

Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 95 Minutes

Bernal FC
Jovita AFC

Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 95 Minutes

Bernal FC vs. Jovita AFC: 3-0

Bernal FC

No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk A. Popken       8.09
6 2 De C. Senio       9.77
2 3 De 46' 김. 지   4.73
4 4 De L. Guillelmo       8.09
3 5 De V. Norino   7.40
5 6 Mf J. Paulo Fantini       9.51
11 7 Mf G. Sazon       7.67
8 8 Mf F. Bembe       7.46
10 9 Mf G. Fernandes     3 17.01
7 10 St W. Checa       4.15
9 11 St 66' P. Gaxan       5.92
15 12 Su G. Ciano       0.00
12 13 Su L. Leguade       0.00
14 14 Su G. Lop       0.00
13 15 Su C. Guillelmo       0.00
16 16 St 66' J. Cordarell       1.72
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts BFC Joa
Goals 3 0
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 1 0
Red cards 1 0
Free kicks 6 3
Penalty kicks 0 1
Corners 0 1
Shots on target 10 3
Possession 62% 38%
No Po Pl R
5 1 Gk T. Urtsin       4.04
7 2 De S. Aureo       2.01
10 3 De C. Luzaide       2.01
2 4 De F. Rumaldo       6.21
8 5 De D. Nerio       3.06
14 6 Mf M. Medina       4.75
6 7 Mf R. Izotz       3.33
3 8 Mf A. Hondo       3.54
11 9 St S. Valerio       2.93
9 10 St C. Abancens       2.71
13 11 St C. Maties       4.48
15 12 Su A. Lobo       0.00
12 13 Su G. Ibañez       0.00
16 14 Su I. Gelacio       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Spectators: 7398 (Terracing: 5586, Seating: 1712, VIP seats: 100)
The sun was shining, the grass was green and the audience cheered when Cristobal Maties got the match started through his kick off. In the 5th minute, Cristobal Maties hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. Gilberto Fernandes could have scored with his fast shot on goal in the 7th minute of the match, but Teobaldo Urtsin made a huge save. In the 11th minute, Silvio Aureo hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. In the 14thth minute of the game Pablo Gaxan who was perfectly placed tried to make a shot on goal, but Jovita AFC's Teobaldo Urtsin was lucky and managed to grab hold of the ball. Gilberto Fernandes succeeded to score despite a near miss that spronge from right pole into the goal to 1-0 in the 16th playminute. 22 minutes into the match, Jovita AFC's goal looked a bit too open when Pablo Gaxan came free, but Teobaldo Urtsin reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. An unexpectedly hard shot by Gilberto Fernandes in the 25th minute of play forced Jovita AFC's goalkeeper Teobaldo Urtsin to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. Teobaldo Urtsin was out of position in the 27 minute of play, and Gilberto Fernandes capitalized on the mistake with a soft shot into the goal. Gilberto Fernandes really showed his touch with that goal: 2-0. Pablo Gaxan fired away a screaming shot towards the goal in the 33rd minute, but the shot went just over the crossbar without Teobaldo Urtsin having to interfere. 40 minutes into the game, Bernal FC's Gilberto Fernandes nearly tore a hole in the net with a booming shot. Teobaldo Urtsin made a valiant effort, but he could not reach the ball in time, 3-0. An unexpectedly hard shot by Serafino Valerio in the 44th minute of play forced Bernal FC's goalkeeper Auke Popken to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. After 46 minutes Bernal FC's defender was forced to head the ball over the line for a corner. It was Fidel Rumaldo who took care of the corner kick. The referee felt a red card was in order, 47 minutes into the game, when 김 지 put in a rough tackle. Fidel Rumaldo shot the penalty kick right outside the post. The home fans were very happy to see their team leading 3-0 at half-time.

When the second half was about to start, both teams quickly lined up and Pablo Gaxan made a kick off. The supporters of Jovita AFC booed when Bernal FC was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 57 match minutes in a wonderful position. Pablo Gaxan didn't get a good kick on the ball. After a rather tough play, Jovita AFC's Cristobal Maties got a free kick in the 59th minute. The supporters of Bernal FC booed when Jovita AFC was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 59 match minutes in a wonderful position. Atilano Hondo didn't get a good kick on the ball. Teobaldo Urtsin showed his good apprehension of the play when he made a fantastic save on a shot from Pablo Gaxan, who was totally free with the ball in the 61st minute. Teobaldo Urtsin showed brilliant goalkeeper skills when he caught the ball after a hard shot from Gilberto Fernandes in the 62nd minute of the match. After a rather tough play, Jovita AFC's Atilano Hondo got a free kick in the 62nd minute. Cristobal Maties sent away a hard shot on goal in the 73rd minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. In the 75th minute, Francisco Bembe hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. Cristobal Maties who was well placed in front of the goal fired away a dangerous shot that in the 80thth minute tested the skills of Auke Popken when he managed to save the team from getting behind. In the 85th minute, Victoriano Norino hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. When Jovita AFC's Cristobal Maties in the 86th minute got a chance for a shot 86th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Bernal FC's goalie prevented a goal. Melchor Medina hit a great freekick 96 minutes into the match. Bernal FC's supporters were delighted with their team's performance and swarmed onto the pitch at the end of the match to celebrate the victory with the players.


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Bernal FC

1A. Popken0000200
6C. Senio000014132
2김. 지000010101
4L. Guillelmo0000653
3V. Norino0000772
5J. Paulo Fantini01001762
11G. Sazon0000431
8F. Bembe0000323
10G. Fernandes30661053
7W. Checa001116151
9P. Gaxan0153502
15G. Ciano0000000
12L. Leguade0000000
14G. Lop0000000
13C. Guillelmo0000000
16J. Cordarell0000212

Jovita AFC

5T. Urtsin00001000
7S. Aureo0000424
10C. Luzaide0000220
2F. Rumaldo001031227
8D. Nerio0000971
14M. Medina000012411
6R. Izotz0000731
3A. Hondo0000846
11S. Valerio0011201
9C. Abancens0000303
13C. Maties00327017
15A. Lobo0000000
12G. Ibañez0000000
16I. Gelacio0000000