

Match date: 19-01-2025 18:45

Match length: 92 Minutes

Głodne Ghule
Czechovitz Czechowice

Match date: 19-01-2025 18:45

Match length: 92 Minutes

Głodne Ghule vs. Czechovitz Czechowice: 2-2

Głodne Ghule

No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk P. Schmeichel       8.06
3 2 De F. Penczkowski       4.39
4 3 De P. Kapelski       2.43
5 4 De D. Qing       1.59
2 5 De R. Ghișerel       3.34
10 6 Mf B. Witek       5.59
11 7 Mf W. Pasterski       4.33
7 8 Mf C. Sandberg       6.45
6 9 St E. Coșmeanu       3.37
99 10 St 57' M. Czech     1 4.56
8 11 St 57' R. Zieba       1.83
9 12 St 57' F. Ferstad     1 3.90
19 13 Su A. Buksa       0.00
15 14 St 57' H. Hüseyin Afşar       1.83
16 15 Su A. Misiorowski       0.00
18 16 Su Z. Olszewski       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

Match Facts GHUL RHCP
Goals 2 2
Injuries 0 0
Yellow cards 0 0
Red cards 0 0
Free kicks 0 6
Penalty kicks 0 0
Corners 0 0
Shots on target 16 17
Possession 47% 53%
No Po Pl R
1 1 Gk S. Rochet       7.36
7 2 De H. Kutlu       2.85
9 3 De J. Lalović       3.13
2 4 De F. Madej       4.53
6 5 Mf B. Kibøl       4.12
4 6 Mf A. Obiaga       5.03
14 7 Mf 姚德默       5.66
8 8 Mf D. Hägert       5.26
5 9 Mf E. Walentowicz     1 8.98
3 10 St K. Sienkowski       4.26
10 11 St R. Giejda     1 7.88
20 12 Su T. Bielejewski       0.00
11 13 Su Z. Domeradzki       0.00
No: Shirt number
Po: Position
Gk: Goalkeeper
De: Defender
Mf: Midfielder
St: Striker
Su: Substitute
Pl: Player name
Yellow card
Second yellow card
Red card
Own Goal
R: Rating

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Match Report

Estadio da Ghul
Spectators: 8444 (Terracing: 6334, Seating: 1942, VIP seats: 168)
The sun was shining, the grass was green and the audience cheered when Radomil Giejda got the match started through his kick off. Eric Coșmeanu fired away a screaming shot towards the goal in the 2nd minute, but the shot went just over the crossbar without Sergio Rochet having to interfere. Głodne Ghule's Peter-Stefan Schmeichel played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Radomil Giejda in the 4th minute of play. Sergio Rochet showed his good apprehension of the play when he made a fantastic save on a shot from Marek Czech, who was totally free with the ball in the 7th minute. When the match had gone on for 8 minutes, Marek Czech put it in 1-0 from a short distance just to the right of Sergio Rochet. Sergio Rochet made a fantastic save in the 11th minute, when Eric Coșmeanu sent off a good shot on target. Peter-Stefan Schmeichel took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Edmund Walentowicz, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. With a little luck, Czechovitz Czechowice's Sergio Rochet got control of the ball when Marek Czech tried to sneak it across the goal line. Sergio Rochet made an important save on a dangerous shot by Eric Coșmeanu in the 15th minute. Peter-Stefan Schmeichel came out of the goal in the 21st minute to try and stop a shot by Czechovitz Czechowice's Edmund Walentowicz. But to his dismay, Edmund Walentowicz quickly shot the ball in between his legs and into the goal making it 1-1. In the 28th minute Edmund Walentowicz shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Peter-Stefan Schmeichel saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. Sergio Rochet took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Marek Czech, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. A collision led to Głodne Ghule getting a freekick after 31 minutes play. Calle Sandberg hit a great ball. Sergio Rochet showed brilliant goalkeeper skills when he caught the ball after a hard shot from Marek Czech in the 33rd minute of the match. The supporters of Czechovitz Czechowice booed when Głodne Ghule was adjudged a doubtful freekick after 36 match minutes in a wonderful position. Fabian Penczkowski didn't get a good kick on the ball. Głodne Ghule's Peter-Stefan Schmeichel played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Radomil Giejda in the 37th minute of play. Sergio Rochet took care of the ball after a well-directed shot from Marek Czech, even though the ball almost passed him on his left side. Głodne Ghule's Peter-Stefan Schmeichel played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Radomil Giejda in the 44th minute of play. 47 minutes into the match, Głodne Ghule's goal looked a bit too open when Edmund Walentowicz came free, but Peter-Stefan Schmeichel reached the ball before it rolled over the goal line. The first half was very even, with the score at 1-1 when the whistle went for half-time. The players welcomed the break and quickly retired to the dressing rooms.

The players of the home team were most fresh-looking when they entered the field to play the second half. Marek Czech was the one to do the kick off. In the 54th minute, Marek Czech hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. An unexpectedly hard shot by Radomil Giejda in the 55th minute of play forced Głodne Ghule's goalkeeper Peter-Stefan Schmeichel to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. In the 61st minute, Wojciech Pasterski hit a crossing free kick to the open man running down the field. Głodne Ghule made a substitution. Fridtjof Ferstad replaced Marek Czech. After 62 played minutes Głodne Ghule got a freekick which was hit by Wojciech Pasterski. Sergio Rochet showed his good apprehension of the play when he made a fantastic save on a shot from Fridtjof Ferstad, who was totally free with the ball in the 64th minute. In the 66th minute Edmund Walentowicz shot on, it seemed, an open goal, but Peter-Stefan Schmeichel saw the ball coming and threw himself on it before it passed the goal line. An unexpectedly hard shot by Fridtjof Ferstad in the 68th minute of play forced Czechovitz Czechowice's goalkeeper Sergio Rochet to throw himself to the left, to be able to save the ball. Głodne Ghule's Peter-Stefan Schmeichel played magnificently when he managed to stop the ball from hitting the goal, after a sharp shot by Dick Hägert in the 72nd minute of play. The audience was convinced that Radomil Giejda's extremely hard shot when he got free in front of the goal was going in, but Peter-Stefan Schmeichel was relentless in the 74th minute of the game. Sergio Rochet showed brilliant goalkeeper skills when he caught the ball after a hard shot from Fridtjof Ferstad in the 80th minute of the match. 82 minutes into the match, Fridtjof Ferstad had an open shot that he just couldn't miss and scored to the right of Sergio Rochet. Czechovitz Czechowice's manager could be seen yelling to the referee that Fridtjof Ferstad was offside, but the referee ignored the protest. 2-1. In the 85th minute, Czechovitz Czechowice's Radomil Giejda ran free of his marker and smoothly shot the ball into the goal behind Peter-Stefan Schmeichel. Peter-Stefan Schmeichel yelled at his defense, as they had left him out to dry. 2-2. If Radomil Giejda had kept his shot down it would have been a goal in the 91st minute. The ball went over the crossbar and out instead. Sergio Rochet showed his good apprehension of the play when he made a fantastic save on a shot from Fridtjof Ferstad, who was totally free with the ball in the 92nd minute. Jeers came from both ends of the stadium when the final whistle went. Neither team had looked impressive and the draw seeemd a fair result.


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Głodne Ghule

1P. Schmeichel00001400
3F. Penczkowski00001385
4P. Kapelski0000847
5D. Qing0000201
2R. Ghișerel00009310
10B. Witek00001288
11W. Pasterski00001225
7C. Sandberg0010524
6E. Coșmeanu00431011
99M. Czech1088302
8R. Zieba01001300
9F. Ferstad1055000
19A. Buksa0000000
15H. Hüseyin Afşar0100800
16A. Misiorowski0000000
18Z. Olszewski0000000

Czechovitz Czechowice

1S. Rochet00001600
7H. Kutlu00001268
9J. Lalović0000323
2F. Madej0000201410
6B. Kibøl0000610
4A. Obiaga01001713
8D. Hägert00111510
5E. Walentowicz1188713
3K. Sienkowski0011711
10R. Giejda1087900
20T. Bielejewski0000000
11Z. Domeradzki0000000