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20-06-2024 00:30
Season 90 · Week 12 · Day 80
Online: 7 633


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Remove TA priority for keeping (F&H) and setplays (F)

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When the Training Analysis was implemented years ago, there was a discussion related to the setplays if this skill should/shouldn't be indicated as HP/LP skill.

The conclusion is that free kicks, penalties and corners are a very important part of the game, so setplays is truly a skill.

So I do agree if setplays is the highest skill, it should pe shown by the TA. But what if other skills are equal to the setplays?

Shouldn't the TA indicate the other skills?

Same discussion for keeping.

If you have a 3HP player with 3 nines, and one of them is keeping, shouldn't keeping be eliminated?

Right now there is a big probability that 3HP keep is not actually a keeper. So who helps that? If keeping is the highest skill, I agree it should be indicated by the TA, but if it isn't, practically the scouter is lieing to us.

Let's take another example. Let's say you have a 3HP player with 6 nines. 2 of them are keep 9 and setplays 9. The scooter tells you 3HP keep setplays. The player has other 4 nines, such as speed 9 stamina 9 control 9 and tackling 9. What will happen to this player? There is a high probability the owner will train him keep, the player will max out at keep 9 and will probably be discarded. Which is nonsense.

Because it makes no sense.

This is why I would prioritise skills such as power (Hockey), shooting and tackling/checking (both sports) and remove priority for setplays (Football) and keeping (both sports).

It's simple logic. It makes șanse... common sense.

Thank you.
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Re: Remove TA priority for keeping (F&H) and setplays (F)

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Good idea!

Re: Remove TA priority for keeping (F&H) and setplays (F)

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Good Idea indeed
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