New feature released: Snapshots!

12-12-2023 13:00

Veterans may remember how player skills were shared using a nifty service called MZ Player. A manager could generate an overview of a selected group of players, which is handy for a variety of reasons. The user behind this service was the Swedish manager oxi and the service was immensely popular, for very good reasons. It was discontinued a while back but we never forgot about it. In fact, we have just released an internal version of the same feature, which we call Snapshots.

The new feature draws heavily on the predecessor and looks similar in design. But we have expanded to include scout report, total skill balls/pucks, flags, and a few other things. In addition, you are also able to choose exactly what to include in the snapshot, so if you only want to include name and abilities, you can do that. You can also choose whether to show maxings or not. The Snapshot feature can be accessed via the Squad Summary page, where you select the players liks this:

Once you made your selection, the Snapshot will look like this (depending on which theme you have chosen):

(Please note that scout reports are only available for players who have had a scout report performed while they were youths.)

Edit mode

You also have the option to add or remove balls/pucks through the edit mode. When a player has been edited, an edit icon will be shown. Once you have made your edits, you can flick back and forth between the edited and the unedited view.

Improvements are coming!

Consider this a first iteration of the Snapshots feature. We are planning to add further improvements, including the ability to share Snapshots in the forum without having to download it first. If you have suggestions for how to improve the Snapshots feature, feel free to reach out to us through the forums.

Head over to the Squad Summary page now if you want to check out the new feature!