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21-09-2024 02:18
Season 91 · Week 12 · Day 82
Online: 4 935


Football » English » Open Discussion

good player?

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what do you guys or.. girls think of Marke Hamsik? is he a quality player? potentially can be one of the best in the world? has he failed up to standards?
did he did his career a world of good by staying at Napoli, if not where would it be best for him to move clubs to to take that step to further his career, Man united wanted him, AC Milan wanted him and other clubs.

I personally see him almost like a Gerrard type of player at Napoli scoring the important goal for Napoli. as a player i would personally say he is just quality proving himself for Napoli time and time again, yet he fails to impress for his national side Slovakia, some good matches here and there. possibly because there is a lack of quality players in the Slovak squad.

thoughts on him?
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Re: good player?

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He did well to stay with Napoli. If he had moved to an even bigger club, he would only be on the bench.

Re: good player?

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In career path, I'm reminded a little of Milan Rapaic. He was receiving rave reviews in his early days with Perugia, a lot of bigger Serie A clubs were reportedly interested but Perugia wanted to keep him and build something, he agreed to stay... and gradually he just settled down to being fairly ordinary.

In fairness though, Napoli right now do seem distinctly more ambitious, with better players, than Perugia were/had then.

Interesting to see how it plays out. Many are the players who go to a big club, fail and fade. But equally many perhaps are those who for whatever reason didn't get a big move at the peak of their skills and soon faded.
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