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25-04-2024 04:13
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 24
Online: 3 339


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

1373 XML Badges Found

Badge image

I've found 1373 of 1800 XML Badges created by Power Soccer users and I'd like to publish it all online and free for all MZ MZ Community.

The problem is: The badges look like messed up because they were made in a different version of the XML Badge Editor and/or because some of the objects are missing (as I noticed the square and the triangle) and/or some of the objects changed the id/name/code. So basically when I import the XML Code, it looks 90% right and 10% missing and messed.

Is there a way which they can fix it and we can grow up a little bit more our community with this Project? I'm also thinking about make conquests for Best Badges with prizes and some others ideas.

Thank you! ;)
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Re: 1373 XML Badges Found

Badge image
Contest not conquest, sorry!
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