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20-04-2024 10:33
Season 90 · Week 3 · Day 19
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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If you have a 9 ball keeper with high stats in speed, stam and pi... and a 10 ball keeper that is weak in speed, stam and pi... which is the better keeper?

Does the extra ball in keeping make a huge difference? Or do higher stats in speed, stam and pi make up for it?
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Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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Depends... if we're talking for example 9GK - 10PI - 10 EXP vs 10GK - 0PI - 1 EXP then the 9GK should be way better.

In the end, GK is obviously the main skill and has a big impact, but it also depends on how big is the difference between all the secondary skills.

Ant: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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I remember a team in World League Top League having a 9-ball goalkeeper (Manolo Viana
) who had the best stats that season. Maybe a 10 is overrated?

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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As darkline says I think secondaries is very important. Without being significantly different though I’d take the 10 every day

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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So heres my current keeper the 10 ball one who im currently selling and my new keeper that i have just bought the 9 ball keeper. For me the 9 ball keeper looks far stronger , what are your thoughts?

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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9 ball keeper much better. The 10 ball keeper only has 39 balls altogether! Which is not a lot.

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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Cheers mate

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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Was your 10 ball keeper in prison and couldn't train or something?

Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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Re: 9 ball Keeper v 10 ball Keeper

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I'm hoping that he maybe bought the 10 baller from a manager who didn't train him well. That was the misfortune of this player who spent several seasons training with no coach or camps. Price was right so I'm hoping I can turn him around before he retires.

Brandon Quinn

Age: 40

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