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20-04-2024 16:41
Season 90 · Week 3 · Day 19
Online: 4 071


Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Height/Weight Ratio

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Hello i have a naive question,

Is there an optimum value (OV) for height/weight ratio for players ? If not i would suggest a simple formula like this :

OV= (height)^2/weight = 25

At this threshold players would have a nice momentum to carry the ball which would take the role of
acceleration in player's stats.. Above and Below this level one can speculate a gradual decraease in performance.

For instance a player with 1,80 m with 80 kg will have

80/(1,80)^2 = 24,7 player index

Note that this value is leveled by conditioners in professional football teams.

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Re: Height/Weight Ratio

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OV written above will be the other way around anyway :D

Re: Height/Weight Ratio

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According to Crew, these features as just some nice addons but they dont actually play any role in a player's performance.

Weight and Height are just some useless characteristics.

Re: Height/Weight Ratio

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Yea, I have players who are 190cm tall and weigh 104 kg...

Some belly they do have.

And my skinny 160cm-talls who weigh 60kg...

190cm = 82kg
160cm = 65kg would be ideal

Odg: Height/Weight Ratio

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196-90 and a belly

Re: Height/Weight Ratio

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nikolazpsadmin wrote:
According to Crew, these features as just some nice addons but they dont actually play any role in a player's performance.

Weight and Height are just some useless characteristics.

Like foot.
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