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01-05-2024 07:49
Season 90 · Week 5 · Day 30
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Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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This is a cup and only some countries are eligible to play in it.

In the description, the goal is to play with teams on the same level around the world.

The countries are :

Algeria: (Top division, Div1)
Angola: (Top division, Div1)
Australia: (Top division, Div1)
Bangladesh: (Top division, Div1)
Canada: (Top division, Div1)
Egypt: (Top division, Div1)
India: (Top division, Div1)
Indonesia: (Top division, Div1)
Iran: (Top division, Div1)
Jordan: (Top division, Div1)
Kazakhstan: (Top division, Div1)
Kenya: (Top division, Div1)
Kuwait: (Top division, Div1)
Kyrgyzstan: (Top division, Div1)
Lebanon: (Top division, Div1)
Malaysia: (Top division, Div1)
Morocco: (Top division, Div1)
MZ Country: (Top division, Div1)
Nigeria: (Top division, Div1)
Pakistan: (Top division, Div1)
Philippines: (Top division, Div1)
Saudi Arabia: (Top division, Div1)
Senegal: (Top division, Div1)
Singapore: (Top division, Div1)
South Africa: (Top division, Div1)
South Korea: (Top division, Div1)
Thailand: (Top division, Div1)
Trinidad & Tobago: (Top division, Div1)
Tunisia: (Top division, Div1)
United Arab Emirates: (Top division, Div1)
United States: (Top division, Div1)
Vietnam: (Top division, Div1).

Most of the countries are ok.
But when you see the United states, Canada, Indonesia or Australia,... they are more competitive and stronger than most of the other countries.

So i think it's not very equitable this choice of participants.
Edited: 05-11-2019 16:24
Total edits: 1
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Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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The cup has 118 participants, 79 of them are from those 4 Countries you mentioned and I really don't think having a cup for 39 teams would be much fun.

I also don't think there's a huge difference in strength, on S70 a team of Kuwait & another from India made top 4

Teams that have played the game for a while are about the same strength and it's a fair competition, the problem is that many teams on smaller nations are automatically moved to the top/D1 division after one season and they're not ready for top/d1 football, but that's a problem that can't be solved.

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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Yup, true.. i didn't look at the numbers.

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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But of course there are some strong teams in the other countries, not alot of them are bad.

You can see that the top 20 are from U.S, Canada and Australia.

But it can't be solved as you said.
Edited: 05-11-2019 18:18
Total edits: 1

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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darkline wrote:
another from India made top 4

You made me just 'another' team huh ? -_-

Was that coz i beat u 1-0 ? ;P jk

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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theloyalone wrote:
You made me just 'another' team huh ? -_-

Was that coz i beat u 1-0 ? ;P jk

Well in my defense, I was using a homegrown All-American team at the time and the SIM robbed me 😀

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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Who says the SIM robbed you ? The stats were completely in my favor. You were in fact lucky to have conceded just one goal.

If you disagree with me, show me proof that you'd outplayed me :P

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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darkline wrote:
The cup has 118 participants, 79 of them are from those 4 Countries you mentioned and I really don't think having a cup for 39 teams would be much fun.

I also don't think there's a huge difference in strength, on S70 a team of Kuwait & another from India made top 4

Teams that have played the game for a while are about the same strength and it's a fair competition, the problem is that many teams on smaller nations are automatically moved to the top/D1 division after one season and they're not ready for top/d1 football, but that's a problem that can't be solved.

But for sure we can't say that it's for teams with the same level.

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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charef wrote:
But for sure we can't say that it's for teams with the same level.

Because there are teams in small Countries that are promoted to top division after playing one season, so obviously they're not ready for top division football.

As an example take your own league, you have played this game for a very long time and you won your top division games by 11-4, 7-0, 13-0, 10-0, 15-0, 9-0 and then you played a true top division team and won 3-2.... so the imbalance is innate to the league structure.

The problem is that this is a top/D1 cup with teams that don't belong there, but that's because they don't belong to the league division they're playing and I don't see any solution to that...

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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I’m happy with the format as I can always get out of my group, besides last season :(

Doesn’t help the smaller nations but it’s much better than when we used to have China in our Cup too.

Re: Division Cup - World Top-Div1

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darkline wrote:
Because there are teams in small Countries that are promoted to top division after playing one season, so obviously they're not ready for top division football.

As an example take your own league, you have played this game for a very long time and you won your top division games by 11-4, 7-0, 13-0, 10-0, 15-0, 9-0 and then you played a true top division team and won 3-2.... so the imbalance is innate to the league structure.

The problem is that this is a top/D1 cup with teams that don't belong there, but that's because they don't belong to the league division they're playing and I don't see any solution to that...

The only way to potentially rectify it would be introducing seeding and if you aren’t in the top 32 then you play for a secondary Cup
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