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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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btw Büreo trägt die Sekreterin ihren Feuerschutz natürlich nicht !!!

PS becksi: 42 lautet die Lösung, nicht 37 !!!

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Sekreterin = die welche das Sekret abgibt ... °!°

Wortherkunft [

Sekretär (mittellat., später frz. secrétaire) bezeichnete ursprünglich einen „Geheimschreiber“, dann einen Schreiber oder Schriftführer bzw. Schreib- oder Schriftwart. Ein Sekretariat war das Amt eines Sekretärs oder einer Schreiberei, einer Schreibstube oder einer Kanzlei, etwa eines Gerichts- oder Stadtschreibers

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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worauf!!!! AUF

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. . . .

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will nich :/

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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@moff: das sprengt mal echt den Rahmen sogar des Schwachsinnsthreads, buchstäblich 'vom Himmel durch die Welt zur Hölle' ;-))

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Noch longer Cat ist noch (wesentlich) longerv °!° ........

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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ich hätte lazy cat im Angebot:


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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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[CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Samstag 11:55
Crew promised us a new SIM for the upcoming season (37), but the new season starts in few days, and we have absolutely no info from CREW, regarding this topic... if it will be as an excuse, that they dont have any feeback from the users and they can't lauch it, then it will be a very lame excuse... I havent seen a useful post about this issue for a long time, so i will be very happy if someone from CREW will find some time and tells us something more, even when i doubt it...

this attitude of CREW should change, because the people want information, and we as GA's cant provide any, as we dont have any...
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Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Samstag 14:53 GB
There is a big discussion going on in the English and Swedish forum (and probably some other forums aswell) about Crew's dissapearance act. People are about to give up this once so promising game, myself included. I can not remember things ever having been worse, when it comes to lack of communication between Crew and their assistants.

It was all down to one man, Patrick7777, and now that he most likely have resigned on short notice (my guess), it will probably take some time to find someone to fill his role.

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Samstag 17:11 GB
that's the problem, you cant change the rules during the game... i know a lot of online games, where you never see any admins or developers of the game, they dont need any feedback, they just take care of the game... but MZ always had different attitude, the CREW talked with the players on regular basis through MA, GA and so... but now, for good one and half month there are maybe two members of CREW active on the forum, but still, they dont say anything specific, or things you already didnt know...

Ok, if they have any problems, i'm sure that the players would understand it, but without a single attemp of explanation, it's hard to even make a picture what might happened and what's behind this big change of the behaviour from the CREW's side...

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Samstag 17:42 GB
I agree, saying something, even if it is bad, is better than just giving us the silent treatment.

Thebopper is the only crew member currently active on the forum, but he hardly counts, as he only answer question related to cups. His position in the company is marketing. He is situated in an office in USA, and I doubt he has much communication with any developers.

I have seen Marcus Majewski online quite a few times lately, and he is the guy that has previously worked on the simulator. There is a hope he is still part of the development team, and currently working on the simulator..

Sv: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold easycanon (FA) Samstag 21:50 GB
the swedish FA cm3 tries to contact crew by phone to talk these things throug. he has come a bit on the way but its harder then you think to get the phone nuber (and get them to answer) to the right people. but my hope lies a bit with him. :)

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold wanttostrokemypuppy (MA) (GPA) Samstag 22:49 GB
This is the worst I have ever known it and that is saying something as I recall the days before Cattleyard but after Johan and other crew at the time stopped communicating well

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold darkline (GA) Gestern 00:46 GB
I'm trying to understand something, is Frank Sagnier still the CEO of Powerchallenge or not? Because he's also the CEO of Funcom.... which is a similar company dedicated to online gaming, as a matter of fact he just bought a lot more of stock in that company.....

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Gestern 03:24 GB
I sense there is/was some internal conflict going on in the Crew team, and my guess is that it was Sagnier vs. Patrick.. Just a gut feeling really. I did notice Patrick going from extremely involved in the game, to just doing his job. This change happened around the same time Sagnier invested in Funcom, that could however be a coincidence. We might never know excactly what happened.

A new Crew will probably emerge in some weeks..

It seems he is still involved in both Funcom and PowerChallenge. Both companies have their base in Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden).

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Gestern 11:22 GB
the article about the stocks is from 15th November, so it's pretty close to the date of disappearance of the CREW... and yeah Patrick was very involved in the game, when they were introducing the new tactics editor... but not a single word nowadays, strange, very strange...

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold georgeroth (LA) Gestern 12:30 GB
Hm, Frank being the CEO of Funcom too? Great! I'll start spamming all around MZ to start working on Dreamfall Chapters with Ragnar Torquist right now! :)

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Gestern 19:14 GB
yesterday i saw financial results of MZ on one sweden internet site, and three years in row, red numbers, and the losses werent small ;(

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold darkline (GA) Gestern 19:45 GB
You mean MZ or Powerchallenge as a company? Because as a company I think they're investing too much time and resources on other projects, that footy facebook thingy for example......... can't see how Managerzone can lose any money, in what exactly? Webserver is the only real cost and can be that high, then you have to pay salaries to your staff.... but what staff exactly you need to run just MZ? A webdeveloper and maybe 1 or 2 more guys and what else? Right now it's almost run by voluntaries......

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold cm3 (FA) Gestern 19:50 GB


Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold civilu (RA) Gestern 20:51 GB
Melonik, you might be on to something there... :(

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Gestern 22:18 GB
i have seen that page of MZ, but i think powerchallenge has even worse results...

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Gestern 22:28 GB
MZ has always been in the red, every year since it was launced in 2001, thus making it dependant on investors. I have checked these reports on a regular basis.

Everytime I hear a user complain about MZ being greedy, it makes me want to slap them in the head with a frozen fish. The cost of running an online game this magnitude is quite significant, salaries for the staff, bandwith, hardware, software, office rent, etc, etc.. And the red numbers clearly indicate that.

We don't know the numbers for 2010, but even though the numbers for 2009 are red, it is basically just pocket change compared to earlier years. So unless 2010 was really catastrophic (which I doubt), I wouldn't put to much emphazis on it. But maybe the decline in users might have made it more difficult finding investors..

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold melonik (GA) Gestern 22:58 GB
well, yeah, someone who dont know how it is, running an online based company, might say that they are doing it just for money, and they want players to pay for everything, but then you see this red numbers and they should understand that it's not that easy and they hardly made any fortune out of this game, money wise...

and 2010, it's hard to make a prediction, 2009 there was a financial crysis and they managed to cut the losses a bit, but what could happen in this year, i'm not sure, for the first 8-9 months it seemed that they were on the right track, the CREW was active, even when cattle left, suddenly patrick took his job and he was doing it ok, but then something happened, not sure what, and it's silent, creepy silent from their side...

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold darkline (GA) Gestern 23:11 GB
It's hard to read on the numbers without knowing what's going on, negative numbers could mean that money is being invested into something else, repayments of loans or whatever.... also since managerzone is part of powerchallenge it's even harder, we don't know if managerzone is "investing" in powerchallenge......

But it doesn't look like is managerzone the one with the problem, it looks like powerchallenge is the one that is doing really bad and dragging managerzone...... just take a look at those numbers and compare 2009 for both companies and you should see what I mean....

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied Gold jackattack (GA) Heute 02:37 GB
can you find if is profitable? ?

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Heute 02:47 GB
I agree, PowerChallenge is doing really bad, and not only that, each year their loss is bigger than the previous year, despite reducing their staff from 32 to 26 from 2008 to 2009. MZ's economy looks good in comparison, and actually, MZ had more revenue/turnover/sales in 2009 than PC, despite the latter having 19 employees more.

I would be suprised if PowerChallenge is still here in a year or two, it has always looked like a bad business idea to me, they are up against competitors like Fifa and PES.

Anyone have an account at PowerChallenge? Perhaps there is some information there on what is going on..

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied dagriggstar (RA) Heute 05:49 GB
I was an MA (although almost a year ago now) at powerchallenge/powersoccer/whatever you want to call it over here.

Last I heard the crew had very few people working on that game, just bare-bones setup to keep it running. I very much doubt you'd find anything much about it closing over there though, the community there is generally very positive about the game.

It is actually quite ironic for me to look at those figures, I originally joined that game in 2007 and that version of the game was essentially the "first' version patched up for since the game had started (so 3 years I think). Then they released a new version (complete rebuild, 2008)) because "we can't make this version any better", which was a disaster. Then they had another rebuild in 2009 and 2010. Every rebuild has been a disaster.
Right now, they're essentially selling items that give game-breaking stats boosts to players to raise their revenue.

I say all this, but also consider the complete failure of power-racing. Development on that started in feb 2008 and development stopped (officially) June 2009. All those resources and the only thing that got made was a pre-launch website.

Re: [CREW] New SIM- When?!
durch Clubmitglied hanzinho (GA) Heute 14:38 GB
Seems like they are finally trying to make money over there, cutting staff and increasing revenue by selling items that will boost the skills of players, probably a bit similar to how the Chinese Crew did it when China was on seperate servers, I can imagine. If thats the case, then they should be significanly less in red than earlier atleast.

Power-Racing is just a sad chapter, they have spent resources there in the far past aswell, allthough I think they called it F1 racing back then.

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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What about MZ?
durch Clubmitglied ciclon_hernan (RA) Heute 17:16
It is listening stronger every rumor that the company that manages MZ closed its doors, both in English translation as latinoamerican forum are talking about these issues and several users, including myself, are very interested in this topic and it would be very bad MZ closes, anyone has any more accurate information on this subject?

MZ you need, do not close
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Sv: What about MZ?
durch Clubmitglied Gold easycanon (FA) Heute 17:18 GB
can say that this is discused in the sweidsh and danish forums as well and a swedish user tries to call and email the one that owns managerzone but no luck this far more then that we know that they can think about sell mz.

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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jetzt müßte man es übersetzen können google kann es nicht :-((

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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hacken übersetz mal eben

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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jepp, soll der haxen machen

(wenigstens gaanz gaanz frei, und nur das Wichtigste ;-)) )

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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da gibts nichts zu übersetzen... die bewerfen sich da gegenseitig mit gerüchten und denken mz ist pleite, aber das dieses spiel keinen gewinn abwirft ist doch schon seit jahren klar. im englischen forum sind einige sehr ungeduldige leute unterwegs... nur weil patrick sich seit weihnachten nicht mehr gemeldet hat..

naja wer weiß, ich habe letzte woche 2x115 PT bestellt und die Kohle ist von meinen Konto gebucht, aber ich habe keine PT bekommen. tja wahrscheinlich ist mz pleite und zieht mir jetzt noch schnell meine rund 34 euro ab
dieses ganze gequatsche nervt langsam, nur weil mal 2,3 wochen nichts passiert.

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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btw das passt hier ganz gut in den thread, danke kabini

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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gerne doch,

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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@moff: genau, Übersetzung ist geschenkt
@all: Entwarnung - Patrick ist zumindest heute wieder on, der hatte schon lange keinen Urlaub mehr!

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Power Challenge Sweden AB

(Revised 14th August 2009)


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When you buy credits to activate extra features in the games, we will also require that you provide us with the necessary billing information such as your real name, credit card information, street address, etc., so that we may provide the service.

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In certain countries, some of our online games and the services related thereto, may be provided to you by third party distribution partners. To the extent that a third party distributor is providing services related to your account, you understand and agree that each such distributor will collect and use your personal information in accordance with its own privacy policies (which you will have access to when you register to play). To the extent that PCS collects or retains any of your personal information, its use will continue to be governed by the terms of this Policy.
Our commitment to secure the personal information we have collected

While PCS takes precautions against possible breaches in its web sites and customer databases, no web site or Internet transmission is completely secure. Consequently, PCS cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. Your use of the PCS sites and services is at your own risk. PCS urges you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by memorizing your password or keeping it in a safe place (separate from your account information), logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser.

Whenever you give PCS sensitive or confidential information (for example, credit card numbers for purchases), PCS will take commercially reasonable steps to protect the information by establishing a secure connection with your web browser. PCS employs a security technology to protect the transmission of payment information to the site. Unless otherwise specified herein or on the site where you make a purchase, credit card numbers are used only for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes.
Notice of changes to the Policy

PCS reserves the right to change this Policy at any time by notifying registered users via e-mail of the existence of a new Policy and/or posting the new Policy on the PCS sites. All changes to the Policy will be effective when posted, and your continued use of any PCS site or service after the posting will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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@moff: sensationelles Bild! Wobei es mich damals schon sehr gejuckt hat, ich war (und bin) der vielleicht größte While E.Coyote Fan in meinem Dorf :-))

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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hehehe ich war eher fan vom roadrunner miep miep

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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@moff: ein Schelm, wer hier böses denkt.. ich sag nur: geile Industriearchitektur ;-))

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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kabini ist Manger der Woche !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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"Skunk"......das Deo zum allein sein.....!!!!!

Mein Stürmer hat Schweißfüße ,dem rutscht der Ball beim schiessen weg........heul...!!!!

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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..blöd irgendwie, wenn man keinen Mittelfinger hat :P

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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Augusto Madeira (52845645)

um was gehts hier

.. um Finger ?

Beantwortet: Schwachsinn-Thread

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der 4er firefox is da !!!!!!!!
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