

Match date: 08-01-2025 21:15

Match length: 94 Minutes


Match date: 08-01-2025 21:15

Match length: 94 Minutes

Sundblad vs. INTER DE MIMAMI: 1-3


No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk D. Quirce       3.69
6 2 De L. Jerano       3.69
4 3 De F. Ricart      1 3.91
2 4 De E. Goi       1.80
3 5 De H. Vitin       2.43
10 6 Mf O. Ondino       3.33
9 7 Mf D. Figueroa   3.22
7 8 Mf P. Panpili       5.38
8 9 Mf F. Diegotxe       4.75
12 10 St R. Cruz     1 5.23
11 11 St F. Chepe       2.93
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts Sud IDM
Goals 1 3
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 1 3
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 5 8
Penalty kicks 0 1
Corners 0 1
Shots on target 2 8
Possession 42% 58%
No Po Pl R
87 1 Gk T. Skoog       4.27
85 2 De M. Koldo       4.97
86 3 De C. Regis   5.82
4 4 De G. Firman     1 6.93
7 5 De B. Estebe   6.45
88 6 Mf S. Bide   4.07
3 7 Mf G. Farias       5.97
11 8 Mf I. Montrell       4.13
84 9 Mf A. Eyague       5.62
89 10 St E. Bury     1 7.11
12 11 St G. Tomi       3.93
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Spectators: 5000 (Terracing: 4000, Seating: 1000, VIP seats: 0)
The mood of the audience was pleasant when Faustino Chepe made the kick off which started today's match. After some careless play in the Sundblad defense, Edmund Bury kicked a shot that curved into the net to the right of Dante Quirce. The Sundblad fans voiced their displeasure as they felt that Dante Quirce should have stopped the shot. German Tomi sent away a hard shot on goal in the 5th minute, but the ball hit the crossbar and went out. A very good chance for a goal. Hector Vitin kicked well hit freekick during the 6th minute of the match. In the 9th minute, Cristo Regis hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. A collision led to Sundblad getting a freekick after 14 minutes play. Eliseo Goi hit a great ball. After a defensive mix-up in Sundblad 's zone, Edmund Bury stole the ball and had only the goalie to beat. Dante Quirce came out of the goal and Edmund Bury tried to chip the ball over his head. To his dismay, the ball went over the crossbar and out of play. Adrian Eyague's shot was meant for the net just under the crossbar, but Dante Quirce read the situation well and was quickly in position to make a wonderful save in the 22nd minute of play. If Edmund Bury had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 23rd minute. The ball went over the crossbar instead. 23 minutes into the game, Benito Estebe was given a yellow card after he appeared to trip an opposing player. INTER DE MIMAMI's manager was livid on the sidelines, but the referee was unmoved and gave Sundblad the free kick. 27 minutes into the game, Robustiano Cruz cracked a shot to the right of the goalkeeper, 1-1. Thomas Skoog was not in position, and could only watch the ball fly in. Fidel Ricart hit a great freekick 30 minutes into the match. Dante Quirce made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Guaberto Firman in the 31st minute of play. When Robustiano Cruz came up free with the goalie in the 32nd minute, the Sundblad fans jumped to their feet. But the shot missed the goal by a fraction of an inch, and the fans sat back down disappointed that Robustiano Cruz couldn't finish the play. After some fancy dribbling in the 35th minute, Adrian Eyague managed to get in a good position for a shot. INTER DE MIMAMI's supporters rose to their feet, but Adrian Eyague was a bit off balance and shot the ball just wide of the left post. Dante Quirce breathed a sigh of relief and went to take the goal kick. After a rather tough play, Sundblad 's Orlando Ondino got a free kick in the 36th minute. 39 minutes into the game, Desiderio Figueroa was given a yellow card after he appeared to trip an opposing player. Sundblad 's manager was livid on the sidelines, but the referee was unmoved and gave INTER DE MIMAMI the free kick. The supporters of INTER DE MIMAMI booed when Sundblad was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 39 match minutes in a wonderful position. Desiderio Figueroa didn't get a good kick on the ball. In the 42nd minute, Robustiano Cruz got an opportunity to score, but he didn't get a solid hit on the ball and ended up kicking it wide of the goal. Silvio Bide kicked well hit freekick during the 43rd minute of the match. After the first half the score was level. The break gave the players a chance to catch their breath, whilst the managers went over the tactics with them again.

The players of the away team seemed most concentrated when Edmund Bury stepped up to make the kick off in the second half. After 54 minutes Sundblad 's defender was forced to head the ball over the line for a corner. It was Guaberto Firman who took care of the corner kick. Fidel Ricart thought of kicking away a contribution in front of goal but messed it up so badly that the ball went to the right of an astonished Dante Quirce, a very annoying self made goal in the 54th minute which led to 1-2. Thomas Skoog made a wonderful reflex save on a shot from Faustino Chepe in the 64th minute of play. After a rather tough play, INTER DE MIMAMI's Benito Estebe got a free kick in the 64th minute. Edmund Bury sent away a hard shot on goal in the 70th minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. Adrian Eyague recieved an excellent pass in front of the goal in the 71st minute. Unfortunately, he received the ball on his off foot and could only manage a weak shot that went over the goal. Robustiano Cruz sent away a hard shot on goal in the 74th minute, but the ball went just over the crossbar and out. A very good chance. In the 77th minute there was a penalty for INTER DE MIMAMI. Guaberto Firman stepped forward and shot the ball to the right of a diving Dante Quirce. 1-3. Edmund Bury received a nice pass in the box and took a hard shot in the 84th minute. Dante Quirce tensed up and prepared to dive, but the shot went over the goal with him having to interfere. After a rather tough play, Sundblad 's Desiderio Figueroa got a free kick in the 89th minute. In the 95th minute Edmund Bury shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Dante Quirce saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. When the match was over INTER DE MIMAMI could go home with a victory in their luggage, having controlled the game far better than Sundblad throughout the match.


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1D. Quirce00001500
6L. Jerano000010104
4F. Ricart000014113
2E. Goi0000411
3H. Vitin0000645
10O. Ondino0000232
9D. Figueroa0000826
7P. Panpili0000670
8F. Diegotxe01009412
12R. Cruz1041413
11F. Chepe0011522


87T. Skoog0000500
85M. Koldo0000550
86C. Regis0000994
4G. Firman10331294
7B. Estebe00009124
88S. Bide01001166
3G. Farias0000545
11I. Montrell0000312
84A. Eyague00311171
89E. Bury1094402
12G. Tomi0010300