       3.93
42 11 St T. Pirlo     2 10.73
69 12 Su S. Iraitz       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Spectators: 7487 (Terracing: 5616, Seating: 1722, VIP seats: 149)
In the 2nd minute, Artemio Eutropio hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. When AC 1986 Vinalito's Tiziano Pirlo in the 5th minute got a chance for a shot 5th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Airetupal EXC's goalie prevented a goal. In the 7th minute, Miguel Abaunza got an opportunity to score, but he didn't get a solid hit on the ball and ended up kicking it wide of the goal. After some fancy dribbling in the 10th minute, Leandro Pio managed to get in a good position for a shot. AC 1986 Vinalito's supporters rose to their feet, but Leandro Pio was a bit off balance and shot the ball just wide of the left post. Dunixi Neses breathed a sigh of relief and went to take the goal kick. When AC 1986 Vinalito's Tiziano Pirlo in the 12th minute got a chance for a shot 12th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Airetupal EXC's goalie prevented a goal. After 18 played minutes AC 1986 Vinalito got a freekick which was hit by Artemio Eutropio. With his leg Manuel Tano managed to avoid a goal in the 19thth minute, when Airetupal EXC's Aureliano Tostado fired away a shot with a lot of spin towards his right hand side. A collision led to Airetupal EXC getting a freekick after 22 minutes play. Calisto Valdecañas hit a great ball. In the 29th minute Airetupal EXC were awarded a corner. Ezkerra Laurencio went to the cornerflag to take it. Dunixi Neses took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Tiziano Pirlo, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. Tiziano Pirlo sent away a hard shot on goal in the 33rd minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. Tiziano Pirlo sent away a hard shot on goal in the 34th minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. In the 40thth minute of the game Tiziano Pirlo who was perfectly placed tried to make a shot on goal, but Airetupal EXC's Dunixi Neses was lucky and managed to grab hold of the ball. After 41 played minutes Airetupal EXC got a freekick which was hit by Hulberto Sopuerta. The audience was convinced that Leandro Pio's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Dunixi Neses was relentless in the 47th minute of the game. After the first half the score was level. The break gave the players a chance to catch their breath, whilst the managers went over the tactics with them again.

Both teams looked relatively alert before the second half when the referee blew his whistle to tell Aureliano Tostado to make the kick off. Hulberto Sopuerta received a nice pass in the box and took a hard shot in the 53rd minute. Manuel Tano tensed up and prepared to dive, but the shot went over the goal with him having to interfere. The supporters of AC 1986 Vinalito booed when Airetupal EXC was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 57 match minutes in a wonderful position. Marques Cavallosa didn't get a good kick on the ball. Airetupal EXC's Dunixi Neses played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Leandro Pio in the 61st minute of play. 63 minutes into the game, Tiziano Pirlo recieved a splendid long ball, split the defenders, and gently placed the ball to the left of Dunixi Neses. Tiziano Pirlo showed that you don't have to tear a hole in the net to score, 0-1. Tiziano Pirlo succeeded to score despite a near miss that spronge from right pole into the goal to 0-2 in the 73rd playminute. The supporters of AC 1986 Vinalito booed when Airetupal EXC was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 80 match minutes in a wonderful position. Salamon Roig didn't get a good kick on the ball. After a defensive mix-up in AC 1986 Vinalito's zone, Adan Calvon stole the ball and had only the goalie to beat. Manuel Tano came out of the goal and Adan Calvon tried to chip the ball over his head. To his dismay, the ball went over the crossbar and out of play. In the 93rd minute Leandro Pio shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Dunixi Neses saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line.


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Airetupal EXC

102D. Neses00001200
108P. Zuri000014121
100E. Laurencio000024162
107A. Chamorro0000100
106I. Beltranilla000014121
101M. Cavallosa000010119
109H. Sopuerta001016516
105C. Valdecañas000017310
110S. Roig0000416
104A. Tostado0032111
111A. Calvon0010201

AC 1986 Vinalito

50M. Tano0000400
49R. Eduino000015142
43I. Pacho000016142
46F. Steven010014111
65A. Virila000019174
62F. Nel000014193
60D. Fonda0000001
51A. Eutropio0000824
40L. Pio0143827
45M. Abaunza0010501
42T. Pirlo201210223
69S. Iraitz0000000