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12-06-2024 12:32
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 72
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Transfer monitor

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Although I put in bids for certain players..I can see the latest bids whos winning before the deadline,but after the deadline has passed I would like to see who "won" that player,but when i click on that particular player,the screen shoots away in half a second and says no player found,but the player id is in the box then i click search but getting kinda hating to try and glimpse in that quick second who won without clicking the back button constantly when i miss this the norm? or should i be looking somewhere else in the tabs?
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Re: Transfer monitor

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If you go into Clubhouse> Transfers> Transfer Monitor it will show you who bid and how much, with the last team bidding having won the player.

Re: Transfer monitor

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and when do transfer go through ?

Re: Transfer monitor

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if you are bidding close to the deadline, if another manager bids just before the deadline, then the deadline gets extended by another 4 minutes approx, this gives you the chance to make another bid, you have to be aware of what is happening and if you are the last bidder you have to sit on top of the situation and watch the clock , you should refresh the page in the countdown to the last minute to make sure you are still the last bidder, if the player suddenly dissappears, check back to see if another manager has bid on him, taking his deadline further back.. if you are not going to be able to be there when the deadline occurs, then as John says, transfer monitor will give you all of the information you need to know..
@Dagivo , the player will arrive at your club 24 hours after the transfer deadline, you will see a message appear on Team News telling you that you bought Johhan Cruyff for 1 GBP..

Re: Transfer monitor

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Yep..I am aware of the extended bidding and so forth..Here is exactly what tabs i clicked.
Clubhouse>Transfer>Transfer Monitor
Now here I see all the bids of players I bidded,the first player I see has whatever team with the bids as well as mine which is fine,now the problem is,when i click on the players below the first i mentioned... i see the deadline date and time as passed for previous bids i did and thats when the screen instantly changes to another page saying...No player found.
I have won bids some i lose but I have to keep clicking back in the transfer monitor everytime to see who "won" ... isn't the information tab on bids for next player when clicked on suppose to show like the first player on the transfer monitor?

Re: Transfer monitor

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the only thing i can think that you are doing wrong is that you are clicking on the players name, when you click on the players name you will get the, no info, blank page, as the deal is over, and he is in between clubs, on transfer monitor, if you have a list of players to look at, look for a small circular clock symbol next to each player, click on the circular symbol and this will open a drop down menu for each player, showing the bidding process for each individual player..
when you click on the circular symbol it either opens or closes the drop down menu..
i would use the monitor to check for any bids on players i have for sale..
and also i would use it to see if i won a bid on a player that i could not attend the deadline bidding, i would check on it the following day, maybe if you tried to check up after 24 hours had passed all information would be gone
the monitor would tell you who won the bid a few hours after the deadline and you could also use it to see if you are still the leading bidder approaching the dead line, but do not click on a players name, click on the circular symbol..

Re: Transfer monitor

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Thanks heddo,yes I have been clicking on the players name instead of that circular clock symbol..thats why lol..anyway you have solved that problem for me and i appreciate it . Thanks again!

Re: Transfer monitor

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Another way is to put the player on your shortlist. For the first 24 hrs after the deadline you can see who won and what the bid was. After that you can go to the player to see what team he's on. If you won, you will still be able to see all his stats but if someone else won all you see is the basic info.

I sometimes do this with players I'm selling as well to see how they do after they leave or if I think they might retire soon to see when it happens.
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