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10-05-2024 10:08
Season 90 · Week 6 · Day 39
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Who is Sigmund?

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It took me a while to ask this question, because, as there is a Sigmund Cup every year, it should be obvious who it is about. However, talking now with my friend Pablo Gordola on Whatsapp, he also doesn't know who this Sigmund is and where he played football.

Is the Cup in honor of Freud? It would be something very random, not even Freud could explain it. There must be some explanation and someone must know.

Anyway, who is Sigmund?
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Re: Who is Sigmund?

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Re: Who is Sigmund?

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Well according to the description, is their own Santa... guess it would have been called Pedro instead?

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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darkline wrote:
Well according to the description, is their own Santa... guess it would have been called Pedro instead?

If the name of the Cup held at Christmas was Pedro, I would also ask why, as I asked here, as I have never really seen any reference to Santa Claus, or "Saint Nicholas" by the name Sigmund. And even though you, somewhat ignorantly, try to answer, I still don't know the reference, but I'm still interested in knowing.

If someone can explain the reference to me, someone who really knows, and not someone who wants to make childish ironies, I really find the name curious. Maybe it's tradition somewhere.

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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Wow you're really anal retentive, most brazilians are happy people but there's always an exception and guess I found it, I was not making a joke, I think they came up with Sigmund as they could have used any other name which is what I said.....

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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Just run it through chatgpt and it came to the same conclusion I did:

The reference to "Sigmund" in the context of an online game involving team management and competitive matches during a holiday break seems to be a fictional or thematic element rather than a reference to a real-life individual. In many online games, especially those simulating sports management or team-based activities, fictional characters like "Sigmund" are often created to add a sense of narrative or thematic engagement.

The name "Sigmund" might be chosen for its thematic resonance or to fit the game's lore. It could be a nod to a historical or cultural figure (like Sigmund Freud, for instance), but in the context of the game, it's more likely just a character created to embody the role of "Santa" or a similar figure who brings a festive spirit to the game's event.

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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darkline wrote:
Wow you're really anal retentive, most brazilians are happy people but there's always an exception and guess I found it, I was not making a joke, I think they came up with Sigmund as they could have used any other name which is what I said.....

But who said I'm not happy? I'm happy, extremely playful and good-natured. However, at the same time, I separate moments and environments for each thing. In environments with friends I'm a clown, but here, in a forum where I don't even know who's reading me, I adopt a serious stance. In any case, this talk about "Brazilians are happy people" is a shallow stereotype. I am happy, yes, which has no connection with having to be extroverted, or having to be extroverted all the time.

Regarding your answer now, that they chose Sigmund "randomly", among any other name they could have used, we return to the reason for my doubt: why? At first I thought it was the name given to Santa Claus in Nordic countries, but I couldn't find anything about it. So I wanted to understand why they chose that name, instead of any other, or instead of names that would be more easily linked to the occasion of Christmas (which would be more obvious).

Anyway, my doubt, which is also Gordola's, is also yours. There was just some noise in communication, apparently. But someone must know the reason for "Sigmund", let's wait hahahha

I apologize for the harsher response because I understood it as irony - which just leaves the story tied, haha, as you also thought I had been ironic with you in another post, as it was a translation issue.

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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darkline wrote:
Just run it through chatgpt and it came to the same conclusion I did:

The reference to "Sigmund" in the context of an online game involving team management and competitive matches during a holiday break seems to be a fictional or thematic element rather than a reference to a real-life individual. In many online games, especially those simulating sports management or team-based activities, fictional characters like "Sigmund" are often created to add a sense of narrative or thematic engagement.

The name "Sigmund" might be chosen for its thematic resonance or to fit the game's lore. It could be a nod to a historical or cultural figure (like Sigmund Freud, for instance), but in the context of the game, it's more likely just a character created to embody the role of "Santa" or a similar figure who brings a festive spirit to the game's event.

Thanks for the research.

Furthermore, regarding this other answer, which opens up a range of options to choose from, I would still like to better understand the reason for the choice, or why, in the description of the competition, they make it seem as if it were "known to everyone" this fictitious name.

A very likely hypothesis is that in each country, practically, they give a different name to the figure linked to Christmas gifts. Santa Claus in the USA, and different names in each country (Santa Claus in Brazil, for example).

Another hypothesis would be a reference by MZ to the medieval "Feast of Fools" (if you research, you will see that there is a lot of correlation, but this reference made by MZ would be somewhat unusual).

Anyway, my question is really sincere.

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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*Papai Noel in Brazil

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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pedrowebmaster wrote:
I apologize for the harsher response because I understood it as irony - which just leaves the story tied, haha, as you also thought I had been ironic with you in another post, as it was a translation issue.

It's all good, no worries, one possible explanation for why they choose the name Sigmund is that he is a legendary hero in Norse mythology from the Völsunga saga, not related to Santa Claus but maybe that's their inspiration for using the name Sigmund given that the company is from Sweden? Could also be an inside joke, like that's the nickname of one of the guys at MZ because he looks like Sigmund Freud.

In any case, the only one that can tell you for sure is one of the crew guys, Peter or Thorsten maybe?

Re: Who is Sigmund?

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darkline wrote:
It's all good, no worries, one possible explanation for why they choose the name Sigmund is that he is a legendary hero in Norse mythology from the Völsunga saga, not related to Santa Claus but maybe that's their inspiration for using the name Sigmund given that the company is from Sweden? Could also be an inside joke, like that's the nickname of one of the guys at MZ because he looks like Sigmund Freud.

In any case, the only one that can tell you for sure is one of the crew guys, Peter or Thorsten maybe?

In another group I'm in here, on Whatsap, a friend raised the hypothesis that it was a reference to Sigismund III of Sweden, who had great historical importance in the country... that's why, in the initial post, I mentioned that it was something a so mysterious, but that "someone" would certainly know - Peter certainly knows the reason for the choice. Let's wait and see if new theories (or a definitive answer) emerge about this. It's something very curious because it is the only competition - correct me if I'm wrong - of the MZ in which a name is chosen in this way, either through symbolism, or through an internal joke as you said.
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