Federations League review and an important change!

14-05-2024 15:00

Federations League season 90.1 in football, 82.1 in hockey, concluded earlier today. ManagerZone history was created as the first ever Elite Division champion was crowned in the football game: Swedish Elite! We are also making a change ahead of next season: the new deadline for clashes has been adjusted to 3PM CEST. Read below to find out more.

Football review

Wow, what a season we have had! Swedish Elite impressed everyone by winning by an incredible margin of 8 points ahead of Federación Aeronáutica Internacional and Los Ojos de Cualquier Manager in 2nd and 3rd respectively. This was never a close call as Swedish Elite won every single clash and finished with a tidy 663 Tie-Breaker Points in total, truly a worthy champion! The fight for silver was a lot more tense, the contestants both gained 25 points and the clash between them ended in a 55-55 stalemate, but Federación Aeronáutica won by virtue of better TBP.

Hockey review
History was, in a sense, created in hockey as well, as MZ Hockey España became the first defending champions. Last season was extremely close, with three federations all ending up on 30 points. This season was more decisive: MZ Hockey España won all 11 clashes and finished number 1 ahead of Federatia Romana de Hockey pe Gheata with 30 points and ZHL Maraton on 25.

New time for clash deadlines
To ensure fairness after listening to community input, we are shifting the clash deadline from 9AM CEST to 3PM CEST. This allows the majority of ManagerZone users to finish clashes during the day, allowing better collaboration and enabling players to complete crucial matches without staying up late at night.

Federations League

Upcoming edition: 90.2 (Football) 82.2 (Hockey)
Inclusion deadline: May 15, 09.00 CEST
First clash start: May 17, 16.00 CEST

We want to wish all federations the best of luck in the season ahead!