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08-02-2025 13:40
Season 93 · Week 6 · Day 40
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Is a 27 day injury too long

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My striker just suffered a fractured leg and is out for 27 days.
Is this the longest time a player can be out ?
This has stuffed up my whole U23 season - Ive been building up for this season for the last 3 . I am not happy about it

What's most annoying is I can't find any official information on the types of injuries their length and chances .

I think a month out is too much

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Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Hi! IF(big IF) I remember correctly then injury length is displayed as if you do not have clinic. So next day, injury length isnt 26, but more of a 22 or something! I remember I faced somekind of similar issue with my striker who had somekind of a head injury(concussion or something, I dont think it was fractured skull)..Length was about 18 days or something but I was able to get him back in action quicker. But he was not the same ever again! :P

But maybe you can give us a update, if my statement above is correct or something I totally remember incorrectly!

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Hey mate - its 26 days to go so there was no clinic bonus as yet

Odp: Is a 27 day injury too long

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You need to build a Clinic, which should reduce your player's injury period to some extent.

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Hey kochas - Yeah Ive had a clinic since 2005 . Maybe it needs a modern refit !
25 days to go so it seems any clinic boost has already been taken into consideration.
As I stated in the initial post there really isn't much information in the manual on injuries .

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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It's a 50/50 chance every day that your player will heal 2 days in 1.

Basically work it on a 30 day injury will take 22 ish days if you have a clinic

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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If I remember rightly

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Yeah ok - Lets see if the nurses can weave some magic

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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WTF is going on ?
I just got a 3 day injury to my winger .
Un freaking believable

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Now my other striker just got a 2 day injury
You can't make this crap up

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Another 8 day injury to my best midfielder.

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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frankiejhoffa wrote:
Another 8 day injury to my best midfielder.

That's really a bad streak of injuries 😕. Have recovery times at least shortened now that you have the clinic?

Re: Is a 27 day injury too long

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Yep - Thank god for the clinic !
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