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20-06-2024 16:11
Season 90 · Week 12 · Day 80
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10 ball keeper

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What is your opinion? Is it worth keeping an 18yo keeper with 10 balls but maxed at 5 balls in stamina?
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Re: 10 ball keeper

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Finally managed to train a youth player to 10 ball keeping only to find him maxing early in stamina.....might just keep him to see if he makes mistakes towards the end of matches

Re: 10 ball keeper

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Depends how your other keepers look. I would keep him for U-xx teams if he were my only one - otherwise I would sell him. If you do not focus on U-xx level at all - than sell him!

Btw. I managed to train my first 10 ball keeper in MZ this season too. Hopefully he won't max on stamina too early! :P But he has right now 9 balls as I don't want to waste time on training 10th ball before stamina and a.passing are at least 7.

Re: 10 ball keeper

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He needs stamina to stay still.

MZ Lessons from evosa Vol. II

Re: 10 ball keeper

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Supposedly Stamina has an effect only on speed. Speed isn't needed for The goalkeeper ;)

Re: 10 ball keeper

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kar9980 wrote:
Supposedly Stamina has an effect only on speed. Speed isn't needed for The goalkeeper ;)

How do you define speed for goalkeepers?

Sure, he's not running anywhere (most of the times)
but what if speed in keepers affects their reaction time? ie how fast he makes that little step on the side to stop/deflect a shot
or their ability to turn from left to right when a cross comes flying over their "central axis" POV?

if speed affects their reaction and stamina affects speed, then you need both of them :D

one can only wonder in MZ :P

food for thought
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