

Match date: 26-01-2025 14:00

Match length: 93 Minutes

Maverick FC

Match date: 26-01-2025 14:00

Match length: 93 Minutes

C A U vs. Maverick FC: 4-0


No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk G. Beebe       7.04
2 2 De T. Ishmael       8.72
13 3 De A. Koldobika       10.05
23 4 De U. Remicio       9.14
3 5 Mf G. Bladi       7.27
48 6 Mf A. Entrena       7.04
10 7 Mf A. Isauro     1 13.80
5 8 Mf H. Abadia       11.26
14 9 Mf H. Wei Guang       8.46
7 10 St 65' B. Gartzen       5.26
9 11 St 76' J. Fertus     2 14.47
29 12 St 76' E. Elivareo     1 4.46
26 13 Su L. Gustavo Alcântara       0.00
28 14 Su L. Favila       0.00
25 15 Su A. Xabier       0.00
11 16 St 65' N. Cuevas       1.72
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts CAU MFC
Goals 4 0
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 0 0
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 2 1
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 3 0
Shots on target 34 0
Possession 60% 40%
No Po Pl R
15 1 Gk C. Eduardo Donatello       8.98
12 2 De A. Hoffmann       4.15
11 3 De C. Neiva       2.26
2 4 De E. Otsando       1.21
14 5 De M. Dósa       1.21
3 6 Mf C. Bittencourt       3.91
13 7 Mf R. Hug       2.91
9 8 Mf T. Faro       2.70
6 9 Mf E. Sazon       2.91
5 10 St F. Ebardo       2.71
8 11 St M. Abuelo       4.96
10 12 Su C. Freitas       0.00
4 13 Su 史泉       0.00
7 14 Su S. Mikolas       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Estadio 15 de Abril
Spectators: 7624 (Terracing: 5719, Seating: 1753, VIP seats: 152)
The mood of the audience was pleasant when Miguel Abuelo made the kick off which started today's match. Alfonso Isauro could have scored with his fast shot on goal in the 4th minute of the match, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello made a huge save. Carlos Eduardo Donatello made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Jimeno Fertus in the 6th minute of play. Alfonso Isauro hit a great freekick 7 minutes into the match. If Jimeno Fertus had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 10th minute. The ball went over the crossbar instead. If Jimeno Fertus had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 11th minute. The ball went over the crossbar instead. 11 minutes into the match, Maverick FC's goal looked a bit too open when Jimeno Fertus came free, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. Elpidio Sazon made in the 13th minute of the game a fairly good throw-in which was taken care of by Miguel Abuelo. With a little luck, Maverick FC's Carlos Eduardo Donatello got control of the ball when Jimeno Fertus tried to sneak it across the goal line. Maverick FC's Carlos Eduardo Donatello played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Jimeno Fertus in the 18th minute of play. Jimeno Fertus received a nice pass in the box and took a hard shot in the 20th minute. Carlos Eduardo Donatello tensed up and prepared to dive, but the shot went over the goal with him having to interfere. In the 22nd minute Jimeno Fertus shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. Jimeno Fertus might have been able to make a better finish in the 23rd minute when he tried to place a hard shot over Carlos Eduardo Donatello. Instead the ball went over the crossbar and out. Jimeno Fertus ran back to his position shaking his head. 23 minutes into the match, Maverick FC's goal looked a bit too open when Jimeno Fertus came free, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. When the match had gone on for 26 minutes, Jimeno Fertus put it in 1-0 from a short distance just to the right of Carlos Eduardo Donatello. If Han Wei Guang had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 29th minute. The ball went over the crossbar and out instead. When C A U's Jimeno Fertus in the 30th minute got a chance for a shot 30th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Maverick FC's goalie prevented a goal. A collision led to Maverick FC getting a freekick after 33 minutes play. Adilson Hoffmann hit a great ball. Jimeno Fertus received a nice pass in the box and took a hard shot in the 40th minute. Carlos Eduardo Donatello tensed up and prepared to dive, but the shot went over the goal with him having to interfere. An unexpectedly hard shot by Jimeno Fertus in the 41st minute of play forced Maverick FC's goalkeeper Carlos Eduardo Donatello to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. The crowd rose to their feet as Jimeno Fertus kicked a wonderful shot that went in to the left of a diving Carlos Eduardo Donatello. That made the score 2-0 in the 44 minute of play. An unexpectedly hard shot by Jimeno Fertus in the 47th minute of play forced Maverick FC's goalkeeper Carlos Eduardo Donatello to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. No-one was surprised that the home team were leading 2-0 at half-time.

Both teams looked relatively alert before the second half when the referee blew his whistle to tell Jimeno Fertus to make the kick off. In the 54th match minute, Maverick FC was awarded a freekick, the ball was picked up by Carlos Bittencourt to maneuver through the defense. 56 minutes into the match, Maverick FC's goal looked a bit too open when Jimeno Fertus came free, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. When C A U's Jimeno Fertus in the 58th minute got a chance for a shot 58th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Maverick FC's goalie prevented a goal. With a couple of smart ball manuevers Jimeno Fertus in the 60th managed to get into a good position. With a left leg Carlos Eduardo Donatello saved Maverick FC from getting behind. Jimeno Fertus's shot was meant for the net just under the crossbar, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello read the situation well and was quickly in position to make a wonderful save in the 62nd minute of play. Carlos Eduardo Donatello made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Jimeno Fertus in the 63rd minute of play. 67 minutes into the match, Alfonso Isauro notched a goal, 3-0, to the right of Maverick FC's Carlos Eduardo Donatello. Carlos Eduardo Donatello was clearly disgusted with the effort of the defense and let the defenders know about it. C A U made a substitution. Nelson Cuevas replaced Bernabe Gartzen. In the 72nd minute Jimeno Fertus shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. C A U's attacker deliberately struck the ball against an opponent to win a corner for his team. The corner was taken by Alfonso Isauro in the 73rd minute. A nice corner shot did that Alfonso Isauro got away a dangerous shot. Despite this Carlos Eduardo Donatello quite easily got ahold of the ball to make the save. In the 76th minute Jimeno Fertus shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. Jimeno Fertus recieved an excellent pass in front of the goal in the 77th minute. Unfortunately, he received the ball on his off foot and could only manage a weak shot that went over the goal. 78 minutes into the match, Maverick FC's goal looked a bit too open when Jimeno Fertus came free, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. The audience was convinced that Jimeno Fertus's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Carlos Eduardo Donatello was relentless in the 80th minute of the game. C A U's Edgardo Elivareo was substituted for Jimeno Fertus. After taking down the ball on C A U's corner Alfonso Isauro fired away a hard shot, but the defenders efficiently covered the most dangerous angles and Carlos Eduardo Donatello quite easily take care of the ball. In the 84th minute of the match C A U got a corner. Maverick FC's goalie ran out to the linesman to protest the call, but the linesman resolutely pointed his flag at the cornerflag. Alfonso Isauro ran over to the corner to take the kick. A nice corner shot did that Gervasio Bladi got away a dangerous shot. Despite this Carlos Eduardo Donatello quite easily got ahold of the ball to make the save. Andy Entrena sent away a hard shot on goal in the 85th minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. When the match clock showed 88 minutes, the score became 4-0 when Edgardo Elivareo sped through Maverick FC's defense and sent away a curving shot that went into the net to the right of Carlos Eduardo Donatello. Han Wei Guang struck a weak shot in the 91st minute. Carlos Eduardo Donatello didn't even have to move as the ball rolled over the line well wide of the goal. A wasted opportunity for C A U. Carlos Eduardo Donatello made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Edgardo Elivareo in the 93rd minute of play. There were very few away supporters still in the ground by the end of the match. Most of them had left early, disgusted by the way their team had been torn apart. C A U fully deserved thier win.


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1G. Beebe0000000
2T. Ishmael0000880
13A. Koldobika01001194
23U. Remicio000011102
3G. Bladi0011102
48A. Entrena0010000
10A. Isauro104428128
5H. Abadia000017104
14H. Wei Guang00201813
7B. Gartzen01001400
9J. Fertus202927113
29E. Elivareo1022001
26L. Gustavo Alcântara0000000
28L. Favila0000000
25A. Xabier0000000
11N. Cuevas0100400

Maverick FC

15C. Eduardo Donatello00002900
12A. Hoffmann000012178
11C. Neiva0000885
2E. Otsando00001235
14M. Dósa00001036
3C. Bittencourt0000706
13R. Hug0000315
9T. Faro0000100
6E. Sazon0000010
5F. Ebardo0000101
8M. Abuelo0000504
10C. Freitas0000000
7S. Mikolas0000000