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28-04-2024 21:45
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 27
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Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactive

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I feel like this would benefit everyone, consumers and crew.

Player pools in a lot of smaller countries are quite small and if a few teams go inactive there’s usually some quality players lost to that country forever.

Inactive teams wouldn’t go bankrupt as quickly and if users were to return to the game they would have some funds to get excited about.

Maybe only 50% of player sale profit goes to the inactive team and it’s a way to remove some money from the game at the same time and deal with inflation.

It would also free up some of the crews time to work on other projects rather than Mike constantly having to release all these ex-national players through requests in the Admin forum. They would be released automatically and not require this to be done manually. All national and club teams benefit from this.

I feel like it’s a win for everyone. Thoughts?
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Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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Iceland has a terrible problem, in addition to the few players available, we have to keep the players to play at least one match for the selection. players who are not in the national team and have not played any match, even if he has a great potential, an elite player, Mike can only send a player who is listed in the national team or players who have made at least one game. It doesn’t always happen with Iceland, so whenever we find players with potential in new teams, we call him into the national team and let him play a game.

This becomes tiring because we have to check every day if any new user has registered in Iceland.

Another thing is that the NCA has little authority and being NCA is not of great help to the NC because it can’t even leave a request for recommended players for the NC, we have to send manually by private message.

We found three 23-year-old players who did not play any matches for the under-21 squad and are on inactive teams and for this reason Mike can not put them in the transfer market.

Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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I think this is an excellent idea.

Sv: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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As manager in Norway, I can really relate to this issue. And I guess all countries would benefit from it. As op states, the process of releasing players for NTs are quite tideous, and releasing players would be awsome outside the NT purpose as well.

Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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Would potentially help underdeveloped/less user countries bridge the gap to the bug user nations.

Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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the team has to be at least 1 year active , in not all small countries will create MUlties and go inactive to fill their market

Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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pibasog wrote:
the team has to be at least 1 year active , in not all small countries will create MUlties and go inactive to fill their market

That’s a game issue though and it’s no different to what teams can do now anyhow. Sign up needs more protocol to prevent that in the first place

Sv: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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I also think this is an excellent idea. ++

Отн: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inacti

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excelent idea

Ant: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inacti

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good idea.

Re: Automatically transfer list players of teams that go inactiv

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Agree, no downside to this if done correctly
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