

Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 93 Minutes


Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 93 Minutes

INTER DE MIMAMI vs. Belgrano: 0-5


No Po Pl R
87 1 Gk T. Skoog       3.03
7 2 De B. Estebe       0.58
85 3 De M. Koldo       1.00
86 4 De C. Regis       1.63
4 5 De G. Firman       3.80
88 6 Mf S. Bide       3.33
11 7 Mf I. Montrell       2.91
3 8 Mf G. Farias       5.24
84 9 Mf A. Eyague       3.37
89 10 St E. Bury       4.04
12 11 St G. Tomi       2.71
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts IDM Beo
Goals 0 5
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 0 1
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 4 4
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 0 1
Shots on target 2 15
Possession 43% 57%
No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk A. Brais       7.74
6 2 De A. Clodio       8.09
8 3 De A. Martinez       9.63
13 4 De C. Jaunzuria       7.67
23 5 De P. Kebakopoulos       7.88
5 6 Mf M. Chano   9.24
14 7 Mf D. Arce       10.42
11 8 Mf H. Oskarbi       10.86
10 9 St M. Boselli       5.92
7 10 St O. Ado     2 10.96
9 11 St 潘谦朋     3 13.48
18 12 Su D. Malay       0.00
12 13 Su E. Ilazki       0.00
2 14 Su N. Tagliafico       0.00
15 15 Su A. Jerico       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Spectators: 7503 (Terracing: 5628, Seating: 1726, VIP seats: 149)
The field was rather wet after several days of rain when 潘谦朋 took the kick off in the first half of the match. Oscar Ado sent away a hard shot on goal in the 3rd minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. After some fancy dribbling in the 6th minute, Oscar Ado managed to get in a good position for a shot. Belgrano's supporters rose to their feet, but Oscar Ado was a bit off balance and shot the ball just wide of the left post. Thomas Skoog breathed a sigh of relief and went to take the goal kick. Maximo Chano charged in rather forcefully in the 7th minute of the match, and managed to knock his opponent down. The referee showed Maximo Chano the yellow card, and asked the players to shake hands before continuing play. Maximo Chano hit a great freekick 7 minutes into the match. After 9th play minutes Oscar Ado shot 0-1, a short shot which went by Thomas Skoog and just under the crossbar into goal. Thomas Skoog took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from 潘谦朋, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. An unexpectedly hard shot by 潘谦朋 in the 16th minute of play forced INTER DE MIMAMI's goalkeeper Thomas Skoog to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. Thomas Skoog showed brilliant goalkeeper skills when he caught the ball after a hard shot from Mauro Boselli in the 18th minute of the match. Oscar Ado fired away a screaming shot towards the goal in the 26th minute, but the shot went just over the crossbar without Thomas Skoog having to interfere. Cristo Regis kicked well hit freekick during the 34th minute of the match. After some careless play in the INTER DE MIMAMI defense, 潘谦朋 kicked a shot that curved into the net to the right of Thomas Skoog. The INTER DE MIMAMI fans voiced their displeasure as they felt that Thomas Skoog should have stopped the shot. Anastasio Brais made an important save on a dangerous shot by Adrian Eyague in the 41st minute. Oscar Ado recieved an excellent pass in front of the goal in the 47th minute. Unfortunately, he received the ball on his off foot and could only manage a weak shot that went over the goal. If 潘谦朋 had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 47th minute. The ball went over the crossbar and out instead. The INTER DE MIMAMI players were disheartened as they walked off the pitch after the first half. Belgrano were winning 0-2.


If Edmund Bury had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 54th minute. The ball went over the crossbar and out instead. Oscar Ado might have been able to make a better finish in the 58th minute when he tried to place a hard shot over Thomas Skoog. Instead the ball went over the crossbar and out. Oscar Ado ran back to his position shaking his head. 58 minutes into the match, 潘谦朋 had an open shot that he just couldn't miss and scored to the right of Thomas Skoog. INTER DE MIMAMI's manager could be seen yelling to the referee that 潘谦朋 was offside, but the referee ignored the protest. 0-3. In the 63rd minute, 潘谦朋 ran past the defenders and hit a shot which went straight ahead into goal. Thomas Skoog was frozen by the shot and now it was 0-4. INTER DE MIMAMI's Thomas Skoog played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Herminio Oskarbi in the 67th minute of play. Edmund Bury recieved an excellent pass in front of the goal in the 70th minute. Unfortunately, he received the ball on his off foot and could only manage a weak shot that went over the goal. After a defensive mix-up in INTER DE MIMAMI's zone, Mauro Boselli stole the ball and had only the goalie to beat. Thomas Skoog came out of the goal and Mauro Boselli tried to chip the ball over his head. To his dismay, the ball went over the crossbar and out of play. Belgrano's Oscar Ado got a good chance for a goal in the 74th minute, but he totally mistimed the shot and it went over the crossbar. Oscar Ado sent away a hard shot on goal in the 78th minute, but the ball hit the crossbar and went out. A very good chance for a goal. Oscar Ado struck a weak shot in the 80th minute. Thomas Skoog didn't even have to move as the ball rolled over the line well wide of the goal. A wasted opportunity for Belgrano. Mauro Boselli's shot straight on target was not completely harmless. The ball had pretty good speed, but Thomas Skoog firmly grabbed it by the left post. Mauro Boselli made a great header on Belgrano's corner, it was just that INTER DE MIMAMI's Thomas Skoog managed to reach the ball for a save. Thomas Skoog was a little too slow when Oscar Ado got a fine hit on the ball which went right into the goal in the 84th minute. The score was now 0-5. The audience was convinced that Oscar Ado's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Thomas Skoog was relentless in the 87th minute of the game. After some fancy dribbling in the 91st minute, 潘谦朋 managed to get in a good position for a shot. Belgrano's supporters rose to their feet, but 潘谦朋 was a bit off balance and shot the ball just wide of the left post. Thomas Skoog breathed a sigh of relief and went to take the goal kick. If 潘谦朋 had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 96th minute. The ball went over the crossbar and out instead.

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  6' Maximo ChanoM Chano 
  8' (0-1)Oscar AdoO Ado 
  37' (0-2)潘谦朋潘谦朋 
  53' (0-3)潘谦朋潘谦朋 
  58' (0-4)潘谦朋潘谦朋 
  79' (0-5)Oscar AdoO Ado 

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87T. Skoog00001500
7B. Estebe0000101
85M. Koldo0000827
86C. Regis0000959
4G. Firman000017108
88S. Bide0000735
11I. Montrell0000510
3G. Farias0000525
84A. Eyague0022413
89E. Bury0020810
12G. Tomi0000200


1A. Brais0000400
6A. Clodio0000752
8A. Martinez0000976
13C. Jaunzuria0000531
23P. Kebakopoulos0000441
5M. Chano000014103
14D. Arce0000963
11H. Oskarbi01111170
10M. Boselli01431233
7O. Ado211251112
18D. Malay0000000
12E. Ilazki0000000
2N. Tagliafico0000000
15A. Jerico0000000