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06-05-2024 07:38
Season 90 · Week 5 · Day 35
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Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Training field coach preference

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It would be nice if we could set coach preferenced players at the training field. Correct me if I am wrong, but currently coach prefers players with lower shirt numbers and coach can help only 5/6 players in training.
Since people use numbers for different purposes, it would be inconvenient to revamp the for the training setup.
Teams that are competing in youth leagues have a lot of players and it is quite easy to use up most numbers in allowed range 1-99, leaving only narrow spaces for organization, which leads to necessity of shuffling and scrolling player numbers.

I have an ever increasing number of players that have reached their potentials in desired skills and I would like them not to sit around, but to continue training less important skills, yet having coach focused on other players for which those skills are more important.

In other words, coach preference should be selectable by other means, not only by shirt numbers.
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Re: Training field coach preference

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Not sure if I am correctly reading your post, but if there are more than 5/6 players in a skill box for which a coach has been chosen the players with the lowest player id numbers (not shirt numbers) are those who train with the coach benefit. Also, there are only 42 slots on the senior training field and this is what limits which players get training if there are too many players on training field. Therefore, the younger players suffer if there are older players who can still train in those skills.

As for players training with a coach, they can be moved about the training field to train in different skills.

Odg: Training field coach preference

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You are right. It was my wrong assumption about shirt numbers, but my suggestion remains valid.

The primary objection that I have it that when players reach their maxings in most important skills for their position, I would like them to train less important skills, instead of sitting around without training. However, if coaches are already very busy on those skills training players that need those skills more (or are simply better and more important players), I would like to be able to sort the players by importance for training on each field.

Currently, this sorting is done automatically by player id.

Re: Training field coach preference

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Re: Training field coach preference

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I agree

Ce: Training field coach preference

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Re: Training field coach preference

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I agree to disagree

Re: Training field coach preference

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