

Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 93 Minutes


Match date: 19-01-2025 17:45

Match length: 93 Minutes

Billinghurst vs. C A U: 0-10


No Po Pl R
67 1 Gk I. Ritchie       1.40
86 2 De D. Xabel       -1.75
85 3 De A. Baleren       0.98
83 4 De F. Abarca       1.40
84 5 De J. Nafarroa       -1.54
90 6 Mf B. Sal       2.70
89 7 Mf S. Koldo       3.14
87 8 Mf G. Telo       2.91
88 9 Mf S. Pio       2.70
92 10 St J. Emmanuel       2.71
91 11 St O. Beat       2.93
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts Bit CAU
Goals 0 10
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 0 0
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 1 0
Penalty kicks 0 1
Corners 0 0
Shots on target 2 22
Possession 35% 65%
No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk G. Beebe       7.74
4 2 De T. Ishmael       9.98
3 3 De G. Bladi       8.09
2 4 De İ. Doğu       8.51
28 5 Mf L. Favila       10.84
26 6 Mf L. Gustavo Alcântara       10.14
5 7 Mf H. Abadia     1 12.97
10 8 Mf A. Isauro       8.25
14 9 Mf 46' H. Wei Guang     1 8.39
7 10 St B. Gartzen       5.26
9 11 St 73' J. Fertus     5 18.51
29 12 St 73' E. Elivareo     3 9.72
48 13 Su A. Entrena       0.00
11 14 Mf 46' N. Cuevas       5.07
6 15 Su E. Ortzi       0.00
8 16 Su D. Noe       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Estadio Billinghurst
Spectators: 7533 (Terracing: 5651, Seating: 1732, VIP seats: 150)
It was fairly windy and cold on the field when Jimeno Fertus kicked off to start the match. After 6 minutes of play, C A U's Jimeno Fertus made it 0-1 when he simply outclassed the defender marking him and hit a curling shot into the right side of the net. Isaias Ritchie was left in no man's land by his defense there! In a very dangerous position, a player in Billinghurst fell when an opponent tried to get the ball from him in the 11th minute. Penalty! 15 minutes into the game, C A U's Han Wei Guang nearly tore a hole in the net with a booming shot. Isaias Ritchie made a valiant effort, but he could not reach the ball in time, 0-3. The audience was convinced that Jimeno Fertus's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Isaias Ritchie was relentless in the 18th minute of the game. Guy Beebe showed brilliant goalkeeper skills when he caught the ball after a hard shot from Silvestre Koldo in the 19th minute of the match. Jimeno Fertus recieved an excellent pass in front of the goal in the 21st minute. Unfortunately, he received the ball on his off foot and could only manage a weak shot that went over the goal. The audience was convinced that Jimeno Fertus's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Isaias Ritchie was relentless in the 22nd minute of the game. Isaias Ritchie made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Jimeno Fertus in the 27th minute of play. In the 30th minute of the match, Oscar Beat tried to roll the ball into the goal by the right post, but Guy Beebe saw his intentions and got control of the ball before it passed the line. In the 31st minute, Jimeno Fertus ran past the defenders and hit a shot which went straight ahead into goal. Isaias Ritchie was frozen by the shot and now it was 0-4. When C A U's Jimeno Fertus in the 35th minute got a chance for a shot 35th didn't hesitate and placed the ball to the right of the goalie. A beautiful save bye Billinghurst's goalie prevented a goal. In the 38th minute, İdris Doğu got an opportunity to score, but he didn't get a solid hit on the ball and ended up kicking it wide of the goal. Flavio Abarca got a throw-in 39 minutes in the game and the ball was received by Silvestre Koldo. Jimeno Fertus's shot was meant for the net just under the crossbar, but Isaias Ritchie read the situation well and was quickly in position to make a wonderful save in the 41st minute of play. In the 44th minute, Jimeno Fertus left the goalkeeper for dead before tapping the ball into the right side of the net. The C A U fans were clearly happy with the effort and the scoreboard reflected the new score: 0-5. Even after changing tactics the home team jogged off the field with a 0-5 deficit. They would have to work harder if they wanted to turn things around in the second half.

Jimeno Fertus had several of the Billinghurst's defenders around him in the penalty area when he, after 58 minutes of play, received a pass and succeeded in some way to shoot a shot which went straight ahead into goal. This resulted in a 0-6 score and a disappointed Isaias Ritchie as he didn't even see the shot coming. In the 61st minute, Nelson Cuevas got an opportunity to score, but he didn't get a solid hit on the ball and ended up kicking it wide of the goal. When the match clock showed 62 minutes, the score became 0-7 when Jimeno Fertus sped through Billinghurst's defense and sent away a curving shot that went into the net to the right of Isaias Ritchie. Jimeno Fertus sent away a hard shot on goal in the 68th minute, but the ball hit the crossbar and went out. A very good chance for a goal. Jimeno Fertus could have scored with his fast shot on goal in the 69th minute of the match, but Isaias Ritchie made a huge save. With a couple of smart ball manuevers Jimeno Fertus in the 73rd managed to get into a good position. With a left leg Isaias Ritchie saved Billinghurst from getting behind. Isaias Ritchie made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Jimeno Fertus in the 76th minute of play. 78 minutes into the match, Billinghurst's goalkeeper Isaias Ritchie had to clear away a ball on his right side after a cunning shot by Nelson Cuevas. C A U made a substitution. Edgardo Elivareo replaced Jimeno Fertus. Billinghurst's Isaias Ritchie played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Edgardo Elivareo in the 82nd minute of play. Edgardo Elivareo had several of the Billinghurst's defenders around him in the penalty area when he, after 83 minutes of play, received a pass and succeeded in some way to shoot a shot which went straight ahead into goal. This resulted in a 0-8 score and a disappointed Isaias Ritchie as he didn't even see the shot coming. After 86 played minutes C A U got a freekick which was hit by Leonides Favila. If Edgardo Elivareo had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 92nd minute. The ball went over the crossbar instead. 93 minutes into the match, Edgardo Elivareo notched a goal, 0-10, to the right of Billinghurst's Isaias Ritchie. Isaias Ritchie was clearly disgusted with the effort of the defense and let the defenders know about it. Edgardo Elivareo struck a weak shot in the 97th minute. Isaias Ritchie didn't even have to move as the ball rolled over the line well wide of the goal. A wasted opportunity for C A U. C A U played a much better game than Billinghurst and deserved their victory. The Billinghurst players were clearly disappointed as they left the ground.


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67I. Ritchie00001300
86D. Xabel0000000
85A. Baleren0000211312
83F. Abarca0000171510
84J. Nafarroa0000710
90B. Sal0000100
89S. Koldo00119110
87G. Telo0000411
88S. Pio0000802
92J. Emmanuel0000200
91O. Beat0011201


1G. Beebe0000100
4T. Ishmael000015141
3G. Bladi0000651
2İ. Doğu0010570
28L. Favila01001683
26L. Gustavo Alcântara00002295
5H. Abadia1011870
10A. Isauro0100700
14H. Wei Guang1111500
7B. Gartzen04002400
9J. Fertus511514422
29E. Elivareo3065001
48A. Entrena0000000
11N. Cuevas0121301
6E. Ortzi0000000
8D. Noe0000000