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23-04-2024 16:55
Season 90 · Week 4 · Day 22
Online: 4 571


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

improve transfer search page and options

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The transfers search pages are old , outdated and seriously need some improvement , some consideration should go into this area, to make searching for transfers more streamlined , I am not saying that I have an instant solution, but I am sick of running straight into a long running script the minute that I first select transfers,
when we hit onto transfers we immediately run into the all nationalities transfer option , this all nationalities page is too compacted and causes long running scripts , serious browsing lag , and is just generally an all out pain, the first thing that could be improved is to select onto transfers , without coming onto this all nationalities page feature, but actually selecting onto transfers, and landing onto a page which would simply offer you options of where you would next want to browse , there then could be optional areas such as , EUROPE , ASIA , AFRICA , anything that does not land you instantly headlong into the nightmare that is currently happening , the all nationalities page with its long running scripts is an unpleasant experience , and there is room for improvement here..
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