U18 World League

Match date: 21-01-2025 17:30

Match length: 92 Minutes

MZetowe Mastodonty

Match date: 21-01-2025 17:30

Match length: 92 Minutes

MZetowe Mastodonty vs. Formentera: 5-0

MZetowe Mastodonty

No Po Pl R
108 1 Gk R. Madej       10.01
189 2 De F. Bartocha   8.52
151 3 De B. Brzonkala       9.00
135 4 De D. Chwalkiewicz       8.51
223 5 Mf C. Munko       10.56
219 6 Mf A. Pawelczyk       10.14
254 7 Mf S. Dziewulski       7.46
251 8 Mf H. Przewozik       7.25
197 9 Mf W. Klawke       7.46
248 10 St L. Borkowski     2 9.41
194 11 St T. Budarz     3 12.15
252 12 Su Z. Bulkiewicz       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts mrc FFC
Goals 5 0
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 1 2
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 7 5
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 0 0
Shots on target 10 5
Possession 49% 51%
No Po Pl R
112 1 Gk L. Nel       2.33
105 2 De C. Ladio       2.12
119 3 De E. Walme       3.10
104 4 De N. Aureo       1.00
120 5 Mf U. Medero       6.24
110 6 Mf L. Paublo       3.96
121 7 Mf F. Rosalio       5.38
106 8 Mf D. Gorosti       3.91
125 9 St H. Roderigo   1.82
116 10 St A. Seme   1.82
113 11 St O. Mero       4.48
101 12 Su F. Rius       0.00
108 13 Su A. Panfilo       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Stadion Stawienko
Spectators: 7975 (Terracing: 5983, Seating: 1834, VIP seats: 158)
Tytus Budarz made the kick off and thus started the match. 3 minutes into the match, Formentera's goalkeeper Lázaro Nel had to clear away a ball on his right side after a cunning shot by Tytus Budarz. In the 4th match minute, Formentera was awarded a freekick, the ball was picked up by Arnulfo Seme to maneuver through the defense. Lázaro Nel was out of position in the 5 minute of play, and Lucjan Borkowski capitalized on the mistake with a soft shot into the goal. Lucjan Borkowski really showed his touch with that goal: 1-0. The crowd rose to their feet as Tytus Budarz kicked a wonderful shot that went in to the left of a diving Lázaro Nel. That made the score 2-0 in the 7 minute of play. Lázaro Nel made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Lucjan Borkowski in the 14th minute of play. Lázaro Nel came out of the goal in the 17th minute to try and stop a shot by MZetowe Mastodonty's Lucjan Borkowski. But to his dismay, Lucjan Borkowski quickly shot the ball in between his legs and into the goal making it 3-0. In the 28th match minute, Formentera was awarded a freekick, the ball was picked up by Osvaldo Mero to maneuver through the defense. In the 31st match minute, MZetowe Mastodonty was awarded a freekick, the ball was picked up by Wincenty Klawke to maneuver through the defense. A collision led to MZetowe Mastodonty getting a freekick after 33 minutes play. Borys Brzonkala hit a great ball. In the 36th minute, Luisito Paublo hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. Hermengildo Roderigo's late challenge caught a MZetowe Mastodonty's player on the shin and left him crawling around in pain. The referee blew his whistle and produced the yellow card. Hermengildo Roderigo helped the player get up and apologised. In the 40th minute, Hermengildo Roderigo hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. An unexpectedly hard shot by Osvaldo Mero in the 47th minute of play forced MZetowe Mastodonty's goalkeeper Remigiusz Madej to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball.

The wind increased when Osvaldo Mero made the kick off in the second half. 66 minutes into the match, Tytus Budarz notched a goal, 4-0, to the right of Formentera's Lázaro Nel. Lázaro Nel was clearly disgusted with the effort of the defense and let the defenders know about it. 71 minutes into the match, Formentera's goal looked a bit too open when Lucjan Borkowski came free, but Lázaro Nel reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. 72 minutes into the match, Tytus Budarz notched a goal, 5-0, to the right of Formentera's Lázaro Nel. Lázaro Nel was clearly disgusted with the effort of the defense and let the defenders know about it. When Franciszek Bartocha fell near the penalty area in the 79th minute he thought he would be awarded a free kick. The referee ignored MZetowe Mastodonty's protests and gave Franciszek Bartocha a yellow card for diving instead. A collision led to MZetowe Mastodonty getting a freekick after 79 minutes play. Franciszek Bartocha hit a great ball. The long shot by Luisito Paublo in the 80th minute really tested Remigiusz Madej's skills. The ball was on its way into the goal to the left of him when he managed to stretch himself and save the shot and avoid a goal. Franciszek Bartocha hit a great freekick 81 minutes into the match. An unexpectedly hard shot by Osvaldo Mero in the 86th minute of play forced MZetowe Mastodonty's goalkeeper Remigiusz Madej to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. In the 88th match minute, Formentera was awarded a freekick, the ball was picked up by Urbano Medero to maneuver through the defense. In the 89th minute, Franciszek Bartocha sent off a long shot on goal, but the shot was nowhere near the goal and Formentera's Lázaro Nel didn't even have to move. Arnulfo Seme's late challenge caught a MZetowe Mastodonty's player on the shin and left him crawling around in pain. The referee blew his whistle and produced the yellow card. Arnulfo Seme helped the player get up and apologised. In the 94th minute Tytus Budarz shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Lázaro Nel saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. Formentera's players left the field with heads hung low after losing a match that had been finely balanced throughout.


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MZetowe Mastodonty

108R. Madej0000500
189F. Bartocha01101375
151B. Brzonkala0000544
135D. Chwalkiewicz00001274
223C. Munko010010115
219A. Pawelczyk00001192
254S. Dziewulski0000321
251H. Przewozik0000011
197W. Klawke0200928
248L. Borkowski2044414
194T. Budarz30661022
252Z. Bulkiewicz0000000


112L. Nel0000600
105C. Ladio0000826
119E. Walme000011123
104N. Aureo0000320
120U. Medero001114107
110L. Paublo0000663
121F. Rosalio00001175
106D. Gorosti00001205
125H. Roderigo0021926
116A. Seme0011204
113O. Mero0032902
101F. Rius0000000
108A. Panfilo0000000