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13-06-2024 21:40
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 73
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Bug when exchanging youth

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I have had this happening to me a few times. I think it started happening around the time the "see new youth" button appeared. I would very much like to exchange the youths in the screendump, but the exchange button is greyed out.

What is the point with that "see new youth" button? I mean, if you have maneuvered to the Youth Academy and Exchange, you are doing so in order to see new youth??

Anyone have experienced the same thing? And if so, any workaround, except contacting support and waiting for days?
I tried with both Chrome and Firefox.

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Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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evosa wrote:
Sometimes arrows to exchange players grey out! It seems to be happening more often than I thought. And it usually happens when several exchanges are done in a row, or player slide button is moved up/down than exchange button greys out!

So can this issue be checked and maybe fixed?

Right now solution is to refresh page, visit exchange page couple of minutes later or pressing exchange button on player profile!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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If it greys out, refresh page or go to club then back to exchange. It happened to me as well a few times...

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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I tried exchange button on the player profile. It didn't help.
I have tried revisiting the page for an hour now. Hitting F5 button. Hitting ctrl+F5 button.

I guess the only thing that helps, is logging out and calming down. And then try again later today.

Actually, on top of the exchange button being greyed out, the scroll button also became messed up when I tried the exchange button on the player profile. Player exchange page just seems like one big bug-fest.

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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And now the same crap happened in hockey aswell :S

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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In both sports, this happened to the last "new youth". It is like the system doesn't recognize that there is still one more youth than can be swapped.

Those of us who completed the Youth Tour just got "1 extra Youth Exchange each week."
Could be related to the problem I am experiencing.

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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same problem with hanzinho here

I did the first exchange about 5 hours ago
did the refresh/clear cache routine etc

no way to exchange the 2nd youth

did not participate in any youth tour though

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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Plenty of users today are experiencing the same problem and I alongside several admins have informed the Crew about this.

p/s Support also replies faster these days in just less than 24 hours especially International Support!

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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Thanks. Hopefully Crew can finally fix this bug.

It's not the first time this bug is being reported. There have been cases where users lost out good prospects these last weeks, because they couldn't exchange them for the entire week.

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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Thank you for the report, we are digging into this matter as of right now.


Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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Thank god I only had 11/12@ youths on the exchange and none was worth exchanging, otherwise I would have been as upset as Hanz.

But to me the gray-ing appened in 2 cases:
- in the last youth
- for the first 4 (out of five) after requesting scout reports.

Good luck on solving this!

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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The exchange icon turned blue again now, in both sports.
My resting heart rate gone from 96 to 91.

Thanks Crew, unless it was a fluke and the bug is still lurking around..?

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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We have now released a bug fix for Youth Exchange to make sure the swap button isn't inactivated when you reach the last player.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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thank you

Re: Bug when exchanging youth

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hanzinho wrote:

Actually, on top of the exchange button being greyed out, the scroll button also became messed up when I tried the exchange button on the player profile. Player exchange page just seems like one big bug-fest.

This is an old bug and only visual when you enter from the player profile. The grayed out arrow is clickable although it's not blue, and turns blue as soon as you click on it.

We will take a look at this at the same time as we make some other changes, for next season.

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