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19-06-2024 20:32
Season 90 · Week 12 · Day 79
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Is there symphony now?

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I remember playing on wing strategy was outrageously good. Basically, the winger crosses the ball and the striker scores(mostly by a header).

Now, I see it has become nerfed. Even a good winger with 8+ attributes in aerial passing and normal passing fails to deliver the ball to the striker; it gets intercepted even by an amateur defender.

And the striker who is supposed to receive the header misses the head or shot, even though he has ample attributes in heading. shooting, and play intelligence.

I understand that such a manoeuvre — making the wing play too powerful might not be nice. Still, I reckon it deserves its merit if the manager utilises good players and formation to work it. If the opponent team's defense is good enough, then they can counter it fairly. But I feel like it has simply been nerfed now(wing strategy)

All in all, I feel there is a lack a symphony. Players with ample attributes in particular fields must bear its fruit!
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Re: Is there symphony now?

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Edit: typo in last line:

"lack of* symphony"

Re: Is there symphony now?

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Counter tactics have definitely been developed to help nullify some of wing tactics over-power but they are definitely still most popular and especially amongst top managers.

I’m not sure what division you in and the competition you are playing in but anyone without at least 9 AP usually 10 I wouldn’t even consider them a winger.

There’s a misconception with some users that wingers just cross the ball in and the striker meets it on the head when in fact only around a third of wing play goals are scored from headers.

Re: Is there symphony now?

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Also, looking at your last League game and the wing tactic you played it’s far from a traditional wing tactic.

Your defense is very deep and midfield is set a little random. Obviously the longer the pass from midfield or defenders to winger the more chance of inaccuracy, interception and then poor control from the winger on the other end too. Your winger is also very isolated and only has the one target to hit, although that is quite common.

I’d look at some more traditional proven wing tactics and see if they suit your team/player better than you can be more adventurous from there

Re: Is there symphony now?

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Not sure what kind of tactic you have! Looks all over the place! I play wings. Have a look at some of my games to get an idea of where to position your players.

Your winger should be your best player in your team. Your CF needs Shooting and Heading. The one behind him does not need high heading but helps.

Sv: Is there symphony now?

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