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24-04-2024 09:08
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 23
Online: 4 759


Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Stop with one touch passes game !!!

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Please Gentlemen, stop with the Pinball game or one touch passes games, it is ridiculous, it is total unreal, more than 220 passes in just one match and a lot of them without any sense.
Just one question for the CREW Members: Someone of you is happy with the new Sim? I can't beleive so.
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Re: Stop with one touch passes game !!!

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I agree, too many senseless passing. Even worst is the backwards passing to the center of the field. Any footballer knows you can do that towards the sidelines, never to the center! Also, is better the strikers head the ball forwards in auto-pass and, then, try to run to get alone with the ball. There is also an old problem: strikers get too much close to the keepers before shooting, and this thing decreases the opportunity to score. Thanks.
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